
时间:2013-09-27 05:30:56

标签: php mysql






if(isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['password']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']) && isset($_COOKIE['password'])) {    
    $verify = $loggedIn->verify();

    if($verify['username']) {

        $TMPL_old = $TMPL; $TMPL = array();
        $TMPL['url'] = $CONF['url'];
        if($_GET['b'] == 'security') {
            $skin = new skin('settings/security'); $page = '';

            // Create the class instance
            $updateUserSettings = new updateUserSettings();
            $updateUserSettings->db = $db;
            $updateUserSettings->id = $verify['idu'];

            if(!empty($_POST)) {    
                // Unset the verified value if exist, by unsetting it here and not in the class, I'm allowing the Admin to change this value
                $TMPL['message'] = $updateUserSettings->query_array('users', $_POST);

            $userSettings = $updateUserSettings->getSettings();

            $page .= $skin->make();
        } elseif($_GET['b'] == 'avatar') {
            $skin = new skin('settings/avatar'); $page = '';

            // Create the class instance
            $updateUserSettings = new updateUserSettings();
            $updateUserSettings->db = $db;
            $updateUserSettings->id = $verify['idu'];
            $TMPL['image'] = '<img src="'.$CONF['url'].'/thumb.php?src='.$verify['image'].'&t=a" width="80" height="80" />';
            $TMPL['cover'] = '<img src="'.$CONF['url'].'/thumb.php?src='.$verify['cover'].'&t=c&w=900&h=200" />';

            $maxsize = $settings['size'];

            if(isset($_FILES['avatarselect']['name'])) {
                foreach ($_FILES['avatarselect']['error'] as $key => $error) {
                $ext = pathinfo($_FILES['avatarselect']['name'][$key], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                $size = $_FILES['avatarselect']['size'][$key];
                $extArray = explode(',', $settings['format']);

                // Get the image size
                list($width, $height) = getimagesize($_FILES['avatarselect']['tmp_name'][0]);
                $ratio = ($width / $height);
                    if (in_array(strtolower($ext), $extArray) && $size < $maxsize && $size > 0 && !empty($width) && !empty($height)) {
                        $rand = mt_rand();
                        $tmp_name = $_FILES['avatarselect']['tmp_name'][$key];
                        $name = pathinfo($_FILES['avatarselect']['name'][$key], PATHINFO_FILENAME);
                        $fullname = $_FILES['avatarselect']['name'][$key];
                        $size = $_FILES['avatarselect']['size'][$key];
                        $type = pathinfo($_FILES['avatarselect']['name'][$key], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                        $finalName = mt_rand().'_'.mt_rand().'_'.mt_rand().'.'.$db->real_escape_string($ext);

                        // Move the file into the uploaded folder
                        move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, 'uploads/avatars/'.$finalName);

                        // Send the image name in array format to the function
                        $image = array('image' => $finalName);
                        $updateUserSettings->query_array('users', $image);

                        header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=settings&b=avatar&m=s");
                    } elseif($_FILES['avatarselect']['name'][$key] == '') { 
                        //Daca nu este selectata nici o fila.
                        header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=settings&b=avatar&m=nf");
                    } elseif($size > $maxsize || $size == 0) { 
                        //Daca fila are dimensiunea mai mare decat dimensiunea admisa, sau egala cu 0.
                        header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=settings&b=avatar&m=fs");
                    } else { 
                        //Daca formatul filei nu este un format admis.
                        header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=settings&b=avatar&m=wf");

            if(isset($_FILES['coverselect']['name'])) {
                foreach ($_FILES['coverselect']['error'] as $key => $error) {
                $ext = pathinfo($_FILES['coverselect']['name'][$key], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                $size = $_FILES['coverselect']['size'][$key];
                $extArray = explode(',', $settings['format']);

                // Get the image size
                list($width, $height) = getimagesize($_FILES['coverselect']['tmp_name'][0]);
                $ratio = ($width / $height);
                    if (in_array(strtolower($ext), $extArray) && $size < $maxsize && $size > 0 && !empty($width) && !empty($height)) {
                        $rand = mt_rand();
                        $tmp_name = $_FILES['coverselect']['tmp_name'][$key];
                        $name = pathinfo($_FILES['coverselect']['name'][$key], PATHINFO_FILENAME);
                        $fullname = $_FILES['coverselect']['name'][$key];
                        $size = $_FILES['coverselect']['size'][$key];
                        $type = pathinfo($_FILES['coverselect']['name'][$key], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
                        $finalName = mt_rand().'_'.mt_rand().'_'.mt_rand().'.'.$db->real_escape_string($ext);

                        // Move the file into the uploaded folder
                        move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, 'uploads/covers/'.$finalName);

                        // Send the image name in array format to the function
                        $image = array('cover' => $finalName);
                        $updateUserSettings->query_array('users', $image);

                        header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=settings&b=avatar&m=s");
                    } elseif($_FILES['coverselect']['name'][$key] == '') { 
                        //Daca nu este selectata nici o fila.
                        header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=settings&b=avatar&m=nf");
                    } elseif($size > $maxsize || $size == 0) { 
                        //Daca fila are dimensiunea mai mare decat dimensiunea admisa, sau egala cu 0.
                        header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=settings&b=avatar&m=fs");
                    } else { 
                        //Daca formatul filei nu este un format admis.
                        header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=settings&b=avatar&m=wf");

            if($_GET['m'] == 's') {
                $TMPL['message'] = notificationBox('success', $LNG['image_saved'], $LNG['profile_picture_saved']);
            } elseif($_GET['m'] == 'nf') {
                $TMPL['message'] = notificationBox('error', $LNG['error'], $LNG['no_file']);
            } elseif($_GET['m'] == 'fs') {
                $TMPL['message'] = notificationBox('error', $LNG['error'], sprintf($LNG['file_exceeded'], round($maxsize / 1048576, 2)));
            } elseif($_GET['m'] == 'wf') {
                $TMPL['message'] = notificationBox('error', $LNG['error'], sprintf($LNG['file_format'], $settings['format']));
            } elseif($_GET['m'] == 'de') {
                $TMPL['message'] = notificationBox('success', $LNG['image_removed'], $LNG['profile_picture_removed']);
            $page .= $skin->make();
        } elseif($_GET['b'] == 'notifications') {
            $skin = new skin('settings/notifications'); $page = '';

            // Create the class instance
            $updateUserSettings = new updateUserSettings();
            $updateUserSettings->db = $db;
            $updateUserSettings->id = $verify['idu'];

            if(!empty($_POST)) {
                // Unset the verified value if exist, by unsetting it here and not in the class, I'm allowing the Admin to change this value
                $TMPL['message'] = $updateUserSettings->query_array('users', array_map("strip_tags_array", $_POST));

            $userSettings = $updateUserSettings->getSettings();

            if($userSettings['notificationl'] == '0') {
                $TMPL['loff'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $TMPL['lon'] = 'selected="selected"';

            if($userSettings['notificationc'] == '0') {
                $TMPL['coff'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $TMPL['con'] = 'selected="selected"';

            if($userSettings['notifications'] == '0') {
                $TMPL['soff'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $TMPL['son'] = 'selected="selected"';

            if($userSettings['notificationd'] == '0') {
                $TMPL['doff'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $TMPL['don'] = 'selected="selected"';

            if($userSettings['notificationf'] == '0') {
                $TMPL['foff'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $TMPL['fon'] = 'selected="selected"';

            if($userSettings['email_comment'] == '0') {
                $TMPL['ecoff'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $TMPL['econ'] = 'selected="selected"';

            if($userSettings['email_like'] == '0') {
                $TMPL['eloff'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $TMPL['elon'] = 'selected="selected"';

            if($userSettings['email_new_friend'] == '0') {
                $TMPL['enfoff'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $TMPL['enfon'] = 'selected="selected"';

            $page .= $skin->make();
        } else {
            $skin = new skin('settings/general'); $page = '';

            // Create the class instance
            $updateUserSettings = new updateUserSettings();
            $updateUserSettings->db = $db;
            $updateUserSettings->id = $verify['idu'];

            if(!empty($_POST)) {
                // Unset the verified value if exist, by unsetting it here and not in the class, I'm allowing the Admin to change this value
                $TMPL['message'] = $updateUserSettings->query_array('users', array_map("strip_tags_array", $_POST));

            $userSettings = $updateUserSettings->getSettings();

            $date = explode('-', $userSettings['born']);

            $TMPL['years'] = generateDateForm(0, $date[0]);
            $TMPL['months'] = generateDateForm(1, $date[1]);
            $TMPL['days'] = generateDateForm(2, $date[2]);

            $TMPL['currentFirstName'] = $userSettings['first_name']; $TMPL['currentLastName'] = $userSettings['last_name']; $TMPL['currentEmail'] = $userSettings['email']; $TMPL['currentLocation'] = $userSettings['location']; $TMPL['currentWebsite'] = $userSettings['website']; $TMPL['currentBio'] = $userSettings['bio']; $TMPL['currentFacebook'] = $userSettings['facebook']; $TMPL['currentTwitter'] = $userSettings['twitter'];  $TMPL['currentGplus'] = $userSettings['gplus'];
            if($userSettings['private'] == '1') {
                $TMPL['on'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } elseif($userSettings['private'] == '2') {
                $TMPL['semi'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $TMPL['off'] = 'selected="selected"';

            if($userSettings['privacy'] == '0') {
                $TMPL['pon'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $TMPL['poff'] = 'selected="selected"';

            if($userSettings['offline'] == '1') {
                $TMPL['con'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $TMPL['coff'] = 'selected="selected"';

            if($userSettings['gender'] == '0') {
                $TMPL['ngender'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } elseif($userSettings['gender'] == '1') {
                $TMPL['mgender'] = 'selected="selected"';
            } else {
                $TMPL['fgender'] = 'selected="selected"';

            $page .= $skin->make();

        $TMPL = $TMPL_old; unset($TMPL_old);
        $TMPL['settings'] = $page;

    } else {
        // If fake cookies are set, or they are set wrong, delete everything and redirect to home-page
        header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=welcome");
} else {
    // If the session or cookies are not set, redirect to home-page
    header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=welcome");

// Bold the current link
if(isset($_GET['b'])) {
    $LNG["user_menu_{$_GET['b']}"] = '<strong>'.$LNG["user_menu_{$_GET['b']}"].'</strong>';
    $TMPL['welcome'] = '<strong>'.$LNG["user_ttl_{$_GET['b']}"].'</strong>';
} else {
    $LNG["user_menu_general"] = '<strong>'.$LNG["user_menu_general"].'</strong>';
    $TMPL['welcome'] = '<strong>'.$LNG["user_ttl_general"].'</strong>';

$TMPL['user_menu'] = '
<a href="'.$CONF['url'].'/index.php?a=settings">'.$LNG['user_menu_general'].'</a> 
<a href="'.$CONF['url'].'/index.php?a=settings&b=avatar">'.$LNG['user_menu_avatar'].'</a>
<a href="'.$CONF['url'].'/index.php?a=settings&b=notifications">'.$LNG['user_menu_notifications'].'</a>
<a href="'.$CONF['url'].'/index.php?a=settings&b=security">'.$LNG['user_menu_security'].'</a>';

$TMPL['image'] = '<img src="'.$CONF['url'].'/thumb.php?src='.$verify['image'].'&t=a" width="80" height="80" />';    

$TMPL['title'] = $LNG['title_settings'].' - '.$settings['title'];

$skin = new skin('settings/content');
return $skin->make();


0 个答案:
