
时间:2013-10-03 01:44:34

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                <h1><a href="index.html">OBHS MSA</a></h1>
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                    <strong class="title-1">Welcome to Old Bridge High School MSA</strong>
                    <p> <p>Old Bridge High School MSA is one of the many MSA programs worldwide. MSA history "Established in January 1963, the Muslim Students Association of the U.S. & Canada (MSA National) continues to serve Muslim students during their college and university careers by facilitating their efforts to establish, maintain and develop local MSA chapters.

First established on the campus of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by a conference of Muslim students from around the U.S. and Canada, MSA National has been a uniting forum for Muslim students from diverse backgrounds for over four decades. It continues its mission of meeting the needs of our Muslim youth on campus with the zeal and energy of the Muslim students, but requires the support of the larger community." (MSA NATIONAL)</p>
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                        <h2>Upcoming Meetings</h2>
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                            <time class="tdate-1" datetime="2012-10-21">
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                                <p class="prev-indent-bot"><span class="color-1"></span></p>
                                <p>We will be staying till 4:00 inshAllah, after prayer we will be having a dissussion, or a possible special guest.</p>

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                            <time class="tdate-1" datetime="2012-10-21">

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                                <span class="color-1"></span><p>We will be staying till 3:15.</p>
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                                    <strong class="text-1">General Meetings</strong>
                                    <figure class="p2"></figure>
                                    <h6><strong>Friday 2:30 - 3:15</strong></h6>
                                    We have a khutbah than we have Friday prayer. Bus passes are provided. All are welcome.

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                            <br> <br>OBHS MSA, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED &copy; 2013
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2 个答案:

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