检查一个tic tac toe游戏

时间:2013-10-14 17:38:24

标签: if-statement for-loop python-3.x

我正在研究这个项目,在那里我检查了一个完成的tic tac toe游戏。用户在每行中输入x和o的组合以及句点(最多3个)(有3行)。我必须检查x或o是否需要太多转弯。这就是我所拥有的:

if ttt.count(x) > 5:
                    print("x took too many turns")



0 - check a finished tic-tac-toe
1 - check a finished sudoku
2 - check a game of connect four
3 - quit
choose an option: 0
option 0
For each row, start with x. Enter a combination of x'sand o's up to three characters. For a blank space,enter a period '.'.
top row:xox
middle row:xox
bottom row:xox  
['xox', 'xox', 'xox']
0 - check a finished tic-tac-toe
1 - check a finished sudoku
2 - check a game of connect four
3 - quit
choose an option: 


for x in i:
            if x not in valid_symbols:
                    print("invalid board - invalid symbol " + x )
                    done = True
            if ttt.count(x) > 5:
                print("x took too many turns")


0 个答案:
