C ++:通过ref交换字符

时间:2013-10-19 22:41:54

标签: c++


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

void swapages (int &age1, int &age2);           
void swapname(char *person1, char *person2);

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR*argv[])
    char person1[] = "Alex";
    char person2[] = "Toby";
    int age1 = 22;
    int age2 = 27;

    cout << endl << "Person1 is called " << person1;
    cout << " and is " << age1 << " years old." << endl;
    cout << "Person2 is called " << person2;
    cout << " and is " << age2 << " years old." << endl;

    cout << endl << "Swap names..." << endl;
    cout << endl << "Person1 is now called " << person1;
    cout << " and is " << age1 << " years old." << endl;
    cout << "Person2 is now called " << person2;
    cout << " and is " << age2 << " years old." << endl;

    return 0;

void swapages(int &age1, int &age2)
    int tmp = age2;
    age2 = age1;
    age1 = tmp;

void swapname(char *person1, char *person2)
    char* temp = person2;
    person2 = person1;
    person1 = temp;

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您已将其标记为C ++,并且您已经包含<string>标头,那么为什么不使用std:string而不是所有这些指针和数组?

void swapname(string &person1, string &person2)
    string temp(person2);
    person2 = person1;
    person1 = temp;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR*argv[])
    string person1 = "Alex";
    string person2 = "Toby";

    swapname(person1, person2);

答案 1 :(得分:0)


void swap_name( char ( &lhs )[5], char ( &rhs )[5] )
    char tmp[5];

    std::strcpy( tmp, lhs );
    std::strcpy( lhs, rhs );
    std::strcpy( rhs, tmp );

答案 2 :(得分:0)


void swapname(char **person1, char **person2);
char *person1 = "Alex";
char *person2 = "Toby";
swapname(&person1, &person2);

void swapname(char **person1, char **person2)
    char* temp = *person2;

    *person2 = *person1;  
    *person1 = temp;    

答案 3 :(得分:0)
