Business Catalyst创建多个价格

时间:2013-10-22 02:01:22

标签: adobe business-catalyst


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


例如,您可以设置“零售”和“批发”安全区域。然后,使用一些javascript / jQuery,您可以通过将{module_subscriptions}标记粘贴在隐藏的div中来确定用户的订阅级别。当用户登录时,标签将输出用户订阅的安全区域列表,然后您可以使用它来确定要显示的价格。


   <!--stick this before the closing body tag in your template-->
    <div id="userSecureZones" style="display: none;">
        <!--outputs all secure zone subscriptions when logged in -->

   <!--When the page loads, BC will replace the {module_subscriptions} 
   with something like this-->
    <div id="userSecureZones" style="display: none;">
            <!--each one of these represents a zone a user is subscribed to-->
           <li class="zoneName">
             <a href="/Default.aspx?PageID=14345490">Retail Zone</a>
           <li class="zoneName">
             <a href="/Default.aspx?PageID=15904302">Wholesale Zone</a>


function getSecureZone() {
    var loggedIn = !!parseInt('{module_isloggedin}');//true or false
    if (!loggedIn)//user is not logged in
        return false;//

    var subscription = "";
    var zonesList = new Array();

    //grab the zones from our hidden div
    var $zones = $('#userSecureZones .zoneName a');

    //add each zone a user is subscribed to the zonesList array
    $zones.each(function () {
        var zoneName = $(this).text().toUpperCase();
        //add each one to the array

    //set the subscription variable to the zone the user is subscribed to
    //if a user can only be subscribed to one zone, then this part is simple
    //if a user is subscribed to multiple zones then list the zone
            //you want to take precedence last.
    if (zonesList.indexOf("RETAIL ZONE")!=-1){
        subscription = "RETAIL";
    if (zonesList.indexOf("WHOLESALE ZONE")!=-1){
        subscription = "WHOLESALE";
    return subscription;//return the zone


    var plan = getSecureZone();

      //your code here
     //your code here