
时间:2013-10-25 18:52:25

标签: python regex parsing

我有一个插入符号分隔的文件。文件中唯一的插入符号是分隔符 - 文本中没有。其中一些字段是自由文本字段,包含嵌入的换行符。这使得解析文件非常困难。我需要记录末尾的换行符,但我需要从带有文本的字段中删除它们。

这是来自Global Integrated Shipping Information System的开源海事盗版数据。这里有三个记录,前面是标题行。第一个,船名是NORMANNIA,第二个是“Unkown”,第三个是KOTA BINTANG。

NORMANNIA^Liberia^24987^2009-09-19^22:30^9142980^Bulk carrier^^^Off Pulau Mangkai,^^South China Sea^3° 04.00' N^105° 16.00' E^Eight pirates armed with long knives and crowbars boarded the ship underway. They broke into 2/O cabin, tied up his hands and threatened him with a long knife at his throat. Pirates forced the 2/O to call the Master. While the pirates were waiting next to the Master’s door, they seized C/E and tied up his hands. The pirates rushed inside the Master’s cabin once it was opened. They threatened him with long knives and crowbars and demanded money. Master’s hands were tied up and they forced him to the aft station. The pirates jumped into a long wooden skiff with ship’s cash and crew personal belongings and escaped. C/E and 2/O managed to free themselves and raised the alarm^Pirates tied up the hands of Master, C/E and 2/O. The pirates stole ship’s cash and master’s, C/E & 2/O cash and personal belongings^In international waters^Steaming^5-10 persons^Threat of violence against the crew^Knives^^^^^^^^SSAS activated and reported to owners^^Liberian Authority^^ICC-IMB Piracy Reporting Centre Kuala Lumpur^-
Unkown^Marshall Islands^19846^2013-08-28^23:30^^General cargo ship^^^Cam Pha Port^Viet Nam^South China Sea^20° 59.92' N^107° 19.00' E^While at anchor, six robbers boarded the vessel through the anchor chain and cut opened the padlock of the door to the forecastle store. They removed the turnbuckle and lashing of the forecastle store's rope hatch. The robbers escaped upon hearing the alarm activated when they were sighted by the 2nd officer during the turn-over of duty watch keepers.^"There was no injury to the crew however, the padlock of the door to the forecastle store and the rope hatch were cut-opened.

Two centre shackles and one end shackle were stolen"^In port area^At anchor^5-10 persons^^None/not stated^Main deck^^^^^^^-^^^Viet Nam^"ReCAAP ISC via ReCAAP Focal Point (Vietnam)

ReCAAP ISC via Focal Point (Singapore)"^-
KOTA BINTANG^Singapore^8441^2002-05-12^15:55^8021311^Bulk carrier^^UTC^^^South China Sea^^^Seven robbers armed with long knives boarded the ship, while underway. They broke open accommodation door, held hostage a crew member and forced the Master to open his cabin door. They then tied up the Master and crew member, forced them back onto poop deck from where the robbers jumped overboard and escaped in an unlit boat^Master and cadet assaulted; Cash, crew belongings and ship's cash stolen^In territorial waters^Steaming^5-10 persons^Actual violence against the crew^Knives^^^^^^2^^-^^Yes. SAR, Djakarta and Indonesian Naval Headquarters informed^^ICC-IMB PRC Kuala Lumpur^-



3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


import re




答案 1 :(得分:2)

我发现你已将此标记为正则表达式,但我建议使用内置CSV库来解析此问题。 CSV库将正确解析文件,将换行符保留在应有的位置。

Python CSV示例:http://docs.python.org/2/library/csv.html

答案 2 :(得分:1)


f = open("events.csv", "r")

carets_per_record = 33

final_file = []
temp_file  = []
temp_str   = ''
temp_cnt   = 0

building   = False

for i, line in enumerate(f):

    # If there are no carets on the line, we are building a string
    if line.count('^') == 0:
        building = True

    # If we are not building a string, then set temp_str equal to the line
    if building is False:
        temp_str = line
        temp_str = temp_str + " " + line

    # Count the number of carets on the line
    temp_cnt = temp_str.count('^')

    # If we do not have the proper number of carets, then we are building
    if temp_cnt < carets_per_record:
        building = True

    # If we do have the proper number of carets, then we are finished
    # and we can push this line to the list
    elif temp_cnt == carets_per_record:
        building = False

# Strip embedded newline characters from the temp file
for i, item in enumerate(temp_file):
    final_file.append(temp_file[i].replace('\n', ''))

# Write the final_file list out to a csv final_file
g = open("new_events.csv", "wb")

# Write the lines back to the file
for item in enumerate(final_file):
    # item is a tuple, so we get the content part and append a new line
     g.write(item[1] + '\n')

# Close the files we were working with