更新mysql select into insert语句

时间:2013-10-31 09:40:12

标签: mysql sql sql-update inner-join



| id  | title             | authors |
| 1   | Arms and the Man  |         |
| 2   | East of Eden      |         |
| 3   | If Not Now, When? |         |


| id  | initial | lastname     |
| 1   | J       | Bloggs       |
| 2   | J       | Doe          |
| 3   | P       | Punchclock   |
| 4   | D       | Botts        |


| id  | document_id  | author_id |
| 1   | 1            | 1         |
| 2   | 1            | 2         |
| 3   | 1            | 3         |
| 4   | 2            | 3         |
| 5   | 2            | 4         |
| 6   | 3            | 1         |
| 7   | 3            | 3         |
| 8   | 3            | 4         |


select d.id, d.title, 
group_concat(concat(a.lastname,', ', a.initial, '.') 
             order by a.lastname, a.initial separator ' ') authors
from documents d
inner join authorships ash on ash.document_id = d.id
inner join authors a on ash.author_id = a.id
group by d.id, d.title


| id  | title             | authors                             |
| 1   | Arms and the Man  | Bloggs, J. Doe, J. Punchclock, P.   |
| 2   | East of Eden      | Punchclock, P. Botts, D.            |
| 3   | If Not Now, When? | Bloggs, J. Punchclock, P. Botts, D. |



update p set authors = group_concat(concat(a.lastname,', ', a.initial, '.') 
             order by a.lastname, a.initial separator ' ')
from documents d
inner join authorships ash on ash.document_id = d.id
inner join authors a on ash.author_id = a.id
group by d.id, d.title

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UPDATE documents base_d
inner join
  (select d.id, d.title, 
   group_concat(concat(a.lastname,', ', a.initial, '.') 
             order by a.lastname, a.initial separator ' ') authors
   from documents d
   inner join authorships ash on ash.document_id = d.id
   inner join authors a on ash.author_id = a.id
   group by d.id, d.title) as d1
 on base_d.id = d1.id
 set base_d.authors = d1.authors;


create view v_documents_withAuthors as
(select d.id, d.title, 
group_concat(concat(a.lastname,', ', a.initial, '.') 
             order by a.lastname, a.initial separator ' ') authors
from documents d
inner join authorships ash on ash.document_id = d.id
inner join authors a on ash.author_id = a.id
group by d.id, d.title)

