
时间:2013-11-01 19:35:51

标签: c++


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip> 
using namespace std;

class battingAverage

  string pName;
  int nBats;
  int tHits;
  int gPlayed;
  int gcalled;
  double average;
  double average1;
  double playeraverage;


int main()
   string numberPlayers;
  int nplayers;
 //enters the number of players the user wants to enter data for
 cout << "Enter the number of players you want to enter data for: ";
 cin >> numberPlayers;
 cout << endl;

//converts the value of numberPlayers to nplayers
istringstream convert(numberPlayers);

//sets integer nplayers equal to the value of the string numberPlayers
if(! (istringstream(numberPlayers) >> nplayers) )
    nplayers = 0;

cout << "This program calculates the batting average of baseball players.\nYou may enter data for " << nplayers << " players." << endl;

battingAverage ba[nplayers];

int index = 0;

//while statement to get data
while(index < nplayers)
  cout << "Enter the players last name: " << endl;
  cin >> ba[index].pName;

  cout << "Enter the number of games the player played: " << endl;
  cin >> ba[index].gPlayed;
  cout << ba[index].gPlayed << endl;

  cout << "Enter the number of games the player was called in for: " << endl;
  cin >> ba[index].gcalled;
  cout << ba[index].gcalled << endl;

  cout << "Enter the number of times the player was at bat: " << endl;
  cin >> ba[index].nBats;
  cout << ba[index].nBats << endl;

  cout << "Enter the number of time the player hit: " << endl;
  cin >> ba[index].tHits;
  cout << ba[index].tHits << endl;

  if(ba[index].tHits > ba[index].nBats)
    cout << "Enter a valid value for the number of times the player hit: ";
    cin >> ba[index].tHits;

  cout << endl;


//rounds average to 3 decimal places
cout << fixed << setprecision( 3 );
//average formula
ba[index].playeraverage = (ba[index].nBats / ba[index].tHits) * (ba[index].gPlayed / ba[index].gcalled);//error
cout << ba[index].playeraverage << endl << endl;//just temp line to check calculation of average.

ba[index].average = .000;
ba[index].average1 = .099;

 while(ba[index].average < 1 && ba[index].average1 < .899)
    ba[index].average +=.100;
    ba[index].average1 += .1;
    //prints chart
    cout << setprecision( 1 ) << ba[index].average  << "00" << setprecision( 3 ) << setw(12) << ba[index].average1 << endl;

cout << "1.000" << setw(12) << "1.000" << endl;

//version of system pause
cout << "\nPress enter to continue...";
return 0;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


ba[index].playeraverage = (ba[index].nBats / ba[index].tHits) * (ba[index].gPlayed / ba[index].gcalled);//error


(ba[index].nBats / ba[index].tHits)

因为nBatstHits都是整数,所以你只使用整数数学 答案是整数。

nBats = 10&amp; tHits = 3,您希望表达式为3.333 但它只是3


((double)ba[index].nBats / ba[index].tHits)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


一旦我将您的代码放入调试器并逐步完成它,我发现了这一点, 真正 应该自己完成。

您从int index = 0;开始,并在用户输入每个玩家的数据时递增它。 在输入循环结束时,索引现在与玩家数量相同 (例如,如果你有5个玩家,索引现在是5,玩家数据存储在ba[0]ba[1]ba[2]ba[3]和{ {1}})

请注意,此时ba[4] NOT 有效数据。但这正是ba[5]所在的地方!


我建议您在开始计算之前将索引设置回0,并为每个玩家0 ... 4制作另一个循环,以进行必要的计算。
