
时间:2013-11-02 05:26:38

标签: python python-2.7


我想跟踪我已经遍历的项目及其位置。 当我找到一个项目时,我能够回顾这个集合,看看它是否已被看到,如果是,它的位置是什么(行号)。然后,我想查看当前项目之前找到的最后一项,并查看它的名称和位置。



'Item 1', 150
'Item 2', 340
'Item 3', 794
'Item 4', 1205
'Item 5', 1869
'Item 2', 3412  <-- I've seen 2, So I want to inspect the item before it (5, 1869)

我的想法是测试2到5之间的距离,并确定它是否是噪音。 在这种情况下,我想要放弃(第2,31212项),因为2应该在5之前,而第3412行与之前的2(第340行)相距很远,并且在最后一次看到之间也有顺序项“项目和这一项。




for line_num, line in enumerate(all_lines):
# matching requires back-tracking - we will always be at least 1 line behind loop  
    if line_num < 1: continue  
        blob = ''.join(all_lines[line_num : line_num + _blob_length_])  
        # evaluate text aginst match expressions
        matches = self.match_patterns_sb(blob) if is_sb_edition else self.match_patterns(blob)  
        #iterate each pattern and test if match was successful
        for pattern in matches.iterkeys():
            if matches[pattern] and line_num >= last_line_matched + 1: #Try not to rematch
                if pattern == last_matched_pattern and line_num < (last_line_matched + 2) :continue  
                #store match info in a local tuple nested within a higher level list
                if not '(continued)' in blob.lower() and not '( continued )' in blob.lower():  
                    print '{0}  -  {1}'.format(pattern, line_num)
                    At this point I want to look into last_seen, and
                    1) Get the last seen item that matches this one ('Item 2')
                    2) Get the last item added into last_seen
                    3) do some calculations 
                    last_seen[pattern] = line_num
                    if pattern in dict(section_items).keys():
                        test = dict(section_items)
                        existing_line = test[pattern]
                        print '{0} exists with LINE NUMBER {1}'.format(pattern, existing_line)  
                    section_items.append( (pattern, line_num) )
                    # track last match
                    last_line_matched = line_num
                    last_matched_pattern = pattern
                # order and normalize the item matches
                fixed_list = OrderedDict(self.sorted_nicely(section_items, itemgetter(0))).items() 

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


sequence = [('item 1',150),('item 2',340),('item 3',794),('item 4',1205,),('item 5',1869),('item 2',3412)]
d = {}

for i,tup in enumerate(sequence):
    item,val = tup
    if d.get(item):
        print("I've seen {} before, it was {} at index {}".format(item,*d.get(item)))
    d[item] = (val, i)

#I've seen item 2 before, it was 340 at index 1


如果您需要跟踪所有过去看过item的次数,请向上移动defaultdict以累积(item, i)个元组到你的list
