
时间:2009-12-31 18:05:54

标签: xcode

我是PhoneGap的新手,在编译捆绑的PhoneGap.xcodeproject时遇到了这些错误 我使用的是osx 10.6.2和xcode 3.1.3


非常感谢 唐

Building target “PhoneGap” of project “PhoneGap” with configuration “Debug” — (5 errors, 3 warnings)
gap-phonegap-80458a0/iphone/build/Debug-iphonesimulator/include -I/Users/lydonchandra/Documents/phonegap-phonegap-80458a0/iphone/build/ -I/Users/lydonchandra/Documents/phonegap-phonegap-80458a0/iphone/build/ -include /var/folders/o+/o+iwoDblFHa23jj9u8xkm++++TI/-Caches-/ -c Location.m -o /Users/lydonchandra/Documents/phonegap-phonegap-80458a0/iphone/build/
Location.m: In function '-[Location hasHeadingSupport]':
Location.m:33: warning: 'CLLocationManager' may not respond to '-headingAvailable'
Location.m:33: warning: (Messages without a matching method signature
Location.m:33: warning: will be assumed to return 'id' and accept
Location.m:33: warning: '...' as arguments.)
Location.m: In function '-[Location startHeading:withDict:]':
Location.m:123: warning: 'CLLocationManager' may not respond to '-startUpdatingHeading'
Location.m: In function '-[Location stopHeading:withDict:]':
Location.m:136: warning: 'CLLocationManager' may not respond to '-stopUpdatingHeading'
Location.m: In function '-[Location locationManager:didUpdateHeading:]':
Location.m:151: error: request for member 'timestamp' in something not a structure or union
Location.m:154: error: request for member 'magneticHeading' in something not a structure or union
Location.m:154: error: request for member 'trueHeading' in something not a structure or union
Location.m:154: error: request for member 'headingAccuracy' in something not a structure or union
Build failed (5 errors, 3 warnings)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

您是否安装了最新的iPhone开发套件?如果您使用的是Xcode 3.1,我不相信您会这样做; 3.2及以上是目前的版本。

Location.m:33: warning: 'CLLocationManager' may not respond to '-headingAvailable'

具体而言,这表明CLLocationManager的声明没有-headingAvailable方法。该方法已添加到iPhone OS 3.0中。因此,我敢打赌你安装了2.x系列的开发套件?
