
时间:2013-11-12 10:04:19

标签: python function python-3.x random words


  • 用户一次只能猜一个字母。
  • 用户只能进行6次失败的猜测。 (当使用6次尝试失败时丢失)。
  • 如果用户在使用6次失败尝试之前猜到完整的单词,则会赢。


  1. 当进入下一轮猜测时,如何让猜测的信留在空白处?
  2. 如果这个单词有两个相同的字母,我怎么才能在空白处显示它?
  3. 如何显示每轮用户遗失的所有信件?
  4. 这是我到目前为止所做的:

    import random
    wordlist = ['giraffe','dolphin',\
                'blue','purple', \
    #Obtain random word
    randWord = random.choice(wordlist)
    #Determine length of random word and display number of blanks
    blanks = '_ ' * len(randWord)
    print ()
    print ("Word: ",blanks)
    #Set number of failed attempts
    count = 6
    #Obtain guess
    while True:
        print ()
        guess = input ("Please make a guess: ")   
        if len(guess) != 1:
            print ("Please guess one letter at a time!")
        elif guess not in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz':
           print ("Please only guess letters!")
    #Check if guess is found in random word
        for letters in randWord:
            if guess == letters:
                letterIndex = randWord.index(guess)
                newBlanks = blanks[:letterIndex*2] + guess + blanks[letterIndex*2+1:]
                print ("Guess is correct!")
                count -=1
                print ("Guess is wrong! ", count, " more failed attempts allowed.")
        print("Word: ",newBlanks) 


    Word: _ _ _ _ _ _ 
    Please make a guess: l
    Guess is correct!
    Word: _ _ _ _ l _ 
    Please make a guess: z
    Guess is wrong! 5 more failed attempts allowed.
    Word: _ _ _ _ l _ 
    Missed: z
    Please make a guess: o
    Guess is wrong! 4 more failed attempts allowed.
    Word: _ _ _ _ l _ 
    Missed: z, o
    Please make a guess: p
    Guess is correct!
    Word: p _ _ p l _ 
    Missed: z, o
    Please make a guess: e
    Guess is correct!
    Word: p _ _ p l e 
    Missed: z, o
    Please make a guess: r
    Guess is correct!
    Word: p _ r p l e 
    Missed: z, o
    Please make a guess: u
    Guess is correct!
    Word: p u r p l e 
    YOU WON!

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


如何将猜测的信件留在空白处   下一轮的猜测?





letterIndex = randWord.index(guess)将仅返回字符串中第一次出现的猜测。




答案 1 :(得分:0)

我没有重复使用上一轮中的newBlanks字符串,而是建议使用join和简单的列表理解重新构建它,使用包含所有猜测的字符串guessed,例如{ {3}}。另请注意,检查正确/错误字母不会以这种方式运行,但会减少字段中每个字母的count,而不是猜测的字母。请改用if guess in randWord:。此外,如果count不是单个字母,您可以使用while作为continue循环的条件,guess使用循环的下一次迭代。


guessed = ""
while count >= 0:
    guess = input ("Please make a guess: ")   
    # ... check guess, continue if not a letter
    guessed += guess

    if guess in randWord:
        # ... print 'correct', else 'not correct', decrease count

    newBlanks = " ".join(c if c in guessed else "_" for c in randWord)
    print("Word: ",newBlanks)