
时间:2013-11-20 06:31:40

标签: asp.net c#-4.0

在我的网站上我正在使用colorbox执行popup div(在母版页中)。我需要的是我只想弹出这个颜色框一次,然后只在登录后弹出。 Hi , In my site am doing popup div with colorbox (in master page). its working fine. but i want to pop up this colorbox div after successfull login. this is also done. but my req is i want to popup this color box only once and that to after login only. so could u give any suggestion to find the page is loading firsttime or second time. not using (!ispostback concept in page load)

 $(document).ready(function () {
            var hfClose = $('#hfCloseColorbox').val();
            var page = $(location).attr('pathname');  // index.php 
            if (page == '/Default.aspx') {
                if (hfClose == '2') {
                    $.colorbox({ width: "32%", inline: true, href: "#DisplayChat" });
 if (!IsPostBack)
            if (hfCloseColorbox.Value == "")
                hfCloseColorbox.Value = "2";
            else if (ViewState["count"] == null)
                hfCloseColorbox.Value = Convert.ToString(int.Parse(hfCloseColorbox.Value) + 1);
            else if (ViewState["count"].ToString() == "1")
                hfCloseColorbox.Value = Convert.ToString(int.Parse(ViewState["count"].ToString()) + 1);

            hfCloseColorbox.Value = Convert.ToString(int.Parse(hfCloseColorbox.Value) + 1);
            if (ViewState["count"] == null)
                hfCloseColorbox.Value = Convert.ToString(int.Parse(hfCloseColorbox.Value) + 1);
            else if (ViewState["count"].ToString() == "1")
                hfCloseColorbox.Value = Convert.ToString(int.Parse(ViewState["count"].ToString()) + 1);

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if (ViewState["Foo"] != null && ViewState["Foo"] == "True")
    // Code for Pop-Up display

只有为ViewState [“Foo”]赋值的地方才是成功登录后的代码。
