
时间:2013-11-20 08:00:29

标签: linux bash shell


echo "You are in test1.sh"
read -p "Enter some text : " text1
echo "You entered : $text1"
bash <<!
        echo "You are now in a here-document"
        read -p "Enter some more text : " text2
        echo "You also entered : $text2"
        echo "End of the here-document"
echo "End of test1.sh"

当我将其作为sh test1.sh运行时,将完全跳过第二个read语句。这是输出:

$ sh test1.sh
You are in test1.sh
Enter some text : hello
You entered : hello
You are now in a here-document
End of the here-document
End of test1.sh


$ ./test1.sh
You are in test1.sh
./test1.sh[11]: read: no query process
You entered :
You are now in a here-document
End of the here-document
End of test1.sh

如果我将test1.sh更改为使用/ dev / tty,

echo "You are in test1.sh"
read -p "Enter some text : " text1
echo "You entered : $text1"
bash <<!
        echo "You are now in a here-document" > /dev/tty
        read -p "Enter some more text : " text2 < /dev/tty
        echo "You also entered : $text2" > /dev/tty
        echo "End of the here-document" > /dev/tty
echo "End of test1.sh"


$ sh test1.sh
You are in test1.sh
Enter some text : hello
You entered : hello
You are now in a here-document
Enter some more text : bye
You also entered :
End of the here-document
End of test1.sh



echo "You are in test1.sh"
read -p "Enter some text : " text1
echo "You entered : $text1"
bash <<!
        echo "You are now in a here-document" > /dev/stdout
        read -p "Enter some more text : " text2 < /dev/stdin
        echo "You also entered : $text2" > /dev/stdout
        echo "End of the here-document" > /dev/stdout
echo "End of test1.sh"


$ sh test1.sh
You are in test1.sh
Enter some text : hello
You entered : hello
You are now in a here-document
You also entered :
End of the here-document
End of test1.sh


我想将每个read语句的输入分别读入text1和text2,我希望$ text1和$ text2都能被回显。你能告诉我出了什么问题吗?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



在第三个脚本中,read未被回显的原因是因为here读取here文档的shell扩展了here-document中的变量。但是变量$text2是在子shell进程中设置的。您可以使用$text2解决此问题 - 在结束标记周围加上引号意味着here-document应该被视为文字字符串,并且不应该扩展变量。


答案 1 :(得分:0)


echo "You are in test1.sh"
read -p "Enter some text : " text1
echo "You entered : $text1"
bash <<!
        echo "You are now in a here-document"
        read -p "Enter some more text : " text2
        echo "You also entered : $text2"
        echo "End of the here-document"
echo "End of test1.sh"

