用于复杂方法调用的PInvoke C#

时间:2013-11-21 09:44:30

标签: c# pinvoke

我正在使用3. party SDK,它由.dll,.lib和.h文件组成。 我正在使用.dll来对付PInvoke。和.h文件一起查看函数名称和参数。 (所以我没有使用.lib文件)。


我试图包装的函数叫做InitBaseComponent,我可以调用它,但是它返回一个“Error In Argument”枚举。所以我的猜测是编组导致了这个问题。 所以问题是:我这样做了吗?


//C Function: InitBaseComponent(...)
ERROR InitBaseComponent(
    Method_Interface* methodInterface, //[in]
    void* methodInst, //[in]
    ErrorCallBackFunction errorCallbackFunc, //[in]
    void* ErrorCallbackInst, //[in]
    Component* BaseComponent //[in, out]

//C# Function: InitBaseComponent(...)
[DllImport("externalSDK.dll", EntryPoint = "InitBaseComponent", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern ERROR InitBaseComponent(
    Method_Interface methodInterface, 
    IntPtr methodInst, 
    ErrorCallBackFunction errorCallbackFunc, 
    IntPtr ErrorCallbackInst, 
    out Component BaseComponent 


//C Enum: ERROR 
typedef enum ERROR_E {
    OK = 0, //Everything is ok
    E_ARG = 1, //Error in the Arguments 
    E_DATA = 2 //Data error
    //And more...

 //C# Enum: ERROR
 public enum ERROR
    OK = 0, //Everything is ok
    E_ARG = 1, //Error in the Arguments 
    E_DATA = 2 //Data error
    //And more...


//C struct: Method_Interface
typedef struct Method_Interface_S 
    void* (*Method1)(void* Inst, size_t size);
    void* (*Method2)(void* Inst, size_t nelements, size_t bytes);
    void* (*Method3)(void* Inst, void *pointer, size_t size);
    void (*Method4)(void* Inst, void* pointer);

//C# class: Method_Interface
public class Method_Interface
    public delegate void Method1_delegate(IntPtr Inst, uint size);

    public delegate void Method2_delegate(IntPtr Inst, uint nelements, uint bytes);

    public delegate void Method3_delegate(IntPtr Inst, IntPtr pointer, uint size);

    public delegate void Method4_delegate(IntPtr Inst, IntPtr pointer);

    public Method1_delegate Method1;
    public Method2_delegate Method2;
    public Method3_delegate Method3;
    public Method4_delegate Method4;


//C ErrorCallBackFunction
typedef void (*ErrorCallBackFunction)(void* errorCallBackInst, ERROR errorCode, const char* szMessage, const char* szDetail);

//C# delegate: ErrorCallBackFunction
public delegate void ErrorCallBackFunction(IntPtr errorCallBackInst, ERROR errorCode, string szMessage, string szDetail);


//C struct: Component
typedef struct Component_S
    void* ObjPointer;    
    unsigned long number; 
} Component;

//C# class: Component
public class Component
    public IntPtr ObjPointer;
    public ulong number;


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


public static extern ERROR InitBaseComponent(
    Method_Interface methodInterface, 
    IntPtr methodInst, 
    ErrorCallBackFunction errorCallbackFunc, 
    IntPtr ErrorCallbackInst, 
    Component BaseComponent 



  1. size_t是指针大小的,因此您在{64}平台上的翻译将失败。
  2. 在Windows上,C#uint是64位,但C ++ long是32位。所以你对C ++ long结构的翻译是错误的。必须使用Component类型声明number字段。