
时间:2013-11-23 02:20:28

标签: java class variables symbols


import java.text.DecimalFormat;

public class LuxuryCarRental extends CarRental{

private boolean chauffeur;
private double dailyChauffeurFee;

public LuxuryCarRental(String renterName, int renterZip, String sizeOfCar,int rentalDays, boolean chauffeur) {
    super(renterName, renterZip, sizeOfCar, rentalDays);
    this.chauffeur = chauffeur;

public void display(){

    super.dailyRentalFee = 79.99;

    this.dailyChauffeurFee = 0;
        this.dailyChauffeurFee = 200;

    super.totalRentalFee = super.dailyRentalFee * super.getRentalDays() + this.dailyChauffeurFee * super.getRentalDays();

    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");

    System.out.println("Car Rental - Renter Name : " + super.getRenterName() + ", Renter Zip: " + super.getRenterZip() + 
            ", Rental Days : " + super.getRentalDays() + 
            ", Daily Rental Fee: " + dailyRentalFee + ", Daily Chauffer Fee: " + dailyChauffeurFee + 
            ", Total Rental Fee: " + df.format(totalRentalFee));



  public class CarRental {

private String renterName;
private int renterZip;
private String sizeOfCar;
private int rentalDays;
protected double dailyRentalFee;
protected double totalRentalFee;

public class UseCarRental

public class LuxuryCarRental extends CarRental {

private boolean chauffeur;

private double dailyChauffeurFee;

public CarRental(String renterName, int renterZip, String sizeOfCar, int rentalDays)
    renterName = renterName;
    renterZip = renterZip;
    sizeOfCar = sizeOfCar;
    rentalDays = rentalDays;


public class CarRental 

public static void main(String[] args) 

private String renterName;
private int renterZip;
private String sizeOfCar;
private int rentalDays;
protected double dailyRentalFee;
protected double totalRentalFee;

public CarRental(String renterName, int renterZip, String sizeOfCar, int rentalDays)
    renterName = renterName;
    renterZip = renterZip;
    sizeOfCar = sizeOfCar;
    rentalDays = rentalDays;

 public void setDailyRentalFee(double dailyRentalFee) 


 this.dailyRentalFee = dailyRentalFee;


public double getDailyRentalFee() 


 return dailyRentalFee;


public void display(){

        dailyRentalFee = 29.99;         

  else if(sizeOfCar.equalsIgnoreCase("midsize"))
        dailyRentalFee = 38.99;         
    } else {
        dailyRentalFee = 43.50;         

    //calculates total rental fee
    this.totalRentalFee = this.dailyRentalFee * rentalDays;

    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");

    //displays output
    System.out.println("Car Rental - Renter Name : " + renterName + ", Renter Zip: " + renterZip + 
            ", Size of car: " + sizeOfCar + ", Rental Days : " + rentalDays + 
            ", Daily Rental Fee: " + dailyRentalFee + ", Total Rental Fee: " + df.format(totalRentalFee));

public String getRenterName() 
    return renterName;

public int getRenterZip() 
    return renterZip;

public int getRentalDays() 
    return rentalDays;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

super.dailyRentalFee = 79.99;


我认为您的班级有private字段dailyRentalFee? 改为protected。或者使用public/protected getter和setter。



class SuperClass {
   protected int someValue = 5;
   private int anotherValue = 10;

class SubClass extends SuperClass {
   public void doSomething() {
      someValue = 6; // I can access it because it's protected instead of private
      anotherValue = 1; // I can't access it because it's private and only accessible in the SuperClass


  • 删除super.Xsuper()用于调用超类的构造函数
  • 使用protectedpublic访问标识符代替private

答案 1 :(得分:0)

首先,super不能像你使用它一样工作。 当你扩展一个类CarRental时,你继承了该类的所有publicprotected成员。因此,要使用超类的变量,您不必使用前缀super,您可以像使用子类一样使用该变量。所以而不是

super.dailyRentalFee = 79.99;


dailyRentalFee = 79.99;  // since dailyRentalFee is protected in class CarRental
                         // this will work


super.totalRentalFee = super.dailyRentalFee * super.getRentalDays() + this.dailyChauffeurFee * super.getRentalDays();


totalRentalFee = dailyRentalFee * getRentalDays() + this.dailyChauffeurFee * getRentalDays();


关于你在@Jeroen的答案中提到的错误'评论, 确保LuxuryCarRentalCarRental位于同一package。简单来说, 确保两个文件都在同一个文件夹中。



class Sample {
  public static void main(String[] args) { //this is how all main methods would look

    LuxuryCarRental luxuryCar = new LuxuryCarRental("A",62020,"SUV",10,true);
    //call the LuxuryCarRental methods as per your coding requirements



class CarRental {
  //CarRental code

class LuxuryCarRental {
  //LuxuryCarRental code

class Test {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    LuxuryCarRental luxuryCar = new LuxuryCarRental("A",62020,"SUV",10,true);