如何在do-while循环期间重置c ++中的所有值?

时间:2013-11-29 16:02:43

标签: c++


现在,当用户按Y时,此代码会保留所有值的堆叠。 我该怎么做才能清除以前所有变量的值?

double monthlyPayment; //Get the monthly payment from user
double balance; // formula to calculate the loan.
double interestRate; // get the interest rate from user
double interestPaid;
double total_amount_of_interest_paid;
double initialBala`enter code here`nce; // get the initial cost of the item/loan.
char continueMessage; // to continue the program.
int month = 1;
cout.setf(ios::fixed);  // 2 decimal places for decimal values.


cout << "Enter the amount of the loan: "; //Getting the amount of the loan from user.

//Error checking for balance
        if(!(cin >> initialBalance) || initialBalance<= 0.0)
            cin.clear(); //Reset the failed state
            cin.ignore(1000, '\n'); //Discards up to 1000 characters or until it reaches a new line.
            cout << "Please enter positive numbers only: ";
        }while(!(cin >> initialBalance) || initialBalance <= 0.0);

cout << "Enter the interest rate per month in percentage(%): "; //Getting interest rate from user.

//Error checking for interest rate. If the value is less than 1 means user entered the value in decimal form.
if (!(cin >> interestRate) || interestRate < 1.0)
            cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
            cout << "Please make sure you enter postive numbers and in percentage form: " ;
        }while(!(cin >> interestRate )|| interestRate <=0.0);

cout << "Please enter your monthly payment: ";// Getting monthly payment from user.

//Error checking for monthly payment. Value entered must be positive numbers.
if(!(cin >> monthlyPayment) || monthlyPayment < 0.0)
                cin.ignore(1000, '\n');
                cout << "Please enter positive numbers only: ";
            }while(!(cin >> monthlyPayment) || monthlyPayment <0.0);

    balance = initialBalance;
    interestRate = interestRate/100;
    balance = balance - (monthlyPayment - (balance * (interestRate)));
    cout << "Your remaining debt on month 1 is: $"<<balance<<endl;

    while(balance > 0)
            if (balance < monthlyPayment){
                balance = balance - balance; // when monthly payment more than balance means the debt is fully settled.
                balance = balance - (monthlyPayment - (balance * (interestRate)));
            cout << "Your remaining debt on month "<<month<<" is: $" << balance <<endl;

        cout << "Number of months taken to clear the debt: "<<month<<endl;

        total_amount_of_interest_paid = (monthlyPayment*month) - initialBalance;
        cout << "Total amount of interest paid over the life of the loan: "<<total_amount_of_interest_paid;

        //Ask the use whether wants to continue the program or not.
        cout << "\n\nPress 'y' or 'Y' to continue (other characters to quit): ";
        cin >> continueMessage;

}while(continueMessage == 'y' || continueMessage =='Y');

return 0;


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


do {

   // Ask the user whether wants to continue the program or not.
    cout << "\n\nPress 'y' or 'Y' to continue (other characters to quit): ";
    cin >> continueMessage;

} while (continueMessage == 'y' || continueMessage =='Y');


void calculateInterest(void) {
    double monthlyPayment; //Get the monthly payment from user
    double balance; // formula to calculate the loan.
    double interestRate; // get the interest rate from user

