使用applescript在FileMaker Pro中创建外部文件引用

时间:2013-12-02 16:30:57

标签: applescript filemaker

我有一个带有外部文件容器字段的FileMaker Pro 12数据库。我想使用applescript创建记录并自动填充此字段。我已经尝试了几件事,但是我得到了相应的错误。

set theFilePath to choose file with prompt "Please select your file:"
tell application "Finder"
    set theFile to file theFilePath
end tell
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
    set theRecord to create new record at database "MyDatabase"
    tell theRecord
        set cell "file" to theFile
    end tell
end tell


error "Can’t make «class docf» \"movie.MOV\" of «class cfol» \"compressed\" of «class cdis» \"Drobo\" of application \"Finder\" into the expected type." number -1700 from «class docf» "movie.MOV" of «class cfol» "compressed" of «class cdis» "Drobo"


set cell "file" to theFilePath
set cell "file" to (theFile as alias)


error "FileMaker Pro got an error: Can’t set cell \"file\" of record ID 276.0 of table \"MyDatabase\" of database \"MyDatabase.fmp12\" to alias \"Drobo:compressed:movie.MOV\"." number -10006 from cell "file" of record ID 276.0 of table "MyDatabase" of database "MyDatabase.fmp12"

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

FileMaker 12对外部文件容器使用特殊的字符串路径格式。它与Posix类似,但具有自定义协议标识符和驱动器名称。

例如 filemac:/MacintoshHD/Users/JohnSmith/Documents/test.xlsx(更多信息见here


set theFilePath to choose file with prompt "Please select your file:"

set theFileRef to makeFMPExternalFileRef(theFilePath)

tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced"
    set theRecord to create new record at database "MyDatabase"
    tell theRecord
        set cell "file" to theFileRef
    end tell
end tell

on makeFMPExternalFileRef(fromFile)
    tell application "Finder" to return "filemac:/" & (the name of the disk of fromFile) & (the POSIX path of fromFile)
end makeFMPExternalFileRef

答案 1 :(得分:0)



set theFilePath to choose file with prompt "Please select your file:"
tell application "Finder"
    set theFile to file theFilePath
end tell
tell application "FileMaker Pro"
    set theRecord to create new record at database "MyDatabase"
    tell theRecord
        set cell "filePath" to "filemac:" & POSIX path of theFile
    end tell
    do script "File Linker"
end tell


Go to Record/Request/Page [First]
    If [ not MyDatabase::file]
        Set Variable [$filePath; Value:MyDatabase::filePath]
        Insert File [MyDatabase::file; "$filePath"]
    End If
    Go to Record/Request/Page [Next; Exit after last]
End Loop

