
时间:2013-12-03 05:14:39

标签: haskell types imp imperative



    type Name = String

- 程序是变量声明的系列(列表)和语句的系列(列表)。

    type Prog = ([TypeEnv],[Stmt])

- 变量声明是类型和变量名称

    type TypeEnv = (Type,Name)

- 类型是“int”或“bool”,或“int [] .. []”或“bool [] .. []”

   data Type = BaseType BT | ArrayType BT Int deriving Show
   data BT = TyInt | TyBool deriving Show

- 声明是......

   data Stmt =
   Assign Name Exp                -- ...assignment (<name> := <exp>;)
   | If Exp [Stmt] [Stmt]           -- ...if-then-else (if <bexp> { <stmt>* } else { <stmt>* })
   | While Exp [Stmt]               -- ...a while-loop (while <bexp> { <stmt>*> })
   | Let Name Exp [Stmt]            -- ...let bindings (let <name>=<exp> in { <stmt> *}) 
   | LetArray Name [Exp] Exp [Stmt] -- ...let-array binding (letarray <name> [ <exp> ] .. [ <exp> ] := <exp> in { <stmt>* })
   | Case Exp [(Int,[Stmt])]        -- ...a case statements
   | For Name Exp Exp [Stmt]        -- ...a for-loop
   | ArrayAssign Name [Exp] Exp       -- ...or array assignment (<name> [ <exp> ] .. [ <exp> ] := <exp>;)
   deriving Show

- 表达式是......

data Exp =
Add Exp Exp             -- ...addition (<exp> + <exp>)
| Sub Exp Exp             -- ...subtract (<exp> - <exp>)
| Mul Exp Exp             -- ...multiplication (<exp> * <exp>)
| Neg Exp                 -- ...negation (-<exp>)
| Var Name                -- ...a variable (<name>)
| LitInt Int              -- ...an integer literal (e.g. 3, 0, 42, 1999)
| VarArray Name [Exp]     -- ...or an array lookup (<name> [ <exp> ])
| IsEq Exp Exp            -- ...test for equality (<exp> == <exp>)
| IsNEq Exp Exp           -- ...test for inequality (<exp> != <exp>)
| IsGT Exp Exp            -- ...test for greater-than (<exp> > <exp>)
| IsLT Exp Exp            -- ...test for less-than (<exp> < <exp>)
| IsGTE Exp Exp           -- ...test for greater-or-equal (<exp> >= <exp>)
| IsLTE Exp Exp           -- ...test for less-or-equal (<exp> <= <exp>)
| And Exp Exp             -- ...boolean and (<bexp> && <bexp>)
| Or Exp Exp              -- ...boolean or (<bexp> || <bexp>)
| Not Exp                 -- ...boolean negation (!<bexp>)
| LitBool Bool            -- ... or a boolean literal (true or false)
deriving Show


键入的功能检查程序从typecheck开始。 typecheck使用typecheckstmt来键入检查第一个语句和typecheckstmtlist以检查程序的其余部分。然后,这些函数使用typecheckexp来检查任何表达式。显然,我有一个非常基本的实现框架。我只是想知道我是否朝着正确的方向前进,如果有人有任何指示。

   typecheck :: Prog -> Bool
   typecheck _ = True
   typecheck (types, x: xs) = (typecheckstmt types x) && (typecheckstmtlist types xs)

   typecheckstmt :: [TypeEnv] -> Stmt -> Bool
   typecheckstmt _ _ = True
   typecheckstmt types (Assign x e) = if checkequaltypes x e
                  then True && typecheckexp types e
                  else False
   typecheckstmt types (If e stmtlst1 stmtlst2) = typecheckexp types e 
                       && typecheckstmtlist types stmtlst1 
                       && typecheckstmtlist types stmtlst2
   typecheckstmt types (While e stmtlst) = typecheckexp types e 
                    && typecheckstmtlist types stmtlst
   typecheckstmt types (Let x e stmtlst) = if checkequaltype types x e
                       then True && typecheckexp types e
                             && typecheckstmtlist types stmtlst
                       else False
   typecheckstmt types (LetArray x es e2 stmtlst) = 
   typecheckstmt types (Case e cases) = 
   typecheckstmt types (For x e1 e2 stmtlst) = if checkequaltype types x e1 
                           && checkequaltype types x e2 
                           then True && typecheckstmtlist stmtlst 
                           else False
   typecheckstmt types (ArrayAssign x es e2) = 

   typecheckstmtlist :: [TypeEnv] -> [Stmt] -> Bool
   typecheckstmtlist _ _ = True
   typecheckstmtlist types [x] = typecheckstmt types x
   typecheckstmtlist types x:xs = typecheckstmt types x && typecheckstmtlist types xs

   typecheckexp :: [TypeEnv] -> Exp -> Bool
   typecheckexp types (Add e1 e2) = 
   typecheckexp types (Sub e1 e2) =
   typecheckexp types (Mul e1 e2) =
   typecheckexp types (Neg e1) =
   typecheckexp types (Var x) =
   typecheckexp types (LitInt i) = 
   typecheckexp types (VarArray x explist) =
   typecheckexp types (IsEq e1 e2) = 
   typecheckexp types (IsNEq e1 e2) = 
   typecheckexp types (IsGT e1 e2) = 
   typecheckexp types (IsLT e1 e2) = 
   typecheckexp types (IsGTE e1 e2) =
   typecheckexp types (IsLTE e1 e2) = 
   typecheckexp types (And e1 e2) =
   typecheckexp types (Or e1 e2) = 
   typecheckexp types (Not e) = 
   typecheckexp types (LitBool Bool) = 

   typecheckexplist :: [TypeEnv] -> [Exp] -> Bool
   typecheckexplist _ _ = True
   typecheckexplist types [x] = typecheckexp types x
   typecheckexplist types x:xs = typecheckexp types x && typecheckexplist types xs

   checkequaltype :: [TypeEnv] -> Name -> Exp -> Bool
   checkequaltype types x e = getTypeOfVar types x && getTypeOfExp types e

   getTypeOfVar :: [TypeEnv] -> Name -> Type

   getTypeOfExp :: [TypeEnv] -> Exp -> Type



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)



typecheckexp :: [TypeEnv] -> Exp -> Bool
typecheckexp types (Add e1 e2) = 
  case (te1, te2) of
    (Just TyInt, Just TyInt) -> True
     _ -> False
    te1 = getTypeOfExp e1
    te2 = getTypeOfExp e2


typecheckexplist :: [TypeEnv] -> [Exp] -> Bool
typecheckexplist env stmts = and (map (typecheckexp env) stmts)

如果你的类型都是预先声明的,并且因为巡视AST而没有改变TypeEnv,那么这种方法将起作用。如果您在走树时构建定义,请考虑将类型检查器包装在State monad中。



根据您的前端语言,您需要决定是否为变量添加显式类型声明(即int a),或者您是否尝试从程序的上下文中推导它们,这是一项单独的任务称为类型推断。如果您有来自用户的明确声明,那么您可以简单地根据变量的使用机械地检查给定类型并确定它们是否匹配。您的类型都是简单的单型类型,因此您可以轻松附加(derving Eq)到Type并进行类型比较。

需要考虑的另一个案例是错误报告,您的给定AST没有附加位置信息,所以如果你走在树上并且中途失败,你将无法告诉用户失败的原因和位置。如果您正在从Parsec之类的解析器中解析前端语言,则可以在构造语法树时使用信息标记每种数据类型(Expr Pos)。

data Expr t = Add t (Expr t) (Expr t) | ... 
data Pos = Pos { line :: Integer , col :: Integer }


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Expr where

import Data.Data
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data

data Expr = Val String
          | Add Expr Expr
          | Sub Expr Expr
          | Div Expr Expr
          | Mul Expr Expr
          | Neg Expr
          deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable)

vars :: Expr -> [String]
vars ex = [i | Val i <- universe ex]

test :: [String]
test = vars (Add (Val "a") (Mul (Val "b") (Val "c")))