
时间:2010-01-12 02:12:28

标签: forms vb6

是否可以将您的form转换为vb6中的自包含class module

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)

执行此操作的一种简单方法是在VB6 IDE中创建新的ActiveX DLL项目,然后将新表单添加到项目中。您还需要一个类,但您可以重命名添加到项目中的默认“Class1”。




  • 创建一个新表单并将其添加到ActiveX DLL项目中。将其重命名为 frmLogin 并向其添加以下控件:

    • 名为 txtUsername
    • 的文本框
    • 名为 txtPassword 的文本框。将 PasswordChar 属性设置为“*”(星号)
    • 名为 cmdOK 的CommandButton,标题设置为“OK”
    • 名为 cmdCancel 的CommandButton,标题设置为“取消”

  • 然后将以下代码添加到 frmLogin.frm


Public Cancelled As Boolean 'Set if the user clicks Cancel or closes the form'

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
   'User cancelled the dialog by clicking Cancel...'
   Me.Cancelled = True 
End Sub

Private Sub Form_QueryUnload(Cancel As Integer)
   'User cancelled the dialog by closing the window...'
   Me.Cancelled = True
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
   'Make sure the user filled in both fields.'
   If Trim(txtUsername.Text) = "" And _
      Trim(txtPassword.Text) = "" Then

      MsgBox "You must enter both a username and password."
      Exit Sub

   ElseIf Trim(txtUsername.Text) = "" Then
      MsgBox "You must enter a username."
      Exit Sub
   ElseIf Trim(txtPassword.Text) = "" Then
      MsgBox "You must enter a password."
      Exit Sub
   End If

   'User filled in the necessary data - we can hide the form now'
   Me.Cancelled = False

End Sub

  • 将项目中的“Class1”重命名为“LoginDialog”并添加以下代码。这是其他项目将用于显示登录表单(frmLogin)的类:


'A public class that allows other projects to display a login        '
'dialog and retrieve the user`s login information and whether or not '
'they cancelled the dialog.                                          '
'This code assumes you have a form in the same project named frmLogin'
'and that it contains 2 textboxes, txtUsername and txtPassword, and  '
'2 command buttons, cmdOK and cmdCancel.                             '
'                                                                    '

Public Username As String          'The username entered by the user'
Public Password As String          'The password entered by the user'
Public CancelledByUser As Boolean  'True if the user cancels or closes the form'

'Shows a new Login form with the specified defaults filled in, if provided.'
'                                                                          '
'                                                                          '
Public Function Show()

   'Create the login form and fill in the defaults'
   Dim frm As frmLogin
   Set frm = New frmLogin

   frm.txtUsername = Me.Username
   frm.txtPassword = Me.Password

   'Shows the form until it is hidden or closed'
   frm.Show vbModal

   If frm.Cancelled Then
      Me.CancelledByUser = True
      'Get the username and password from the form'
      Me.Username = frm.txtUsername
      Me.Password = frm.txtPassword
      Me.CancelledByUser = False
   End If

   'Unload the form'
   Unload frm

End Function
  • 编译ActiveX项目并为其命名(即 MyAppLoginUI ),以便在需要将其添加到其他项目时轻松识别它。

  • 如果要在其他项目中使用该表单,请转到项目 - >在菜单中引用... ,并将ActiveX DLL添加到项目中。您可能需要点击Browse...才能找到它。下面是其他代码如何使用我们刚创建的示例登录对话框的示例:


' A simple example of how another project might use     '
' the generic login form created in the previous steps. '
' This example displays the login screen, then tries    '
' to authenticate the user against a database.          '
'                                                       '
Public Sub PerformLogin()

    Dim login As New LoginDialog

    'Pre-fill the username with the username of the last user who logged in.'
    login.Username = GetSetting("MyApp", "Settings", "LastUser")

    'Show the login screen. It will stay up until the user clicks OK or Cancel'

    'If the user cancelled the login form, exit now...'
    If login.CancelledByUser Then
        Exit Sub
    End If

    'Pretend DAL is a data access layer module...'
    If Not DAL.LoginUser(login.Username, login.Password)
        MsgBox "Invalid username or password.", vbCritical+vbOKOnly, "Login Failure"
    End If

End Sub