
时间:2013-12-10 06:16:21

标签: lua corona

main.lua中,我创建了带有三个按钮和三个屏幕的tabBar( screen1,screen2,screen3

  1. screen1 中,我想显示模态叠加

    local options = {
            effect = "fromBottom",
            time = 400,
            isModal = true,
    storyboard.showOverlay( "get", options )
  2. 一切正常,但我想在tabBar上显示叠加层(就像xCode中的模态视图一样)。 我该怎么办?

    1. 在一个案例中,我应该从 screen1

      “转到” screen3
      storyboard.gotoScene( "screen3")
    2. 它有效,但选中的tabButton仍然是 tabButton1 (带 screen1


      以下是在main.lua中创建 tabBar 的代码:

      -- Create buttons table for the tab bar
      local tabButtons = {
              width = 32, height = 32,
              defaultFile = "assets/tabIcon.png", overFile = "assets/tabIcon-down.png",
              label = translations["tab1"][language],
              onPress = function() storyboard.gotoScene( "screen1" ); end,
              selected = true
              width = 32, height = 32,
              defaultFile = "assets/tabIcon.png", overFile = "assets/tabIcon-down.png",
              label = translations["tab2"][language],
              onPress = function() storyboard.gotoScene( "screen2" ); end,
              width = 32, height = 32,
              defaultFile = "assets/tabIcon.png", overFile = "assets/tabIcon-down.png",
              label = translations["tab3"][language],
              onPress = function() storyboard.gotoScene( "screen3" ); end,
      --Create a tab-bar and place it at the bottom of the screen
      local tabBar = widget.newTabBar {
          top = display.contentHeight - 50,
          height = 50,
          width = display.contentWidth,
          --backgroundFile = "assets/tabbar.png",
          tabSelectedFrameWidth = 1,
          tabSelectedFrameHeight = 49,
          buttons = tabButtons 
      storyboard.gotoScene( "screen1", "crossFade", 200 )

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


