
时间:2013-12-13 09:03:59

标签: perlin-noise








int seed;

public Noise() {
    Random ran = new Random();
    seed = ran.nextInt();
 * Brut noise generator using pseudo-random
public double noise(int x,int y)
    x=x + y * seed;
    x=((x<<13) ^ x);
    double t=(x * (x * x * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 0x7fffffff;
    return 1-t*0.000000000931322574615478515625;


 * Smoothed noise generator using 9 brut noise
public double sNoise(int x,int y)
    double corners = ( noise(x-1, y-1)+noise(x+1, y-1)+noise(x-1, y+1)+noise(x+1, y+1) ) * 0.0625;
    double sides   = ( noise(x-1, y)  +noise(x+1, y)  +noise(x, y-1)  +noise(x, y+1) ) *0.125;
    double center  =  noise(x, y) *0.25;
    return corners + sides + center;        

 * Linear Interpolator
 * @param a value 1
 * @param b value 2
 * @param x interpolator factor
 * @return value interpolated from a to b using x factor by linear interpolation
public double lInterpoleLin(double a,double b,double x)
    return  a*(1-x) + b*x;      

 * Cosine Interpolator
 * @param a value 1
 * @param b value 2
 * @param x interpolator factor
 * @return value interpolated from a to b using x factor by cosin interpolation
public double lInterpoleCos(double a,double b,double x)

    double ft = x * 3.1415927;
    double f = (1 - Math.cos(ft)) * .5;
    return  a*(1-f) + b*f;

 * Smooth noise generator with two input 2D
 * <br>
 *  You may change the interpolation method : cosin , linear , cubic 
 * </br>
 * @param x x parameter
 * @param y y parameter
 * @return value of smoothed noise for 2d value x,y
public double iNoise(double x,double y)
    int iX=(int)x;
    int iY=(int)y;
    double dX=x-iX;
    double dY=y-iY;
    double p1=sNoise(iX,iY);
    double p2=sNoise(iX+1,iY);
    double p3=sNoise(iX,iY+1);
    double p4=sNoise(iX+1,iY+1);
    double i1=lInterpoleLin(p1,p2,dX);
    double i2=lInterpoleLin(p3,p4,dX);
    return lInterpoleLin(i1,i2,dY); 

 * Perlin noise generator for two input 2D
 * @param x x parameter
 * @param y y parameter
 * @param octave maximum octave/harmonic
 * @param persistence noise persitence
 * @return perlin noise value for given entry
public double pNoise(double x,double y,double persistence,int octave)
    double result;
    double amplitude=1;
    int frequence=1;
    for(int n=0;n<octave;n++)
    return result;  


1 个答案:

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如果您将此代码称为持久值小于1,则会过度采样高频率 您正在使用的分形/ fBm倍频程求和方法是一个八度音阶下降限制器,从最紧张的结果开始并将其混合到更宽的特征扩展中。对于地形生成器,人们通常需要具有一些细节的中大特征 - 我听说应该使主要通道至少5个,可能是20个像素宽以获得平滑的特征。由于您的代码每个单元格执行一个像素,因此白色“电视静态”噪声可能会压倒您想要查看的信号。
