
时间:2013-12-19 05:05:46

标签: emacs

当我使用M-x shell打开一个新终端时,它有时会将当前目录设置为该文件。但有时它不会。那么总是在当前目录中打开一个新终端的功能吗?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

ELPA中提供了shell-here个软件包:M-x list-packages,查找shell-here,标记安装(i)并执行(x)。< / p>


Open a shell buffer in (or relative to) default-directory,
e.g. whatever directory the current buffer is in. If you have
find-file-in-project installed, you can also move around relative
to the root of the current project.

I use Emacs shell buffers for everything, and shell-here is great
for getting where you need to quickly. The =find-file-in-project=
integration makes it very easy to manage multiple shells and
maintain your path / history / scrollback when switching between

github home:https://github.com/ieure/shell-here

我也喜欢shell-pop,弹出并轻松弹出一个shell缓冲区窗口。 ELPA可能还有更多!

答案 1 :(得分:0)

M-x shell将切换到现有的shell,如果已经有一个正在运行,这可能是您的问题。如果你不介意创建大量的shell缓冲区,只要找不到访问给定目录的命令,下面的命令就会生成新的缓冲区:

(require 'cl-lib)

(defun shell-at-dir (dir)
  "Open a shell at DIR.
If a shell buffer visiting DIR already exists, show that one."
  (interactive (list default-directory))
  (let ((buf (car (cl-remove-if-not
                   (lambda (it)
                     (with-current-buffer it
                       (and (derived-mode-p 'shell-mode)
                            (equal default-directory dir))))
    (if buf
        (switch-to-buffer buf)
      (shell (generate-new-buffer-name "*shell*")))))