
时间:2013-12-19 21:14:18

标签: excel vba

Function LinkedSheet(rgCell As Range) As Worksheet
'Returns the worksheet that the cell formula references
'Returns nothing if there's no formula
    Dim strFormula As String

    strFormula = rgCell.Cells(1, 1).Formula

    If (strFormula <> "") Then
        'Return the sheet that this range is linked to
    End If
End Function


编辑: 为了回应Siddharth Rout,我之前曾尝试过

Function LinkedSheet(rgCell As Range) As Worksheet
'Returns the worksheet that the cell formula references
'Returns nothing if there's no formula
    Dim strFormula As String, sheetName As String

    strFormula = rgCell.Cells(1, 1).Formula

    If (strFormula <> "") Then
        'Return the sheet that this range is linked to
        sheetName = Mid(strFormula, 2, InStr(1, strFormula, "!") - 2)
        Set LinkedSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetName)
    End If
End Function


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Function LinkedSheet(rgCell As Range) As Worksheet
'Returns the worksheet that the cell formula references
'Returns nothing if there's no formula
    Dim strFormula As String, sheetName As String

    strFormula = rgCell.Cells(1, 1).Formula

    If (strFormula <> "") Then
        'Return the sheet that this range is linked to
        If (InStr(1, strFormula, "='") = 0) Then
            sheetName = Mid(strFormula, 2, InStr(1, strFormula, "!") - 2)
            sheetName = Mid(strFormula, 3, InStr(1, strFormula, "!") - 4)
        End If
        Set LinkedSheet = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sheetName)
    End If
End Function

