
时间:2013-12-22 22:41:13

标签: mysql unpivot



 Member |    DOS    |  Dx1   |  Dx2  |  Dx3  | Dx4  | Dx5
 12345  | 1/1/2011  | 12142  | 12345 | 65657 | 5657 | 568
 56484  | 3/5/2011  | 568    | 56785 | 5695  | 575  | 168
 56872  | 2/12/2011 | 567    | 567   |


 Member DOS DX Seq
 12345 1/1/2011 12142 Dx1
 12345 1/1/2011 12345 Dx2
 12345 1/1/2011 65657 Dx3


有人能帮助我吗?  谢谢。

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


您可以使用UNION ALL查询将每个列值转换为行:

select member, dos, dx, seq
  select member, dos, dx1 as dx, 'Dx1' as seq
  from yourtable
  union all
  select member, dos, dx2 as dx, 'Dx2' as seq
  from yourtable
  union all
  select member, dos, dx3 as dx, 'Dx3' as seq
  from yourtable
  union all
  select member, dos, dx4 as dx, 'Dx4' as seq
  from yourtable
  union all
  select member, dos, dx5 as dx, 'Dx5' as seq
  from yourtable
) d
where dx is not null
order by member, seq;

SQL Fiddle with Demo。此方法将为您提供结果,但在较大的表上可能效率不高。

另一种方法是在虚拟桌面上使用CROSS JOIN:

select member, dos, dx, seq
  select t.member, t.dos, 
    case s.seq
      when 'Dx1' then dx1
      when 'Dx2' then dx2
      when 'Dx3' then dx3
      when 'Dx4' then dx4
      when 'Dx5' then dx5
    end DX,
  from yourtable t
  cross join
    select 'Dx1' as seq union all
    select 'Dx2' as seq union all
    select 'Dx3' as seq union all
    select 'Dx4' as seq union all
    select 'Dx5' as seq
  ) s
) d
where dx is not null
order by member, seq;

SQL Fiddle with Demo。两者都给出了结果:

| MEMBER |                             DOS |    DX | SEQ |
|  12345 |  January, 01 2011 00:00:00+0000 | 12142 | Dx1 |
|  12345 |  January, 01 2011 00:00:00+0000 | 12345 | Dx2 |
|  12345 |  January, 01 2011 00:00:00+0000 | 65657 | Dx3 |
|  12345 |  January, 01 2011 00:00:00+0000 |  5657 | Dx4 |
|  12345 |  January, 01 2011 00:00:00+0000 |   568 | Dx5 |