Xymon / Hobbit Xymon& ControlByWeb温度监控器

时间:2013-12-27 18:48:28

标签: hobbitmon

寻找有关为Xymon监控服务器制作的ControlByWeb温度监控器的预制脚本的帮助。我一步一步地按照说明操作。未生成列“cbwtemp”。目前runnimg xymon 4.3.12使用此脚本http://www.revpol.com/files/xymon_cbw_temp.sh不确定新xymon服务器上的编码是否发生了更改,导致脚本无法正常运行。我检查了日志,没有与脚本有关的错误。 这是脚本:

    # NAME
    # ----
    # - xymon_cbw_temp.sh
    # -----------
    # - Simple Bash shell script to monitor from 1 to 4 temperature readings
    #   from a ControlByWeb 4-temp/2-relay module and the X-300 8-temp/3-relay
    #   7-day programmable thermostat module and report status and
    #   temperature readings back to a Xymon server
    # - The most current version of this script may be
    #   found at http://www.revpol.com/xymon_cbw_temp_script
    # - Instructions to integrate the output of this script to be monitored
    #   and graphed by a Xymon server may also be found at the above URL
    # - If you find this script useful, I'd love to know. Send me an email!
    # William A. Arlofski
    # Reverse Polarity, LLC
    # 860-824-2433 Office
    # http://www.revpol.com/
    # -------
    # - 20100307 - Initial version release
    # - 20100318 - Minor modifications to also work with the new
    #              X-300 (8-temp & thermostat) module
    #            - Increased the curl timeout from 3 to 10 seconds
    # - 20100319 - Modifications to deal with a situation where a temperature
    #              sensor stops communicating with the module. Modified 2nd
    #              grep in getcurtemp() module and added testcomm() function to
    #              see if the current temp is "xx.x" and flag CURCOLOR and COLOR
    #              as red if yes
    # - 20100322 - Added "ADMINMSG" variable to allow for an administrative
    #              messages to be added to the top of the report
    # - 20100408 - Minor errors in grammar fixed
    # - 20100520 - Modification to getcurtemp() function to catch cases where the
    #              whole number portion of the temperature was a single digit.
    # - 20101014 - Added a "SCALE" variable for display output. Enter an "F" or a
    #              "C" to match the scale setting in your temperature module
    #            - Added "SCALE" variable to the end of all temperature variables
    #            - Rewrote the parsezone() function to add individual sensor
    #              information to the report via a new "ZONEMSG" variable.  This
    #              will help end users understand why a particular sensor is in
    #              yellow or red condition without having to check the "ZONE"
    #              variable in this script
    #            - Renamed "HOST" variable to "MODULE" throughout script
    #            - Modified the default "ADMINMSG" variable to use "MACHINEDOTS"
    #              and "MODULE" variables as an example
    #            - Added the "ZONEMSG" to become part of the "MSG" variable that is
    #              returned to the Xymon server
    #            - Quoted a few more strings
    # - 20130502 - Spelling errors, general cleanup (extra spaces etc), note that
    #              $HOST can be host[:port]
    # Copyright (C) 2010 William A. Arlofski - waa-at-revpol-dot-com
    # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as
    # published by the Free Software Foundation.
    # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    # GNU General Public License for more details.
    # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
    # or visit http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
    # Set some variables
    # ------------------
    # Local System Binaries
    # ---------------------

    # Location/device specific variables
    # ----------------------------------
    # FQDN or IP address of the ControlByWeb
    # temperature monitor to pull data from
    # and user login and password
    # (User should be blank)

    # Name of Xymon test
    # ------------------

    # Define the temperature zone(s) to monitor
    # -----------------------------------------
    # Format is as follows:
    # ZONE="Sensor#:TestType:Location:WarnTmp1:CritTmp1:[WarnTmp2:CritTmp2] \
    # [ Sensor#:TestType:Location:WarnTmp:CritTmp:[WarnTmp2:CritTmp2] ...]"
    # Where the fields are as follows:
    # - Sensor   : The sensor number from 1 to 4
    # - TestType : The type of test: UP, DOWN, RANGE, IGNORE.
    #              If TestType is RANGE, WarnTmp2 and CritTmp2 are required
    #              If TestType is IGNORE, then only Sensor:TestType:Location are required
    # - Location : The name of the location - Must match your Xymon definitions
    # - WarnTmp1 : The value at which to set test COLOR and alert to yellow for UP or DOWN tests
    #              For RANGE test types, this value is used as if the test were a DOWN test
    # - CritTmp1 : The value at which to set test COLOR and alert to red for UP or DOWN tests
    #              For RANGE test types, this value is used as if the test were a DOWN test
    # - WarnTmp2 : Only used for RANGE type tests. The value at which to set test COLOR
    #              to yellow as temperature increases
    # - CritTmp2 : Only used for RANGE type tests. The value at which to set test COLOR
    #              to red as temperature increases
    # The ControlByWeb temperature monitor
    # supports up to four temperature sensors
    # and reports the temperature as XX.Y in
    # either Celsius or Fahrenheit
    # ---------------------------------------
    #ZONES="1:UP:ServerRoom:88.0:98.0       \
    #       2:IGNORE:Outside                    \
    #       3:RANGE:Office:70.0:65.0:80.0:82.0"
    #       4:DOWN:Basement:36.0:32.0"


    # Define the scale - Only used in report text
    # -------------------------------------------

    # Add an administrative message to the top of the report page
    # Not necessary, but can be a quick way to know what server
    # is polling a ControlByWeb module, where the  module is
    # physically located, and perhaps some instructional
    # information
    # -----------------------------------------------------------
    ADMINMSG="- ${MACHINEDOTS} is the host polling the ControlByWeb X-300 module ${MODULE}
    - The ${MODULE} X-300 ControlByWeb module physically resides in the cellar"

    # --------------------------------------------------
    # Nothing should need to be modified below this line
    # --------------------------------------------------
    # ----------------------------
    # Set required Xymon variables
    # ----------------------------

    # ----------------
    # Set up functions
    # ----------------
    # Get the four sensor temperature outputs from the
    # "state.xml" page from ControlByWeb temperature monitor
    # ------------------------------------------------------
    getdata() {
        TEMPS=`"$CURL" -s -m 10 -u "$USER:$PASS" "$MODULE/state.xml"`
        # If the device returns no data, or is offline, or does not respond,
        # or if curl fails for any reason, then just fail and exit the script.
        # Xymon will alert purple indicating that it has not seen data for this
        # test after 20 minutes (default). I suppose we COULD instead force a
        # yellow alert for all temps for this device during this condition...
        # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        if [ "$EXIT" != "0" ] || [ -z "$TEMPS" ]; then
            exit 1

    # Separate zone components:
    # - Skip all temperature values for IGNORE test types
    # - Assign WarnTmp2 and CrtTmp2 for RANGE test types
    # Formatting here is ugly to get resonable output in the display
    # with minimal use of HTML to clutter up email and SMS reports :(
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------
    parsezone () {
        sensornum=`echo "$zone" | cut -d':' -f1`
        testtype=`echo "$zone"  | cut -d':' -f2 | "$TR" [a-z] [A-Z]`
        location=`echo "$zone"  | cut -d':' -f3`
    - Sensor     - #$sensornum
      Monitoring - $location
      Test Type  - $testtype"

        case "$testtype" in
            UP | DOWN )
                warntemp1=`echo "$zone" | cut -d':' -f4` ;
                crittemp1=`echo "$zone" | cut -d':' -f5` ;
                 - Warning Temp - ${warntemp1}${SCALE}, Critical Temp - ${crittemp1}${SCALE}
    " ;;

            RANGE )
                warntemp1=`echo "$zone" | cut -d':' -f4` ;
                crittemp1=`echo "$zone" | cut -d':' -f5` ;
                warntemp2=`echo "$zone" | cut -d':' -f6` ;
                crittemp2=`echo "$zone" | cut -d':' -f7` ;
                   LOW  --  Warning Temp - ${warntemp1}${SCALE}, Critical Temp - ${crittemp1}${SCALE}
                   HIGH --  Warning Temp - ${warntemp2}${SCALE}, Critical Temp - ${crittemp2}${SCALE}
    " ;;

            IGNORE )
    " ;;


    # Pull current zone's temperature reading out of xml tags
    # -------------------------------------------------------
    getcurtemp () {
        # Each of the four temperatures is represented
        # as a line  <sensorXtemp>[-][Y]YY.Z</sensorXtemp>
        # where X is the sensor number from 1 to 8,
        # Y is the temp in degrees, and Z is the tenths
        # We only want the numeric portion including the
        # negative (hyphen) symbol between the tags for
        # the current sensor we are looping for
        # Also need to check for "xx.x" in case a temperature
        # sensor is not communicating with the module
        # ---------------------------------------------------
        curtemp=`echo "$TEMPS" \
        | "$GREP" -Eo "sensor$sensornum.*sensor$sensornum" \
        | "$GREP" -Eo [-]*\(\(x\)\|\([0-9]\)\)\{1,3\}\.\(\(x\)\|[0-9]\)`

    # Test to make sure that we have a numeric value and not "xx.x"
    # which would mean that this temperature sensor is broken, or
    # otherwise not communicating with the module. Flag this test's
    # CURCOLOR red and the main test COLOR red as well.
    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    testcomm () {
        if [ "$curtemp" == "xx.x" ]; then
            # Now, since red is the most critical color, just set
            # the main status color for this report to red too
            # ---------------------------------------------------
            return 1
            return 0

    # Test for temperature RISING and set the test's CURCOLOR
    # Set the main COLOR variable for the Xymon report if necessary
    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    testup() {
        # Is current temp greater than the critical temp?
        # -----------------------------------------------
        if [ `echo "$curtemp" | "$TR" -d .` -ge `echo "$crittemp1" | "$TR" -d .` ]; then
            # Now, since red is the most critical color, just set 
            # the main status color for this report to red too
            # ---------------------------------------------------

            # Is current temp greater than the warning temp?
            # ----------------------------------------------
        elif [ `echo "$curtemp" | "$TR" -d .` -ge `echo "$warntemp1" | "$TR" -d .` ]; then

            # Set main status color to yellow only if it is not already worse (red)
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            if [ "$COLOR" != "red" ]; then

    # Test for temperature DECREASING and set the test's CURCOLOR
    # Set the main COLOR variable for the Xymon report if necessary
    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    testdown() {
        # Is current temp less than the critical temp?
        # --------------------------------------------
        if [ `echo "$curtemp" | "$TR" -d .` -le `echo "$crittemp1" | "$TR" -d .` ]; then
            # Now, since red is the most critical color, just set 
            # the main status color for this report to red too
            # ---------------------------------------------------

            # Is current temp less than the warning temp?
            # -------------------------------------------
        elif [ `echo "$curtemp" | "$TR" -d .` -le `echo "$warntemp1" | "$TR" -d .` ]; then

            # Set main status color to yellow only if it is not already worse (red)
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            if [ "$COLOR" != "red" ]; then

    # Test for temperature being within the defined RANGE
    # and set the test's CURCOLOR
    # Set the main COLOR variable for the Xymon report if necessary
    # -------------------------------------------------------------
    testrange() {
        # Is the current temp is outside of the high and low critical levels?
        # -------------------------------------------------------------------
        if [ `echo "$curtemp" | "$TR" -d .` -le `echo "$crittemp1" | "$TR" -d .` ] \
        || [ `echo "$curtemp" | "$TR" -d .` -ge `echo "$crittemp2" | "$TR" -d .` ]; then
            # Now, since red is the most critical color, just set 
            # the main status color for this report to red too
            # ---------------------------------------------------

            # Is the current temp is outside of the high and low warning levels?
            # ------------------------------------------------------------------
        elif [ `echo "$curtemp" | "$TR" -d .` -le `echo "$warntemp1" | "$TR" -d .` ] \
        || [ `echo "$curtemp" | "$TR" -d .` -ge `echo "$warntemp2" | "$TR" -d .` ]; then

            # Set main status color to yellow only if it is not already worse (red)
            # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
            if [ "$COLOR" != "red" ]; then

    # -----------
    # Main Script
    # -----------

    # Use curl to pull the data from the module
    # -----------------------------------------

    # Loop through the defined zones
    # ------------------------------
    for zone in $ZONES; do

        # Make sure that the sensor we are testing is
        # actually communicating before we move onto the
        # UP, DOWN, RANGE or IGNORE tests.
        # ----------------------------------------------
        if testcomm  ; then

            # Determine if this is an UP or DOWN test
            # ---------------------------------------
            case "$testtype" in

                UP )

                DOWN )

                RANGE )

                IGNORE )
                    # Do not test anything. Just append
                    # the $CURCOLOR (green), $location
                    # and $curtemp values to the Xymon
                    # Server report for this "zone"

                * )
                    exit 1

        # Build the text of the status message
        # that will be sent to the Xymon Server
        # -------------------------------------
    &${CURCOLOR} ${location} : ${curtemp}${SCALE}"


    # Prepend the administrative message to the report
    # ------------------------------------------------

    # Send final report to Xymon Server
    # ---------------------------------
    $BB $BBDISP "status $MACHINE.$COLUMN $COLOR `date`


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)





然后我将脚本文件保存在xymon / client / ext中并赋予它755权限并将用户/组设置为xymon。

除此之外,我发现最后使用的$BB变量依赖于另一个未初始化的变量。为了解决这个问题,我将以下行添加到xymon / client / etc / xymonclient.cfg文件中:



    ENVFILE $XYMONCLIENTHOME/etc/xymonclient.cfg
    CMD $XYMONCLIENTHOME/ext/xymon_cbw_temp.sh
    LOGFILE $XYMONCLIENTLOGS/xymon_cbw_temp.log

