
时间:2013-12-28 10:00:43

标签: cmd


example1.exe /e:dosomething. 
example2.exe /e:dosomething.

我想为example1.exe设置时间,然后我可以去执行example2.exe 任何方法?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


@echo off
    setlocal enableextensions

    rem Case 1 - Start example 1 and kill it after 60 seconds
    start "" /b example1.exe /e:dosomething
    call :timeoutProcess "example1.exe" 60

    rem Test why execution continues
    if errorlevel 1 (
        echo Program has been killed
    ) else (
        echo Program has ended in time

    rem Case 2 - Start example1 and after 60 seconds continue,
    rem          leaving example1 running
    start "" /b example1.exe /e:dosomething
    call :timeoutProcess "example1.exe" 60 1

    rem Test why execution continues
    if errorlevel 1 (
        echo Timeout - Program keeps running
    ) else (
        echo Program has ended in time

    exit /b

:timeoutProcess process timeout [leave]
    rem process = name of process to monitor
    rem timeout = timeout in seconds to wait for process to end
    rem leave   = 1 if process should not be killed
    for /l %%t in (1 1 %~2) do (
        timeout.exe /t 1 >nul
        tasklist | find "%~1" >nul || exit /b 0
    if not "%~3"=="1" taskkill /f /im "%~1" >nul 
    exit /b 1