私有列表<t>与公共IEnumerable <t> vs ReadOnlyCollection <t> </t> </t> </t>

时间:2014-01-02 10:32:02

标签: c# .net inheritance collections readonly


public abstract class Token
    private List<Token> _Tokens { get; set; }

    // ReadOnly public is mandatory. How to give protected add-only, index-based access?
    public ReadOnlyCollection<Token> Tokens { get { return (this._Tokens.AsReadOnly()); } }

    // AddOnly for derived classes.
    protected Token AddToken (Token token) { this._Tokens.Add(token); return (token); }

public class ParenthesesToken: Token
    // This method is called frequently from public code.
    public void Parse ()
        // Good enough.

        // Is a call to List<T>.AsReadOnly() necessary?
        // Add-only, indexed-based access is mandatory here. IEnumerable<T> will not do.
        foreach (var token in this.Tokens) { /* Do something... */ }



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public abstract class Token
    private List<Token> _tokens { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<Token> Tokens 
       get { return _tokens; } 

    protected Token AddToken (Token token) 
       return token; 

    protected Token GetTokenAt(int index)
        return _tokens[index];


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