
时间:2014-01-03 18:01:42

标签: vb.net linq sorting visual-studio-2012


 Public Function GetProgramTitles() As List(Of ProgramTitle)
    Dim x As New List(Of ProgramTitle)

    x.Add(New ProgramTitle("Outlook.exe", "email1"))
    x.Add(New ProgramTitle("Outlook.exe", "email2"))
    x.Add(New ProgramTitle("Outlook.exe", "email1"))
    x.Add(New ProgramTitle("Outlook.exe", "email2"))
    x.Add(New ProgramTitle("Outlook.exe", "email1"))
    x.Add(New ProgramTitle("Word.exe", "Doc1"))
    x.Add(New ProgramTitle("Outlook.exe", "email2"))
    x.Add(New ProgramTitle("Word.exe", "Doc2"))
    x.Add(New ProgramTitle("Outlook.exe", "email1"))

    Return x
End Function


Outlook.exe - 7(程序实例)
-email1 - 4
-email2 - 3
Word.exe - 2
-Doc1 - 1
-Doc2 - 1


    Dim data = GetProgramTitles()

    Dim programs = From c In data Select New With {c.Program, c.Title,
        .Programs =
        From o In c.Program
        Group o By c.Program Into Group
        Select New With {.Title = c.Title,
                            .TitleGroup =
                            From o In Group
                            Group o By c.Title Into TitleGroup = Group
                            Select New With {.Program = Program, .Title = TitleGroup}}}

    For Each p In programs
        Console.WriteLine("Program: " & p.Program & " - " & p.Title & " - " & p.Program.Count)


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我不确定您为什么要在内部查询中使用Group By,而不是在主查询中。

Dim programs =
    From d In data
    Group d By dk = d.Program Into dg = Group, dc = Count()
    Order By dc Descending
    Select New With {
        .Program = dk,
        .Count = dc,
        .Titles =
            From t In dg
            Group t By tk = t.Title Into tg = Group, tc = Count()
            Select New With {
                .Title = tk,
                .Count = tc

我稍微更改了返回的匿名类型结构,因此您还必须更改For Each循环,

For Each p In programs
    Console.WriteLine("Program: {0} - {1}", p.Program, p.Count)
    For Each t In p.Titles
        Console.WriteLine("Title: {0} - {1}", t.Title, t.Count)


Program: Outlook.exe - 7
Title: email1 - 4
Title: email2 - 3
Program: Word.exe - 2
Title: Doc1 - 1
Title: Doc2 - 1