
时间:2014-01-04 08:19:01

标签: python json

我有两个大小为data_large(150.1mb)data_small(7.5kb)的json文件。每个文件中的内容都是[{"score": 68},{"score": 78}]类型。我需要从每个文件中找到唯一分数列表。

在处理 data_small 时,我执行了以下操作,并且能够使用0.1 secs查看其内容。

with open('data_small') as f:
    content = json.load(f)

print content # I'll be applying the logic to find the unique values later.

但是在处理 data_large 时,我做了以下操作,我的系统被绞死,缓慢,不得不强制关闭它以使其达到正常速度。花了2 mins来打印其内容。

with open('data_large') as f:
    content = json.load(f)

print content # I'll be applying the logic to find the unique values later.


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


with open('data_large') as f:
    content = json.load(f)

# do not print content since it prints it to stdout which will be pretty slow

# get the unique values
values = set()
for item in content:

# the above uses less memory compared to this
# since this has to create another array with all values
# and then filter it for unique values
values = set([i['score'] for i in content])

# its faster to save the results to a file rather than print them
with open('results.json', 'wb') as fid:
    # json cant serialize sets hence conversion to list
    json.dump(list(values), fid)


答案 1 :(得分:0)


import json

bytes_to_read = 10000
unique_scores = set()

with open('tmp.txt') as f:
chunk = f.read(bytes_to_read)
while chunk:
    # Find indices of dictionaries in chunk
    if '{' not in chunk:
    opening = chunk.index('{')
    ending = chunk.rindex('}')

    # Load JSON and set scores.
    score_dicts = json.loads('[' + chunk[opening:ending+1] + ']')
    for s in score_dicts:

    # Read next chunk from last processed dict.
    f.seek(-(len(chunk) - ending) + 1, 1)
    chunk = f.read(bytes_to_read)
print unique_scores