
时间:2014-01-06 03:01:50

标签: c++ linux multithreading pthreads

我已经实现了一个条件变量示例。但是,我看到一旦我在pthread_cond_wait收到信号后睡觉了。睡眠后的代码不会被执行。它直接跳转到else条件。据我所知,互斥锁现已解锁。我只有两个线程A和B.两个线程都有两个不同的启动例程。如果我在获得信号后在线程A中进行了休眠,那么它应该调度线程B.现在,一旦线程B完成。线程A应该从睡眠后的地方恢复。然而,它不是从睡眠中恢复的。它重新获得锁定。看看我的例子,它是输出。您将注意到以下行从未打印过 - 要快速解决我的问题 - 只需查看以下函数 - void * Thread_Function_A(void * thread_arg)和void * Thread_Function_B(void * thread_arg)。其他功能并不重要。

The cond_wait is unblocked now
The thread A proceeds
Thread A unlocked

现在是程序 -

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <iostream>
/** get pid **/
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
/** kill signal **/
#include <signal.h>

using namespace std;

int shared_variable = 7;

pid_t pid_A;
pid_t pid_B;

class helium_thread
  pthread_t *thread_id;
  pid_t process_pid;

  static pthread_mutex_t mutex_thread;
  static pthread_cond_t cond_var;
  void set_thread_id(pthread_t tid);
  pthread_t *get_thread_id();
  int create_thread(pthread_t *thread_ptr, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void * (*start_routine)(void *), void *arg );


helium_thread thread_1, thread_2;
/** The definition of the static member can't be inside a function, You need to put it outside **/
/** When I tried using inside a function, I got the error - error: invalid use of qualified-name ‘helium_thread::mutex_thread **/

pthread_mutex_t helium_thread::mutex_thread = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t  helium_thread::cond_var = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;

void helium_thread::set_thread_id( pthread_t tid)
   *(this->thread_id) = tid;    

pthread_t * helium_thread::get_thread_id( )
   return (this->thread_id);

int helium_thread::create_thread(pthread_t *thread_ptr, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void * (*start_routine)(void *), void *arg )
   int ret;
   ret = pthread_create(thread_ptr,attr,start_routine,(void *)arg)  ;
   cout<<"Thread created "<<std::hex<<thread_ptr<<endl;
   return ret;



    thread_id = new pthread_t;
    cout<<"Constructor called "<<std::hex<<thread_id<<endl;

    cout<<"Destructor called"<<std::hex<<thread_id<<endl;
    delete thread_id;

/** While defining the methods of the class, Keywords static and virtual should not be repeated in the definition. **/
/** They should only be used in the class declaration. **/

void handler(int sig)
    //do nothing
    cout<<"Handler called"<<endl;

void *Thread_Function_A(void *thread_arg)
  int rc = 0;

  pid_A = getpid();

  cout<<"The pid value of Thread A is"<< pid_A << endl;


    cout<<"Thread A lock acquire first"<<endl;

   if ( shared_variable  != 5) 
        /** Now you put a sleep to introduce a race condition **/
        /** You will find that there is no race condition here **/
       cout<<"Going to conditional wait"<<endl;
       //cout<<"Sleep thread A"<<endl;
       pthread_cond_wait(&helium_thread::cond_var, &helium_thread::mutex_thread);
       cout<<"Sleep after cond_wait"<<endl;
       cout<<"The cond_wait is unblocked now "<<endl;
       cout<<"The thread A proceeds"<<endl;
       cout<<"The shared_variable value = "<< std::dec<< shared_variable << endl;

       cout<<"Thread A unlocked"<<endl;

      cout<<"Else condition thread A..shared variable value is "<<shared_variable<<endl;
      cout<<"The condition of thread A is met now"<<endl;
      cout<<"Thread A unlocked in else condition"<<endl;


void *Thread_Function_B(void *thread_arg)

  pid_B = getpid();

  cout<<"The pid value of Thread B is"<< pid_B << endl;

  shared_variable = 5;
  /** Now you put a sleep to introduce a race condition **/
  /** You will find that there is no race condition here **/

  cout<<"Signal the thread A now "<<endl;

  pthread_cond_signal (&helium_thread::cond_var);

  cout<<"Changed the shared_variable value now"<<endl;


  cout<<"Return thread function b now"<<endl; 


int main(int argc, char *argv[])

   pid_t thread_pid_val = getpid();
   pthread_join( *(thread_1.get_thread_id()), NULL);
   pthread_join( *(thread_2.get_thread_id()), NULL);

   return  0;   


    $ ./thread_basic.out 
Constructor called 0x2012010
Constructor called 0x2012030
Thread created 0x2012010
The pid value of Thread A is5bfd
Thread created 0x2012030
Thread A lock acquire first
Going to conditional wait
The pid value of Thread B is5bfd
Signal the thread A now 
Changed the shared_variable value now
Return thread function b now
Sleep after cond_wait
The cond_wait is unblocked now 
The thread A proceeds
The shared_variable value = 5
Thread A unlocked
Thread A lock acquire first
Else condition thread A..shared variable value is 5
The condition of thread A is met now
Thread A unlocked in else condition
Destructor called0x2012030
Destructor called0x2012010

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



因此,当创建2个线程时,B 1st获得锁定,A必须等待其获得锁定的机会。 B将共享变量的值设置为5,然后将信号条件变量设置为。虽然在这种情况下,现在没有线程在等待条件(因为A尚未获得锁定然后等待条件)。




  void *Thread_Function_A(void *thread_arg)
    //remaining logic

答案 1 :(得分:1)


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <signal.h>

using namespace std;

int shared_variable = 7;
pid_t pid_A;
pid_t pid_B;

class helium_thread
        pthread_t *thread_id;
        pid_t process_pid;

        static pthread_mutex_t mutex_thread;
        static pthread_cond_t cond_var;
        void set_thread_id(pthread_t tid);
        pthread_t *get_thread_id();
        int create_thread(pthread_t *thread_ptr, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
                          void * (*start_routine)(void *), void *arg );

helium_thread thread_1, thread_2;

pthread_mutex_t helium_thread::mutex_thread = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
pthread_cond_t helium_thread::cond_var = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;

void helium_thread::set_thread_id( pthread_t tid) {*(this->thread_id) = tid;}

pthread_t * helium_thread::get_thread_id() {return (this->thread_id);}

int helium_thread::create_thread(pthread_t *thread_ptr, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void * (*start_routine)(void *), void *arg )
    int ret;
    ret = pthread_create(thread_ptr, attr, start_routine, (void *)arg) ;
    return ret;

helium_thread::helium_thread()  {thread_id = new pthread_t; }    
helium_thread::~helium_thread() {delete thread_id;}

void *Thread_Function_A(void *thread_arg)
    while (1)
        cout << "TA lock acquired" << endl;

        if ( shared_variable != 5)
            cout << "TA Going to conditional wait" << endl;
            pthread_cond_wait(&helium_thread::cond_var, &helium_thread::mutex_thread);
            cout << "TA Sleep after cond_wait" << endl;
            cout << "TA The cond_wait is unblocked now " << endl;
            cout << "TA The thread A proceeds" << endl;
            cout << "TA The shared_variable value = " << shared_variable << endl;
            cout << "TA unlocked" << endl;
            cout << "TA Else condition thread A..shared variable value is " << shared_variable << endl;
            cout << "TA The condition of thread A is met now" << endl;
            cout << "TA unlocked in else condition" << endl;
    return NULL;

void *Thread_Function_B(void *thread_arg)
    shared_variable = 5;
    cout << "TB Signal the thread A now " << endl;
    pthread_cond_signal (&helium_thread::cond_var);
    cout << "TB the changed shared_variable is now" << endl;
    cout << "TB Return thread now" << endl;

    return NULL;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    thread_1.create_thread((thread_1.get_thread_id()), NULL, Thread_Function_A, NULL);
    thread_2.create_thread((thread_2.get_thread_id()), NULL, Thread_Function_B, NULL);
    pthread_join( *(thread_1.get_thread_id()), NULL);
    pthread_join( *(thread_2.get_thread_id()), NULL);

    return 0;

以下是我一直看到的3个场景。没有涉及跳码。 sleep可能(或可能不会)在执行中引入一些可变性,但我没有看到任何意外的事情。


TA lock acquired
TA Going to conditional wait
TB Signal the thread A now 
TB the changed shared_variable is now
TA Sleep after cond_wait
TB Return thread now
TA The cond_wait is unblocked now 
TA The thread A proceeds
TA The shared_variable value = 5
TA unlocked
TA lock acquired
TA Else condition thread A..shared variable value is 5
TA The condition of thread A is met now
TA unlocked in else condition


TA lock acquired
TA Going to conditional wait
TB Signal the thread A now 
TB the changed shared_variable is now
TB Return thread now
TA Sleep after cond_wait
TA The cond_wait is unblocked now 
TA The thread A proceeds
TA The shared_variable value = 5
TA unlocked
TA lock acquired
TA Else condition thread A..shared variable value is 5
TA The condition of thread A is met now
TA unlocked in else condition


TB Signal the thread A now 
TB the changed shared_variable is now
TB Return thread now
TA lock acquired
TA Else condition thread A..shared variable value is 5
TA The condition of thread A is met now
TA unlocked in else condition