
时间:2014-01-08 15:05:50

标签: clearcase clearcase-ucm

我尝试交付,但失败了,因为在另一个视图中,rebase正在进行中 此视图已被删除,因此如何通过在此已删除视图中设置并进一步继续来恢复视图并取消rebase操作。

cleartool: Error: Checkouts disallowed in view
: a rebase is active using view "52df8e4.77de11e3.97f8.00:01:80:93:35:66" on this stream.
cleartool: Error: Unable to check out "".
cleartool: Error: Unable to checkout the directory element 
 This may cause additional checkout and merge failures for files and directories contained within
cleartool: Error: Checkouts disallowed in view
: a rebase is active using view "52df8e4.77de11e3.97f8.00:01:80:93:35:66" on this stream.

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请参阅“Reset Deliver to Another View”和cleartool deliver

cleartool deliver -resume -reset -to aNewView -stream aStream@\apvob -gmerge


cleartool: Error: The integration view cannot be retargeted because view "xxxx" has checkouts.
cleartool: Error: Unable to resume deliver.


cleartool deliver -cancel -stream stream:Stream@\apvob -reset -to aNewView 


cd /path/to/aVob
cleartool rmview -force -uuid uuid_of_the_deleted_view

点击“ClearCase: How to Uncheckout Files in Shapshot View Deleted From File System”了解更多信息。