
时间:2014-01-15 11:43:20

标签: javascript php jquery html5 for-loop





/*Because of the "ease of use" aspect of this site, I prefered to write it completely in PHP,
advantage of that: 
Images are loaded directly out of the folder, so I can just drag and drop something onto the server without having to write aditional code.
As you see, it can save a lot of time.*/

echo "<h1>Referenzen</h1><br>";

$projects = scandir('../src/sub/credentials');      //The credentials directory is being scanned and converted into an array.
    $projectsSize = count($projects);                       //$size is being created. It counts the number of objects in the array which has been created above.

$projectsCaptions = file('../src/sub/captionsOfCredentials.txt'); //Edit the name of the figcaption in the "captionsOfCredentials.txt".

for($i = 2; $i < $projectsSize; $i++){      /*Simple "for" loop, that creates $i with the size of two, because PHP is 0-index based and has the "dot" and the "dotdot" folder. The loop stops at the end of the array($size).*/
    echo    '<a href="index.php#PRJ'.trim($projectsCaptions[$i]).'" class="ID'.trim($projectsCaptions[$i]).'">
                <div class="projectFolder">
                    <img src="src/sub/credentialsThumb/project_00'.$i.'.jpg" width="100%" />

        /*Project folder level starts here.*/
    $images = scandir('../src/sub/credentials/project_00'.$i);
        $imagesSize = count($images);

    for($k = 3; $k < $imagesSize; $k++){
        $tempID = ('ID'.trim($projectsCaptions[$i]).'.php');    //$tempID is the entire file name including the .php part.

            $handle = fopen($tempID, "a") or die ('Unable to open '.$tempID.' , please contact admin A.S.A.P..');
                $imagesCode = 'test';
                    fwrite($handle, $imagesCode);

    //end second for-loop
                echo "
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $('#ID".$projectsCaptions[$i]."').click(function () {
//end first for-loop


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

当您需要使用时,您将通过 id 选择元素。将JS块更改为:

$(document).ready(function () {
    // Note ".ID" not "#ID"  
    $('.ID".$projectsCaptions[$i]."').click(function () {



$('.ID" . trim($projectsCaptions[$i]) . "').click(function () {