在什么情况下调用C ++拷贝构造函数?

时间:2014-01-18 15:54:20

标签: c++ visual-c++ constructor copy-constructor

我知道c ++中的以下情况,其中将调用复制构造函数:

  1. 为现有对象分配其自己的对象

    MyClass A,B;
    A = new MyClass();
    B=A; //copy constructor called 
  2. 如果函数接收作为参数,按值传递,则为类

    void foo(MyClass a);
    foo(a); //copy constructor invoked
  3. 当函数返回(按值)类的对象

    MyClass foo ()
          MyClass temp;
          return temp; //copy constructor called
  4. 请随时纠正我所犯的错误;但是如果有任何其他情况需要调用复制构造函数,我会更好奇。

7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:22)



    B = A;

不一定。这种赋值称为 copy-assignment ,这意味着将调用类的赋值运算符以执行所有数据成员的成员赋值。实际功能是MyClass& operator=(MyClass const&)



T y = x;
  x = y;

第一个表达式通过复制y来初始化x。它调用copy-constructor MyClass(MyClass const&)

如上所述,x = y是对赋值运算符的调用。




    void foo(MyClass a);

这是对的。但请注意,在C ++ 11中,如果a是xvalue且MyClass具有相应的构造函数MyClass(MyClass&&),则a可以moved进入参数




    MyClass foo ()
        MyClass temp;
        return temp; // copy constructor called

通过return-value optimization,如某些答案中所述,编译器可以删除对copy-constructor的调用。通过使用编译器选项-fno-elide-constructors,您可以禁用copy-elison并查看在这些情况下确实会调用copy-constructor。

答案 1 :(得分:20)


class a {
    a() {
        printf("constructor called\n");
    a(const a& other) { 
        printf("copy constructor called\n");
    a& operator=(const a& other) {
        printf("copy assignment operator called\n");
        return *this; 


a b; //constructor
a c; //constructor
b = c; //copy assignment
c = a(b); //copy constructor, then copy assignment


constructor called
constructor called
copy assignment operator called
copy constructor called
copy assignment operator called


a* b = new a(); //constructor called
a* c; //nothing is called
c = b; //still nothing is called
c = new a(*b); //copy constructor is called


答案 2 :(得分:12)


MyClass A, B;
A = MyClass(); /* Redefinition of `A`; perfectly legal though superfluous: I've
                  dropped the `new` to defeat compiler error.*/
B = A; // Assignment operator called (`B` is already constructed)
MyClass C = B; // Copy constructor called.


但是在情况(3)中,可能不会调用复制构造函数:如果编译器无法检测到任何副作用,那么它可以实现返回值优化以优化不必要的深层复制。 C ++ 11使用 rvalue references 来形式化它。

答案 3 :(得分:6)



答案 4 :(得分:5)

有三种情况可以调用复制构造函数: 当我们制作一个对象的副本。 当我们通过值将对象作为参数传递给方法时。 当我们按值从方法返回一个对象时。


答案 5 :(得分:3)


  1. 实例化一个对象并使用另一个对象的值初始化它。
  2. 按值传递对象时。
  3. 按值从函数返回对象时。

答案 6 :(得分:2)


另外,我在一个广泛的测试中编写了一个类来检查不同类型的瞬时/分配(C ++ 11 ready):

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <functional>

template<typename T , bool MESSAGES = true>
class instantation_profiler
    static std::size_t _alive , _instanced , _destroyed ,
                       _ctor , _copy_ctor , _move_ctor ,
                       _copy_assign , _move_assign;


        if( MESSAGES ) std::cout << ">> construction" << std::endl;

    instantation_profiler( const instantation_profiler& )

        if( MESSAGES ) std::cout << ">> copy construction" << std::endl;

    instantation_profiler( instantation_profiler&& )

        if( MESSAGES ) std::cout << ">> move construction" << std::endl;

    instantation_profiler& operator=( const instantation_profiler& )

        if( MESSAGES ) std::cout << ">> copy assigment" << std::endl;

    instantation_profiler& operator=( instantation_profiler&& )

        if( MESSAGES ) std::cout << ">> move assigment" << std::endl;


        if( MESSAGES ) std::cout << ">> destruction" << std::endl;

    static std::size_t alive_instances()
        return _alive;

    static std::size_t instantations()
        return _instanced;

    static std::size_t destructions()
        return _destroyed;

    static std::size_t normal_constructions()
        return _ctor;

    static std::size_t move_constructions()
        return _move_ctor;

    static std::size_t copy_constructions()
        return _copy_ctor;

    static std::size_t move_assigments()
        return _move_assign;

    static std::size_t copy_assigments()
        return _copy_assign;

    static void print_info( std::ostream& out = std::cout )
        out << "# Normal constructor calls: "  << normal_constructions() << std::endl
            << "# Copy constructor calls: "    << copy_constructions()   << std::endl
            << "# Move constructor calls: "    << move_constructions()   << std::endl
            << "# Copy assigment calls: "      << copy_assigments()      << std::endl
            << "# Move assigment calls: "      << move_assigments()      << std::endl
            << "# Destructor calls: "          << destructions()         << std::endl
            << "# "                                                      << std::endl
            << "# Total instantations: "       << instantations()        << std::endl
            << "# Total destructions: "        << destructions()         << std::endl
            << "# Current alive instances: "   << alive_instances()      << std::endl;

template<typename T , bool MESSAGES>
std::size_t instantation_profiler<T,MESSAGES>::_alive       = 0;
template<typename T , bool MESSAGES>
std::size_t instantation_profiler<T,MESSAGES>::_instanced   = 0;
template<typename T , bool MESSAGES>
std::size_t instantation_profiler<T,MESSAGES>::_destroyed   = 0;
template<typename T , bool MESSAGES>
std::size_t instantation_profiler<T,MESSAGES>::_ctor        = 0;
template<typename T , bool MESSAGES>
std::size_t instantation_profiler<T,MESSAGES>::_copy_ctor   = 0;
template<typename T , bool MESSAGES>
std::size_t instantation_profiler<T,MESSAGES>::_move_ctor   = 0;
template<typename T , bool MESSAGES>
std::size_t instantation_profiler<T,MESSAGES>::_copy_assign = 0;
template<typename T , bool MESSAGES>
std::size_t instantation_profiler<T,MESSAGES>::_move_assign = 0;


struct foo : public instantation_profiler<foo>
    int value;

//Me suena bastante que Boost tiene una biblioteca con una parida de este estilo...
struct scoped_call
    std::function<void()> function; 

    scoped_call( const std::function<void()>& f ) : function( f ) {}


foo f()
    scoped_call chapuza( [](){ std::cout << "Exiting f()..." << std::endl; } );

    std::cout << "I'm in f(), which returns a foo by value!" << std::endl;

    return foo();

void g1( foo )
    scoped_call chapuza( [](){ std::cout << "Exiting g1()..." << std::endl; } );

    std::cout << "I'm in g1(), which gets a foo by value!" << std::endl;

void g2( const foo& )
    scoped_call chapuza( [](){ std::cout << "Exiting g2()..." << std::endl; } );

    std::cout << "I'm in g2(), which gets a foo by const lvalue reference!" << std::endl;

void g3( foo&& )
    scoped_call chapuza( [](){ std::cout << "Exiting g3()..." << std::endl; } );

    std::cout << "I'm in g3(), which gets an rvalue foo reference!" << std::endl;

template<typename T>
void h( T&& afoo )
    scoped_call chapuza( [](){ std::cout << "Exiting h()..." << std::endl; } );

    std::cout << "I'm in h(), which sends a foo to g() through perfect forwarding!" << std::endl;

    g1( std::forward<T>( afoo ) );

int main()
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before a declaration ( foo a; )"                << std::endl;                                        foo a;
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before b declaration ( foo b; )"                << std::endl;                                        foo b;
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before c declaration ( foo c; )"                << std::endl;                                        foo c;
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before d declaration ( foo d( f() ); )"         << std::endl;                                        foo d( f() );

    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before a to b assigment ( b = a )"              << std::endl;                                        b = a;
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before ctor call to b assigment ( b = foo() )"  << std::endl;                                        b = foo();
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before f() call to b assigment ( b = f() )"     << std::endl;                                        b = f();

    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before g1( foo ) call with lvalue arg ( g1( a ) )"                         << std::endl;             g1( a );
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before g1( foo ) call with rvalue arg ( g1( f() ) )"                       << std::endl;             g1( f() );
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before g1( foo ) call with lvalue ==> rvalue arg ( g1( std::move( a ) ) )" << std::endl;             g1( std::move( a ) );

    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before g2( const foo& ) call with lvalue arg ( g2( b ) )"                          << std::endl;     g2( b );
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before g2( const foo& ) call with rvalue arg ( g2( f() ) )"                        << std::endl;     g2( f() );
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before g2( const foo& ) call with lvalue ==> rvalue arg ( g2( std::move( b ) ) )"  << std::endl;     g2( std::move( b ) );

  //std::cout << std::endl << "Just before g3( foo&& ) call with lvalue arg ( g3( c ) )"                         << std::endl;           g3( c );
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before g3( foo&& ) call with rvalue arg ( g3( f() ) )"                       << std::endl;           g3( f() );
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before g3( foo&& ) call with lvalue ==> rvalue arg ( g3( std::move( c ) ) )" << std::endl;           g3( std::move( c ) );

    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before h() call with lvalue arg ( h( d ) )"                         << std::endl;                    h( d );
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before h() call with rvalue arg ( h( f() ) )"                       << std::endl;                    h( f() );
    std::cout << std::endl << "Just before h() call with lvalue ==> rvalue arg ( h( std::move( d ) ) )" << std::endl;                    h( std::move( d ) );

    foo::print_info( std::cout );

这是使用带有GCC 4.8.2-O3标记的-fno-elide-constructors编译的测试摘要:










