CarouFredSel - 关闭无限滚动?

时间:2014-01-21 09:08:07

标签: javascript jquery caroufredsel


    _gotoNext: function (that) {

        //tjobbe - put funciton here to check if there is anything else after the last slide, then stop / disable the gotonext. must only scroll one if only one is available (or 2). same for go to prev
        that.$element.find('.mediaCarousel').trigger("next", false);

    //This method tells the mediaCarousel to go to the previous slide.
    _gotoPrev: function(that, callback) {
        that.$element.find('.mediaCarousel').trigger("prev", false);





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    circular: true,         // Determines whether the carousel should be circular.
    infinite: true,         // Determines whether the carousel should be infinite. Note: It is possible to create a non-circular, infinite carousel, but it is not possible to create a circular, non-infinite carousel.
    responsive: false,      // Determines whether the carousel should be responsive. If true, the items will be resized to fill the carousel.
    direction: "left",      // The direction to scroll the carousel. Possible values: "right", "left", "up" or "down".
    width: null,            // The width of the carousel. Can be null (width will be calculated), a number, "variable" (automatically resize the carousel when scrolling items with variable widths), "auto" (measure the widest item) or a percentage like "100%" (only applies on horizontal carousels)
    height: null,           // The height of the carousel. Can be null (width will be calculated), a number, "variable" (automatically resize the carousel when scrolling items with variable heights), "auto" (measure the tallest item) or a percentage like "100%" (only applies on vertical carousels)
    align: "center",        // Whether and how to align the items inside a fixed width/height. Possible values: "center", "left", "right" or false.
    padding: null,          // Padding around the carousel (top, right, bottom and left). For example: [10, 20, 30, 40] (top, right, bottom, left) or [0, 50] (top/bottom, left/right).
    synchronise: null,      // Selector and options for the carousel to synchronise: [string selector, boolean inheritOptions, boolean sameDirection, number deviation] For example: ["#foo2", true, true, 0]
    cookie: false,          // Determines whether the carousel should start at its last viewed position. The cookie is stored until the browser is closed. Can be a string to set a specific name for the cookie to prevent multiple carousels from using the same cookie.
    onCreate: null          // Function that will be called after the carousel has been created. Receives a map of all data.
