
时间:2010-01-25 02:01:28

标签: java algorithm




  • 1组7项。
  • 1组4项和1组3项。


  • 4组3项。
  • 3组4项。
  • 2组6项。
  • 1组7项+ 1组5项。
  • 2组3组和1组6项。
  • 1组3组,1组4组和1组5项。
  • ...


//Instance Fields
public List<ArrayList<String>> options;

//Method that will generate the options. The different options are 
//stored in a list of "option". An individual option will store a list of
//strings with the individual groups.
public void generateOptions(int items, ArrayList<String> currentOption){

    //If the current option is null, then create a new option.
    if(currentOption == null){
        currentOption = new ArrayList<String>();
    if(items < 3){
        //If the number of items is less than three then it doesn't comply with the 
        //requirements (teams should be more or equal than three. 
        currentOption.add("1 group of "+items+" items");
        //I can make groups of 3,4,5,6 and 7 items.
        for(int i = 3;i<=7;i++){
            if(items%i == 0){ 
                // If the number of items is divisible per the current number, 
                // then a possible option could be items/i groups of i items. 
                // Example: Items = 9. A possible option is 3 groups of 3 items.
                currentOption.add(items/i +" groups of "+ i+" items");
                // If the number of items - the current number is equal or greater than
                // three, then a possible option could be a group of i items
                // and then I'll have items-i items to separate in other groups.
                if(items - i >=3){
                    currentOption.add("1 group of "+i+" items");


6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

这是一个算法(用C ++表示)来解决问题的更一般版本, 在每个分区中可能出现的加数上有任意上限和下限:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

using namespace std;

typedef vector<int> Partition;
typedef vector<Partition> Partition_list;

// Count and return all partitions of an integer N using only 
// addends between min and max inclusive.

int p(int min, int max, int n, Partition_list &v)
   if (min > max) return 0;
   if (min > n) return 0;     
   if (min == n) {
      Partition vtemp(1,min);
      return 1;
   else {
     Partition_list part1,part2;
     int p1 = p(min+1,max,n,part1);
     int p2 = p(min,max,n-min,part2);
     for(int i=0; i < p2; i++)
     return p1+p2;

void print_partition(Partition &p)
   for(int i=0; i < p.size(); i++) {
      cout << p[i] << ' ';
   cout << "\n";

void print_partition_list(Partition_list &pl)
   for(int i = 0; i < pl.size(); i++) {

int main(int argc, char **argv)
   Partition_list v_master;

   int n = atoi(argv[1]);
   int min = atoi(argv[2]);
   int max = atoi(argv[3]);
   int count = p(min,max,n,v_master);
   cout << count << " partitions of " << n << " with min " << min  ;
   cout << " and max " << max << ":\n" ;


$ ./partitions 12 3 7              
6 partitions of 12 with min 3 and max 7:
6 6 
7 5 
4 4 4 
5 4 3 
6 3 3 
3 3 3 3 
$ ./partitions 50 10 20            
38 partitions of 50 with min 10 and max 20:
17 17 16 
18 16 16 
18 17 15 
19 16 15 
20 15 15 
18 18 14 
19 17 14 
20 16 14 
19 18 13 
20 17 13 
19 19 12 
20 18 12 
13 13 12 12 
14 12 12 12 
20 19 11 
13 13 13 11 
14 13 12 11 
15 12 12 11 
14 14 11 11 
15 13 11 11 
16 12 11 11 
17 11 11 11 
20 20 10 
14 13 13 10 
14 14 12 10 
15 13 12 10 
16 12 12 10 
15 14 11 10 
16 13 11 10 
17 12 11 10 
18 11 11 10 
15 15 10 10 
16 14 10 10 
17 13 10 10 
18 12 10 10 
19 11 10 10 
20 10 10 10 
10 10 10 10 10 

答案 1 :(得分:3)




+- 12
+- 9
|  +- 3
+- 8
|  +- 4
+- 7
|  +- 5
+- 6
|  +- 6
|  +- 3
|     +- 3
+- 5
|  +- 4
|     +- 3
+- 4
|  +- 4
|     +- 4
+- 3
   +- 3
      +- 3
         +- 3



  • 函数buildTree(int size,int minSize,Tree root)
  • isize计算minSize;
  • 使用值i;
  • 创建当前节点的子节点
  • 对于jminSize之间小于或等于i的每个i
    • 创建值为j
    • 的新子项
    • 调用`buildTree(j,minSize,new node)


答案 2 :(得分:1)




我没有看到完全匹配此约束的现有数字序列,但您可以像这样计算组(在python中)。这可以采取任意范围(在这种情况下为[3,7])并计算所有a,b,c,d,e(3 * a + 4 * b + 5 * c + 6 * d + 7 * e)总和为n的序列。

import sys

# All partitions for a particular n:

def groups(n, base, minBase, sum, sets, group = []):
  c = 0; i = (n - sum) / base
  while i >= 0:
    s = sum + base * i
    if s == n:
      sets.append(group + [i]);
      c = c + 1
    elif s < n and base > minBase:
      c = c + groups(n, base - 1, minBase, s, sets, (group + [i]))
    i = i - 1
  return c

# Partitions for each n in [1,maxNum]

def run(maxNum):
  for i in xrange(1, maxNum + 1):
    sets = []; maxBase = 7; minBase = 3
    n = groups(i, maxBase, minBase, 0, sets)
    print '    %d has %d groups:\n' % (i, n)
    for g in sets:
      x = len(g) - 1
      sys.stdout.write('      ')
      while x >= 0:
        if g[x] > 0:
          if x < len(g) - 1: sys.stdout.write(' + ')
          sys.stdout.write('(%d * %d)' % (maxBase - x, g[x]))
        x = x - 1
      print ''
    if len(sets): print ''


1 has 0 groups:

2 has 0 groups:

3 has 1 groups:

  (3 * 1)

4 has 1 groups:

  (4 * 1)

5 has 1 groups:

  (5 * 1)

6 has 2 groups:

  (6 * 1)
  (3 * 2)

7 has 2 groups:

  (7 * 1)
  (3 * 1) + (4 * 1)

8 has 2 groups:

  (3 * 1) + (5 * 1)
  (4 * 2)

9 has 3 groups:

  (3 * 1) + (6 * 1)
  (4 * 1) + (5 * 1)
  (3 * 3)

10 has 4 groups:

  (3 * 1) + (7 * 1)
  (4 * 1) + (6 * 1)
  (5 * 2)
  (3 * 2) + (4 * 1)

11 has 4 groups:

  (4 * 1) + (7 * 1)
  (5 * 1) + (6 * 1)
  (3 * 2) + (5 * 1)
  (3 * 1) + (4 * 2)

12 has 6 groups:

  (5 * 1) + (7 * 1)
  (6 * 2)
  (3 * 2) + (6 * 1)
  (3 * 1) + (4 * 1) + (5 * 1)
  (4 * 3)
  (3 * 4)

13 has 6 groups:

  (6 * 1) + (7 * 1)
  (3 * 2) + (7 * 1)
  (3 * 1) + (4 * 1) + (6 * 1)
  (3 * 1) + (5 * 2)
  (4 * 2) + (5 * 1)
  (3 * 3) + (4 * 1)

14 has 7 groups:

  (7 * 2)
  (3 * 1) + (4 * 1) + (7 * 1)
  (3 * 1) + (5 * 1) + (6 * 1)
  (4 * 2) + (6 * 1)
  (4 * 1) + (5 * 2)
  (3 * 3) + (5 * 1)
  (3 * 2) + (4 * 2)

15 has 9 groups:

  (3 * 1) + (5 * 1) + (7 * 1)
  (4 * 2) + (7 * 1)
  (3 * 1) + (6 * 2)
  (4 * 1) + (5 * 1) + (6 * 1)
  (3 * 3) + (6 * 1)
  (5 * 3)
  (3 * 2) + (4 * 1) + (5 * 1)
  (3 * 1) + (4 * 3)
  (3 * 5)

或@ Cletus的出色解决方案

答案 3 :(得分:1)


您可以使用0组7组,1组7组,2组7组等。对于每个值,您可以使用0组6,1组6,等等。树的第一级将代表使用了多少7个。第二个级别是使用了多少6个等等。当你使用x 7时,你需要弄清楚6个,5个,4个和3个的组合可以用来总结(sum-x * 7) ,等等每个较低级别(递归调用)。



MIN = 3
MAX = 7

def findComb(remaining, start, path):
   times = remaining/start

   if start == MIN:
       if remaining % MIN == 0:
           print "%s, %d %d's" % (path[1:], times, start)

   for i in range(0, times+1):
       findComb(remaining- (i*start), start-1, "%s, %d %d's" % (path, i, start))

findComb(12, MAX, "")


0 7's, 0 6's, 0 5's, 0 4's, 4 3's
0 7's, 0 6's, 0 5's, 3 4's, 0 3's
0 7's, 0 6's, 1 5's, 1 4's, 1 3's
0 7's, 1 6's, 0 5's, 0 4's, 2 3's
0 7's, 2 6's, 0 5's, 0 4's, 0 3's
1 7's, 0 6's, 1 5's, 0 4's, 0 3's

答案 4 :(得分:0)


List<String> results;

void YourAnswer(int n) {
    GeneratePossiblities("", [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], n);

void GeneratePossibilities(String partialResult, List<int> buildingBlocks, int n) {
    if (n == 0) {
        // We have a solution
    } else if (buildingBlocks.IsEmpty()) {
        // Dead-end: there is no solution that starts with the partial result we have and contains only the remaining building blocks
    } else {
        int first = buildingBlocks.First();
        for (int i = 0, i < n/first; i++) {
          GeneratePossibilities(partialResult + " " + i + "groups of " + first,
                                n - i * first);

前两个案例非常简单。第三个,你弄清楚(例如)有多少个大小为3的组 - 可以是0到n / 3之间的任何数字,然后用[4,5,6,7]等递归函数。

答案 5 :(得分:0)

您所描述的是partition function的不太通用的版本。

已经给出的算法非常复杂,这里更简单(伪代码,我会留给你翻译成Java :)

p(min, n):
    if min > n: return 0
    if min = n: return 1
    return p(min+1, n) + p(min, n-min)