
时间:2014-01-28 09:04:16

标签: prolog





3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


starts_with([H|T], H). 
find_starts_with([H|T],C,[H|Y]) :- starts_with(H,C),find_starts_with(T,C,Y).
find_starts_with([H|T],C,L) :- \+ starts_with(H,C), find_starts_with(T,C,L).


| ?- find_starts_with([[1,2],[3,4],[1,5]],1,X).

X = [[1,2],[1,5]] ? ;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


/* takes a specific letter from the top of one of the lists, and puts it in another list.
   The letter to be moved is specified beforehand.
   It can be placed on top of a list which is either empty, or contains a letter that is larger (b can be placed on c, but not otherwise).
   The letter should be removed from the original list after it has been moved.

move_letter(Letter, Lists, Result) :-
    % search Letter, Temp0 miss amended list [Letter|Rest]
    nth1(I, Lists, [Letter|Rest], Temp0),
    % reinsert Rest, Temp1 just miss Letter
    nth1(I, Temp1, Rest, Temp0),
    % search an appropriate place to insert Letter
    nth1(J, Temp1, Candidate, Temp2),
    % insertion constraints
    J \= I, (Candidate = [] ; Candidate = [C|_], C @> Letter),
    % update Result
    nth1(J, Result, [Letter|Candidate], Temp2).


?- move_letter(a,[[b,c],[],[a]],R).
R = [[a, b, c], [], []] ;
R = [[b, c], [a], []] ;

?- move_letter(b,[[b,c],[],[a]],R).
R = [[c], [b], [a]] ;


答案 2 :(得分:0)


% move_letter : Result is L with the letter C removed from the beginning
% of one sublist and re-inserted at the beginning of another sublist
% such that the new letter is less than the original beginning letter
% of that sublist
move_letter(C, L, Result) :-
    removed_letter(C, L, R, N),        % Find & remove letter from a sublist
    insert_letter(C, R, 0, N, Result). % Result is R with the letter inserted

% removed_letter : R is L with the letter C removed from the beginning of a
% sublist. The value N is the position within L that the sublist occurs 
removed_letter(C, L, R, N) :-
    removed_letter(C, L, R, 0, N).
removed_letter(C, [[C|T]|TT], [T|TT], A, A).
removed_letter(C, [L|TT], [L|TTR], A, N) :-
    A1 is A + 1,
    removed_letter(C, TT, TTR, A1, N).

% Insert letter in empty sublist if it's not where the letter came from;
% Insert letter at front of a sublist if it's not where the letter came from
% and the new letter is less than the current head letter;
% Or insert letter someplace later in the list of sublists
insert_letter(C, [[]|TT], A, N, [[C]|TT]) :-
    A \== N.
insert_letter(C, [[C1|T]|TT], A, N, [[C,C1|T]|TT]) :-
    A \== N,
    C @< C1.
insert_letter(C, [L|TT], A, N, [L|TTR]) :-
    A1 is A + 1,
    insert_letter(C, TT, A1, N, TTR).


| ?- move_letter(a, [[b,c],[],[a]], R).

R = [[a,b,c],[],[]] ? a

R = [[b,c],[a],[]]


| ?- move_letter(b, [[b,c],[],[a]], R).

R = [[c],[b],[a]] ? a


| ?- move_letter(b, [[b,c], [], [a], [b,d]], R).

R = [[c],[b],[a],[b,d]] ? a

R = [[b,c],[b],[a],[d]]
