
时间:2014-02-03 18:14:21

标签: excel vba excel-vba

你能帮我解决一下我的VB代码问题,它会将excel文件的特定标签(源工作簿:工作表1)中的命名范围复制到另一个excel文件(目标工作簿:工作表1)中的同一个命名选项卡吗?我需要使用for循环或每个语句来复制多个选项卡。选项卡以数字命名(例如,1,2,4,7等),如您所见,它可能会跳过一个数字,因此n = n + 1可能不起作用。此外,根据给定时段的用户输入(例如,2013年第1季度,2013年第2季度,2013年第3季度,2013年第3季度),要复制的指定范围或范围数据会有所不同。


谢谢! 安

   Dim wbTarget As Excel.Workbook       'target workbook; tabs: Notes, Input, Summary, 1, 2, 4, 7
   Dim wbSource As Excel.Workbook       'source workbook; tabs: Notes, 1, 2, 4, 7, Misc
   Dim wsTarget As Excel.Worksheet      'worksheet where the data is to be pasted (eg. 1, 2, 4, 7)
   Dim wsSource As Excel.Worksheet      'worksheet from where the data is to copied (eg. 1, 2, 4, 7)
   Dim TrgName As String                'name of the target workbook tab
   Dim SrcName As String                'name of the source workbook tab
   Dim s As Integer                     'counter used for each tabs (eg. 1, 2, 4, 7)
   Dim period As String                 'qtr period
   Dim year As Integer                  'current year report
   Dim qtr As Integer                   'current qtr report
   Dim first As Long
   Dim last As Long
   Dim RowQ1 As Long, RowQ2 As Long, RowQ3 As Long, RowQ4 As Long
   Dim ColQ1 As Long, ColQ2 As Long, ColQ3 As Long, ColQ4 As Long

   'select the Qtr Period to report
   period = "Q4"
   year = 2013

   'set the following for use in range names
   'e.g.  for tab 1
   '   Q1 = Range("'1'!A1:CB200")
   '   Q2 = Range("'1'!A250:CB300")
   '   Q3 = Range("'1'!A350:CB400")
   '   Q4 = Range("'1'!A450:CB500")

   RowQ1 = 1
   RowQ2 = 250
   RowQ3 = 350
   RowQ4 = 450
   ColQ1 = 200
   ColQ2 = 300
   ColQ3 = 400
   ColQ4 = 500
   first = 1
   last = 80

   'set to the current active workbook (the source book)
   Set wbSource = ActiveWorkbook
   Set wbTarget = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\temp\targetfile_" & year & period & ".xlsx")

   'set counter to each tab; as long as the source name is not equal to "Notes", the loop should continue ---- I'm just not sure how to handle the target workbook and each worksheet
   s = 1
   For Each wsSource In Worksheets
     If wsSource.Name <> "Notes" And period = "Q1" Then     'For Q1 Period
       SrcName = wsSource.Name
       Worksheets("Notes").Cells(counter, 1).Value = SrcName
       Application.CutCopyMode = False
       wsSource.Range(Cells(RowQ1, first), Cells(ColQ1, last)).Copy
       TrgName = SrcName
       wsTarget.Name = TrgName
       wsTarget.Range(Cells(RowQ1, first)).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
       Application.CutCopyMode = False
     ElseIf wsSource.Name <> "Notes" And period = "Q2" Then     'For Q2 Period
       SrcName = wsSource.Name
       Worksheets("Notes").Cells(counter, 1).Value = SrcName
       Application.CutCopyMode = False
       wsSource.Range(Cells(RowQ2, first), Cells(ColQ2, last)).Copy
       TrgName = SrcName
       wsTarget.Name = TrgName
       wsTarget.Range(Cells(RowQ2, first)).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
       Application.CutCopyMode = False
     ElseIf wsSource.Name <> "Notes" And period = "Q3" Then     'For Q3 Period
       SrcName = wsSource.Name
       Worksheets("Notes").Cells(counter, 1).Value = SrcName
       Application.CutCopyMode = False
       wsSource.Range(Cells(RowQ3, first), Cells(ColQ3, last)).Copy
       TrgName = SrcName
       wsTarget.Name = TrgName
       wsTarget.Range(Cells(RowQ3, first)).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
       Application.CutCopyMode = False
     ElseIf wsSource.Name <> "Notes" And period = "Q4" Then     'For Q4 Period
       SrcName = wsSource.Name
       Worksheets("Notes").Cells(counter, 1).Value = SrcName
       Application.CutCopyMode = False
       wsSource.Range(Cells(RowQ4, first), Cells(ColQ4, last)).Copy
       TrgName = SrcName
       wsTarget.Name = TrgName
       wsTarget.Range(Cells(RowQ4, first)).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
       Application.CutCopyMode = False
     s = s + 1
     End If

  Next wsSource

  'save the target book

  'close the workbook

  'activate the source book again

  'clear memory
  Set wbTarget = Nothing
  Set wbSource = Nothing

End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


Dim wbTarget As Excel.Workbook       'target workbook; tabs: Notes, Input, Summary, 1, 2, 4, 7
Dim wbSource As Excel.Workbook       'source workbook; tabs: Notes, 1, 2, 4, 7, Misc
Dim wsTarget As Excel.Worksheet      'worksheet where the data is to be pasted (eg. 1, 2, 4, 7)
Dim wsSource As Excel.Worksheet      'worksheet from where the data is to copied (eg. 1, 2, 4, 7)
Dim TrgName As String                'name of the target workbook tab
Dim SrcName As String                'name of the source workbook tab
Dim s As Integer                     'counter used for each tabs (eg. 1, 2, 4, 7)
Dim period As String                 'qtr period
Dim year As Integer                  'current year report
Dim qtr As Integer                   'current qtr report
Dim first As Long
Dim last As Long
Dim RowQ1 As Long, RowQ2 As Long, RowQ3 As Long, RowQ4 As Long
Dim ColQ1 As Long, ColQ2 As Long, ColQ3 As Long, ColQ4 As Long

Sub start()

   'select the Qtr Period to report
   period = "Q4"
   year = 2013

   'set the following for use in range names
   'e.g.  for tab 1
   '   Q1 = Range("'1'!A1:CB200")
   '   Q2 = Range("'1'!A250:CB300")
   '   Q3 = Range("'1'!A350:CB400")
   '   Q4 = Range("'1'!A450:CB500")

   RowQ1 = 1
   RowQ2 = 250
   RowQ3 = 350
   RowQ4 = 450
   ColQ1 = 200
   ColQ2 = 300
   ColQ3 = 400
   ColQ4 = 500
   first = 1
   last = 80

   'set to the current active workbook (the source book)
   Set wbSource = ActiveWorkbook
   Set wbTarget = Workbooks.Open("C:\Users\temp\targetfile_" & year & period & ".xlsx")

   'set counter to each tab; as long as the source name is not equal to "Notes", the loop should continue ---- I'm just not sure how to handle the target workbook and each worksheet
   s = 1
   For Each wsSource In Worksheets
     If wsSource.Name <> "Notes" And period = "Q1" Then     'For Q1 Period
        Call work(RowQ1, ColQ1, s)
     ElseIf wsSource.Name <> "Notes" And period = "Q2" Then     'For Q2 Period
        Call work(RowQ2, ColQ2, s)
     ElseIf wsSource.Name <> "Notes" And period = "Q3" Then     'For Q3 Period
        Call work(RowQ3, ColQ3, s)
     ElseIf wsSource.Name <> "Notes" And period = "Q4" Then     'For Q4 Period
        Call work(RowQ4, ColQ4, s)
     End If
     s = s + 1

  Next wsSource

  'save the target book

  'close the workbook

  'activate the source book again

  'clear memory
  Set wbTarget = Nothing
  Set wbSource = Nothing

End Sub

Sub work(rq As Integer, cq As Integer, s as integer)

       SrcName = wsSource.Name
       Worksheets("Notes").Cells(s, 1).Value = SrcName
       Application.CutCopyMode = False
       wsSource.Range(Cells(rq, first), Cells(cq, last)).Copy
       wsTarget.Name = SrcName
       wsTarget.Range(Cells(rq, first)).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
       Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub

