
时间:2010-01-28 13:55:38

标签: python algorithm list linked-list




好的,你问过它: 我需要维护一个有数十万个条目的有序列表。我将逐步遍历列表(逐个),使用每个条目上的访问者,从头开始或二进制搜索找到的位置。当找到与谓词匹配的条目时,将其从列表中移除,然后,对从列表的子集开始的另一个二进制搜索从删除的条目的先前位置开始,直到事先在统计上确定的位置。忽略错误条件,修改的条目可以用于创建另一个链接列表,该链接列表被拼接到通过第二二进制搜索找到的新位置。从删除条目的位置继续迭代。有时,可以在列表中的任何位置添加/移除数千个连续的有序条目。有时必须逐步搜索和删除数千个不连续的条目。


如果我忽略了任何细节,也许我可以通过电子邮件向您发送我公司的保密协议副本,我可以就此事私下与您通信。 sarcasm.end()

10 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)

这是一个blog post分享你的痛苦。它包括链表的实现和性能比较。



BList的用例   比Python的列表略慢   如下(O(log n)对O(1)):

  1. 永远不会改变长度的大型列表。
  3. 一个大型列表,其中插入和删除仅在结尾处   清单(LIFO)。

    放弃该免责声明,   这里有一些用例   BLIST的速度要快得多   内置列表:

    1. 插入或删除大型列表(O(log n)与O(n))
    3. 取大片大片(O(log n)vs O(n))
    5. 制作大型列表的浅层副本(O(1)与O(n))
    7. 更改大片大片(O(log n + log k)与O(n + k))
    9. 将列表相乘以生成大型稀疏列表(O(log k)vs.   O(KN))

请注意,它实际上是作为B +树实现的,因此可以为所有这些操作提供出色的性能。

答案 1 :(得分:7)

Python列表是O(1) for operations at the end of the list。如果您将以半连续的方式进行所有插入 - 通过类比于C,只将单个指针保持在列表中间作为各种“光标” - 您可以节省很多精力只使用两个Python列表。一个列表是光标前的内容,一个是后面的内容;移动光标涉及从一个列表中拉出下一个项目并将其附加到另一个列表。这使得您可以在光标位置插入任意O(1),而不是创建一个全新的数据结构,而且可以重复使用很多现有的列表函数。




答案 2 :(得分:6)

有一个单链表here(Python Cookbook 1st ed中的食谱17.14),但它几乎不“成熟”或丰富 - 它只是做一个FIFO队列,所以它很少。

This recipe是一个非常简洁的C实现(只读)Lisp类似的缺点 - 只是汽车,cdr和缺点;再次,不是丰富的类型,而是最小的类型(并且将其用于可变数据,而不是纯函数方法,您至少需要添加setcar和setcdr)。这可能是一个更好的起点,因为cons-cells非常灵活和熟悉。

您需要的某些操作可能最好由现有的Python原语完成。例如,对于排序,很难看出你自己的排序如何能够超越Python sorted(linkedlist)的性能(当然,你可以使linkedlist类型成为Python可迭代的类型,因此它可以很好地与其余的语言和库;-),考虑到Python运行时中实现的timsort算法的强大功能。

更一般地说,我建议你仔细考虑timeit事情的每一步,以考虑C编码方法真正为你买多少(与印刷中的配方所示的普通C编码方法相比) Cookbook在我的答案开头提供的URL) - 这将取决于应用程序列表的大小和性质,因此您最适合组织这些基准测试。

答案 3 :(得分:6)




def _ref(obj):
    weakref.ref has a bit of braindamage: you can't take a weakref to None.
    This is a major hassle and a needless limitation; work around it.
    from weakref import ref
    if obj is None:
        class NullRef(object):
            def __call__(self): return None
        return NullRef()
        return ref(obj)

class _node(object):
    def __init__(self, obj):
        self.obj = obj
        self._next = None
        self._prev = _ref(None)
    def __repr__(self):
        return "node(%s)" % repr(self.obj)

    def __call__(self):
        return self.obj

    def next(self):
        return self._next

    def prev(self):
        return self._prev()

# Implementation note: all "_last" and "prev" links are weakrefs, to prevent circular references.
# This is important; if we don't do this, every list will be a big circular reference.  This would
# affect collection of the actual objects in the list, not just our node objects.
# This means that _node objects can't exist on their own; they must be part of a list, or nodes
# in the list will be collected.  We also have to pay attention to references when we move nodes
# from one list to another.
class llist(object):
    Implements a doubly-linked list.
    def __init__(self, init=None):
        self._first = None
        self._last = _ref(None)
        if init is not None:

    def insert(self, item, node=None):
        Insert item before node.  If node is None, insert at the end of the list.
        Return the node created for item.

        >>> l = llist()
        >>> a = l.insert(1)
        >>> b = l.insert(2)
        >>> d = l.insert(4)
        >>> l._check()
        [1, 2, 4]
        >>> c = l.insert(3, d)
        >>> l._check()
        [1, 2, 3, 4]
        item = _node(item)

        if node is None:
            if self._last() is not None:
                self._last()._next = item
                item._prev = _ref(self._last())
            self._last = _ref(item)
            if self._first is None:
                self._first = item
            assert self._first is not None, "insertion node must be None when the list is empty"
            if node._prev() is not None:
                node._prev()._next = item
            item._prev = node._prev
            item._next = node
            node._prev = _ref(item)
            if node is self._first:
                self._first = item
        return item

    def remove(self, node):
        >>> l = llist()
        >>> a = l.append(1)
        >>> b = l.append(2)
        >>> c = l.append(3)
        >>> d = l.append(4)
        >>> e = l.append(5)
        >>> l.remove(c) # Check removing from the middle
        >>> l._check()
        [1, 2, 4, 5]
        >>> l.remove(a) # Check removing from the start
        >>> l._check()
        [2, 4, 5]
        >>> l.remove(e) # Check removing from the end
        >>> l._check()
        [2, 4]
        if self._first is node:
            self._first = node._next
        if self._last() is node:
            self._last = node._prev
        if node._next is not None:
            node._next._prev = node._prev
        if node._prev() is not None:
            node._prev()._next = node._next
        node._next = None
        node._prev = _ref(None)
        return node.obj

    def __nonzero__(self):
        A list is true if it has any elements.

        >>> l = llist()
        >>> bool(l)
        >>> l = llist([1])
        >>> bool(l)
        return self._first is not None

    def __iter__(self):
        >>> l = llist([1,2,3])
        >>> [i() for i in l]
        [1, 2, 3]
        return self.getiter(self._first, self._last())

    def _check(self):
        if self._last() is None:
            assert self._last() is None
            return []
        node = self._first
        ret = []
        while node is not None:
            if node._next is None:
                assert node == self._last()
            if node._prev() is None:
                assert node == self._first
            if node._next is not None:
                assert node._next._prev() == node
            if node._prev() is not None:
                assert node._prev()._next == node
            node = node._next
        return ret

    def getiter(self, first, last):
        Return an iterator over [first,last].

        >>> l = llist()
        >>> l.append(1)
        >>> start = l.append(2)
        >>> l.extend([3,4,5,6])
        >>> end = l.append(7)
        >>> l.extend([8,9])
        >>> [i() for i in l.getiter(start, end)]
        [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
        class listiter(object):
            def __init__(self, first, last):
                self.node = first
                self.final_node = last

            def __iter__(self): return self
            def next(self):
                ret = self.node
                if ret is None:
                    raise StopIteration
                if ret is self.final_node:
                    self.node = None
                    self.node = self.node._next
                return ret
        return listiter(first, last)

    def append(self, item):
        Add an item to the end of the list.

        >>> l = llist()
        >>> l.append(1)
        >>> l.append(2)
        >>> l._check()
        [1, 2]
        return self.insert(item, None)

    def appendleft(self, item):
        Add an item to the beginning of the list.

        >>> l = llist()
        >>> l.appendleft(1)
        >>> l.appendleft(2)
        >>> l._check()
        [2, 1]
        return self.insert(item, self._first)

    def pop(self):
        Remove an item from the end of the list and return it.

        >>> l = llist([1,2,3])
        >>> l.pop()
        >>> l.pop()
        >>> l.pop()
        >>> l.pop()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        IndexError: pop from empty llist
        if self._last() is None:
            raise IndexError, "pop from empty llist"
        return self.remove(self._last())

    def popleft(self):
        Remove an item from the beginning of the list and return it.

        >>> l = llist([1,2,3])
        >>> l.popleft()
        >>> l.popleft()
        >>> l.popleft()
        >>> l.popleft()
        Traceback (most recent call last):
        IndexError: popleft from empty llist
        if self._first is None:
            raise IndexError, "popleft from empty llist"
        return self.remove(self._first)

    def splice(self, source, node=None):
        Splice the contents of source into this list before node; if node is None, insert at
        the end.  Empty source_list.  Return the first and last nodes that were moved.

        # Test inserting at the beginning.
        >>> l = llist()
        >>> a = l.append(1)
        >>> b = l.append(2)
        >>> c = l.append(3)
        >>> l2 = llist([4,5,6])
        >>> l.splice(l2, a)
        (node(4), node(6))
        >>> l._check()
        [4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3]
        >>> l2._check()

        # Test inserting in the middle.
        >>> l = llist()
        >>> a = l.append(1)
        >>> b = l.append(2)
        >>> c = l.append(3)
        >>> l2 = llist([4,5,6])
        >>> l.splice(l2, b)
        (node(4), node(6))
        >>> l._check()
        [1, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3]
        >>> l2._check()

        # Test inserting at the end.
        >>> l = llist()
        >>> a = l.append(1)
        >>> b = l.append(2)
        >>> c = l.append(3)
        >>> l2 = llist([4,5,6])
        >>> l.splice(l2, None)
        (node(4), node(6))
        >>> l._check()
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
        >>> l2._check()

        # Test inserting a list with a single item.
        >>> l = llist()
        >>> a = l.append(1)
        >>> b = l.append(2)
        >>> c = l.append(3)
        >>> l2 = llist([4])
        >>> l.splice(l2, b)
        (node(4), node(4))
        >>> l._check()
        [1, 4, 2, 3]
        >>> l2._check()
        if source._first is None:
        first = source._first
        last = source._last()

        if node is None:
            if self._last() is not None:
                self._last()._next = source._first
            source._first._prev = self._last
            self._last = source._last
            if self._first is None:
                self._first = source._first
            source._first._prev = node._prev
            source._last()._next = node
            if node._prev() is not None:
                node._prev()._next = source._first
            node._prev = source._last
            if node is self._first:
                self._first = source._first
        source._first = None
        source._last = _ref(None)
        return first, last

    def split(self, start, end=None):
        Remove all items between [node, end] and return them in a new list.  If end is None,
        remove until the end of the list.

        >>> l = llist()
        >>> a = l.append(1)
        >>> b = l.append(2)
        >>> c = l.append(3)
        >>> d = l.append(4)
        >>> e = l.append(5)
        >>> l._check()
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        >>> l2 = l.split(c, e)
        >>> l._check()
        [1, 2]
        >>> l2._check()
        [3, 4, 5]

        >>> l = llist()
        >>> a = l.append(1)
        >>> b = l.append(2)
        >>> c = l.append(3)
        >>> d = l.append(4)
        >>> e = l.append(5)
        >>> l2 = l.split(a, c)
        >>> l._check()
        [4, 5]
        >>> l2._check()
        [1, 2, 3]

        >>> l = llist()
        >>> a = l.append(1)
        >>> b = l.append(2)
        >>> c = l.append(3)
        >>> d = l.append(4)
        >>> e = l.append(5)
        >>> l2 = l.split(b, d)
        >>> l._check()
        [1, 5]
        >>> l2._check()
        [2, 3, 4]
        if end is None:
            end = self._last()

        ret = llist()

        # First, move the region into the new list.  It's important to do this first, or
        # once we remove the nodes from the old list, they'll be held only by weakrefs and
        # nodes could end up being collected before we put it into the new one.
        ret._first = start
        ret._last = _ref(end)

        # Hook our own nodes back together.
        if start is self._first:
            self._first = end._next
        if end is self._last():
            self._last = start._prev

        if start._prev() is not None:
            start._prev()._next = end._next
        if end._next is not None:
            end._next._prev = start._prev
        start._prev = _ref(None)
        end._next = None

        return ret

    def extend(self, items):
        >>> l = llist()
        >>> l.extend([1,2,3,4,5])
        >>> l._check()
        [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
        for item in items:

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import doctest

答案 4 :(得分:3)


答案 5 :(得分:3)


听起来链接列表绝对是错误的数据结构 - 进行二进制搜索需要随机访问列表,这意味着重复遍历元素。在链表上这可能比插入和删除python列表中的项目要慢。

听起来您想要的数据结构是skip list。谷歌抛出了几个实现,但我不能评论它们的完整性或质量。


另一种可能合适的数据结构是threaded binary tree。这类似于常规二叉树,但每个叶节点都指向下一个/上一个子树,因此它可以像链表一样有效地迭代。在Python中实现它是留给读者(或谷歌)的练习。

答案 6 :(得分:1)



答案 7 :(得分:0)

答案 8 :(得分:0)


答案 9 :(得分:0)
