
时间:2014-02-06 02:53:58

标签: arrays scheme chess mutable



(define-struct place (row column piece))
;; Place is a structure (make-place r c p) where r is the rank of a piece
;; which is a symbol of 'Pawn, 'Rook, 'Knight, 'Bishop, 'King or 'Queen
;; and column and place. Together c and p give the placement coordinates,
;; where column is one symbol from '(a b c d e f g h) and row is a number from 
;; 1 - 8 inclusive.

(define-struct piece (rank color))
;; Piece is a structure (make-piece r col) where rank is as described for a place   structure, 
;; and colour is a symbo either 'black or 'white.

(define move-counter 1) ; Keeps track of the current number of mves made.
;; Odd indicates white to move, else black to move.

;; Swap-in: '(Symbol Symbol Nat) '(Symbol Nat) -> '(-2- void)
;; Conditions:
;;   Pre: Swap-in is '(rank column row) From is '(column row)
;;   Post: produces list of lists containing -2- and void. where void represents
;;         any changed values.
;; Purpose: Swap-piece is a helper for any X-Move function that dictates the legal
;;          moves of a given piece.

(define (swap-piece swap-in from)
  (map (λ (x)
         (map (λ (piece)
                  [(and (= (third swap-in) (place-row piece)) 
                        (symbol=? (second swap-in) (place-column piece)))
                   (set-place-piece! piece 
                                     (make-piece (first swap-in) (cond
                                                                   [(odd? move-counter)     'white]
                                                                   [else 'black])))]
                  [(and (= (second from) (place-row piece))
                        (symbol=? (first from) (place-column piece)))
                   (set-place-piece! piece (make-piece empty empty))]
                  [else void]))

这是两个例子;第一个是它输出的,第二个是什么 它应该输出(在这个例子中,Swap-piece有一个小的修改,因此它的一个参数是一个板,因为不使用我的棋盘上的整个数组)。

(define Example-board (list
                          (make-place 8 'a (make-piece 'Rook 'black))
                          (make-place 7 'a (make-piece 'Pawn 'black)))
                          (make-place 4 'a (make-piece 'Queen 'white))
                          (make-place 6 'b (make-piece 'King 'White))))) 

> (swap-piece '(Queen a 4) '(a 7) Example-board)
(shared ((-2- void)) (list (list -2- (void)) (list (void) -2-)))


> Example-board
  (make-place 8 'a (make-piece 'Rook 'black)) 
  (make-place 7 'a (make-piece empty  empty)))
  (make-place 4 'a (make-piece 'Queen 'white)) 
  (make-place 6 'b (make-piece 'King  'White))))


> Example-board
  (make-place 8 'a (make-piece 'Rook 'black)) 
  (make-place 7 'a (make-piece 'Queen 'white)))
  (make-place 4 'a (make-piece empty empty)) 
  (make-place 6 'b (make-piece 'King  'White))))



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(define (swap-piece swap-in from)
  (map (λ (x)
         (map (λ (piece)
                   ; comparing coordinates of current square to swap-in
                  [(and (= (third swap-in) (place-row piece)) 
                        (symbol=? (second swap-in) (place-column piece)))
                   ; If they are equal place, remove swap-in from that square
                   (set-place-piece! piece (make-piece empty empty))]
                   ; If the coordinates of the square equal the coordinates of From
                   ; place the swap-in piece there
                  [(and (= (second from) (place-row piece))
                        (symbol=? (first from) (place-column piece)))
                   (set-place-piece! piece 
                                     (make-piece (first swap-in) (cond
                                                                   [(odd? move-counter)  'white]
                                                                   [else 'black])))]
                  [else void]))