
时间:2008-10-20 08:20:41

标签: perl search cgi extract

对于HF50(HF $ HF)我是searching,例如在“MyFile.txt”中,因此提取的数据必须保存为“save.txt”。现在再次提取“save.txt”上的数据,并在我的表格中填写参数和输出。但是当我尝试代码时,我没有输出,“save.txt”是空白的。?

无论我输入什么,都无法识别Var $ HF。请帮忙。

#! /usr/bin/perl

print "Content-type:text/html\r\n\r\n";

use CGI qw(:standard);
use strict;
use warnings;

my ($file,$line,$tester,$HF,$keyword);
my ($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4,$f5,$f6,$f7,$f8,$f9,$f10,$f11,$f12,$f13,$f14,$f15,$f16,$f17,$f18,$f19);

my $keyWord=param('keyword');

my $infile='MyFile.txt';
my $outfile='save.txt';

open (my $inhandle, '<',$infile) or die "Can't open $infile:$!";
open (my $outhandle, '>', $outfile) or die "Can't open $outfile:$!";

while (my $line=<$inhandle>){
if ($line=~ m/HF$HF/i) {
print {$outhandle}$line;
print $line;

print "<HTML>";
print "<head>";
print "<body bgcolor='#4682B4'>";
print "<title>FUSION SHIFT REPORT</title>";
print "<div align='left'>";
print "<FORM METHOD='get'        ACTION='http://Shielex.com/pe/mrigos/mainhead.html'>";
print "<b>SEACRH:</b>";
print "<INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='rec' SIZE='12' MAXLENGHT='40'>";
print "<INPUT TYPE='submit' value='go'>";
print "</form>";
print "<TABLE CELLPADDING='1' CELLSPACING='1' BORDER='1' bordercolor=black  width='100%'>";
print "<TR>";

print "<td width='11%'bgcolor='#00ff00'><font size='2'>TESTER No.</td>";
print "<td width='10%'bgcolor='#00ff00'><font size='2'>DATE</td>";

print "<td width='11%'bgcolor='#00ff00'><font size='2'>DEVICE NAME</td>";
print "<td bgcolor='#00ff00'><font size='2'>TEST PROGRAM</td>";

print "<td width='10%'bgcolor='#00ff00'><font size='2'>SMSLOT</td>";

print "<td width='12%'bgcolor='#00ff00'><font size='2'>LOADBOARD</td>";

print "<td width='10%'bgcolor='#00ff00'><font size='2'>CATEGORY</td>";
print "<td width='13%'bgcolor='#00ff00'><font size='2'>ROOT CAUSE 1</td>";
print "<td width='13%'bgcolor='#00ff00'><font size='2'>ROOT CAUSE 2</td>";
print "</tr>";
print "<TR>";

open(F,$file)||die("Could not open $file");
while ($line=<F>)
my @cells=($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4,$f5,$f6,$f7,$f8,$f9,$f10,$f11,$f12,$f13,$f14,$f15,$f16,$f17,$f18,$f19)=   split ',',$line;

print "<TD bgcolor='#ADD8E6'><font size='2'>$f2</TD>";
print "<TD bgcolor='#ADD8E6'><font size='2'>$f3</TD>";

print "<TD bgcolor='#ADD8E6'><font size='2'>$f5</TD>";
print "<TD bgcolor='#ADD8E6'><font size='2'>$f6</TD>";

print "<TD bgcolor='#ADD8E6'><font size='2'>$f8</TD>";

print "<TD bgcolor='#ADD8E6'><font size='2'>$f10</TD>";
print "<TD bgcolor='#ADD8E6'><font size='2'>$f17</TD>";
print "<TD bgcolor='#ADD8E6'><font size='2'>$f18</TD>";
print "<TD bgcolor='#ADD8E6'><font size='2'>$f19</TD>";
print "</tr>";

close F;
print "</TABLE>";
print "</body>";
print "<html>";

= MyFile.txt数据 =

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


您可能想查看Troubleshooting Perl CGI scripts。完成所有步骤而不跳过任何步骤。当您遇到困难时,您拥有帮助我们帮助您的大部分信息。


答案 1 :(得分:0)



答案 2 :(得分:-1)

首先,Perl的输出本质上是缓冲的。因此,除非您使用某种显式方法,否则无法保证物理文件可以读取任何内容。正如有人提到的,你必须以某种方式刷新输出。我的评论在下面的代码中。 (您也可以通过关闭输出文件并在读取后以追加模式打开它来执行此操作。)


以下是更多 perl-ified 代码:

use CGI qw(:standard);
use IO::File;
use strict;
use warnings;

my ($file,$line,$HF); #,$tester,$HF,$keyword);
# don't pollute -> my ($f1,$f2,$f3,$f4,$f5,$f6,$f7,$f8,$f9,$f10
# ,$f11,$f12,$f13,$f14,$f15,$f16,$f17,$f18,$f19);

# my $keyWord=param('keyword'); <-- if you're not going to do anything with $keyWord
$HF=param('keyword'); # <- assign it to the variable you're going to use

my $infile='MyFile.txt';
my $outfile='save.txt';

open (my $inhandle, '<',$infile) or die "Can't open $infile:$!";
open (my $outhandle, '>', $outfile) or die "Can't open $outfile:$!";
# this would flush -> my $outhandle = IO::File->new( ">$outfile" );

print q{Content-type:text/html

<title>FUSION SHIFT REPORT</title>
<style type="text/css">
.header { background-color : #0f0; font-size : 12pt }
.detail { background-color : #ADD8E6; font-size : 12pt }
<body bgcolor='#4682B4'>
<div align='left'>
<FORM METHOD='get' ACTION='http://Shielex.com/pe/mrigos/mainhead.html'>
<input type='text' name='rec' size='12' maxlenght='40'>
<input type='submit' value='go'>
<table cellpadding='1' cellspacing='1' border='1' bordercolor=black  width='100%'>
  <td class="header" width='11%'>TESTER No.</td>
  <td class="header" width='10%'>DATE</td>
  <td class="header" width='11%'>DEVICE NAME</td>
  <td class="header" >TEST PROGRAM</td>
  <td class="header" width='10%'>SMSLOT</td>
  <td class="header" width='12%'>LOADBOARD</td>
  <td class="header" width='10%'>CATEGORY</td>
  <td class="header" width='13%'>ROOT CAUSE 1</td>
  <td class="header" width='13%'>ROOT CAUSE 2</td>

my $hf_str = ",HF$HF,";
# OO -> $outhandle->autoflush(); <- set autoflush
while (my $line=<$inhandle>){
    next unless index( $line, $hf_str ) > -1;
    # OO -> $outhandle->print( $line );
    #       $outhandle->flush(); <- if autoflush not set, do it manually
    print *{$outhandle} $line;
    print "<tr>"
        , ( map { qq{<td class="detail">$_</td>} } 
            split ',', $line
        , "</tr>\n"
print q{