SQL - 添加Char(10)换行符

时间:2014-02-14 21:39:28

标签: sql-server tsql

(MS SQL only 2008R2) 我想知道如何在字符串中每次出现Char(10)之前和之后添加timestamp (##:##:##)换行符。

所以,如果我有一个"askdfjaksdfja asfd kj 03:56:34 sdfas 09:56:12 sdfa sd sss dg"的字符串,那么我希望所有##:##:##在每个timestamps之前和之后都有一个换行符。



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set nocount on;

declare @string varchar(max);
set @string = 'askdfjaksdfja asfd kj 03:56:34 sdfas 09:56:12 sdfa sd sss dg 42test x77:xx ';

declare @replace table (this char(4), that char(4));

with digits(NN) as
    select top 60 right('0'+cast(row_number() over(order by object_id)-1 as varchar), 2)
    from sys.all_columns --use your numbers table
insert into @replace
    --replace " NN:" with "char(10)+NN:"
    select  space(1)+NN+':',
    from    digits
    union all
    --replace ":NN " with ":NN+char(10)" 
    select  ':'+NN+space(1),
    from    digits;

select  @string = replace(@string, this, that)
from    @replace
where   charindex(this, @string)>0;

select @string