
时间:2014-02-16 01:26:28

标签: python csv header




import csv
import re
import sys
import gdata.docs.service

email = "myemail@gmail.com" 
password = "password"

#string_1 = ('OneTouch AT')
#string_2 = ('LinkRunner AT')
#string_3 = ('AirCheck')

searched = ['aircheck', 'linkrunner at', 'onetouch at']

def find_group(row):
    """Return the group index of a row
        0 if the row contains searched[0]
        1 if the row contains searched[1]
        -1 if not found
    for col in row:
        col = col.lower()
        for j, s in enumerate(searched):
            if s in col:
                return j
        return -1

#def does_match(string):
#    stringl = string.lower()
#    return any(s in stringl for s in searched)

#Opens Input file for read and output file to write.
inFile  = open('data.csv', "rb")
reader = csv.reader(inFile)
outFile  = open('data2.csv', "wb")
writer = csv.writer(outFile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)

# Read header
header = reader.next()

#for row in reader:
#   found = False
#   for col in row:
#       if col in [string_1, string_2, string_3] and not found:
#           writer.writerow(row)
#           found = True


"""Built a list of items to sort. If row 12 contains 'LinkRunner AT' (group 1),
    one stores a triple (1, 12, row)
    When the triples are sorted later, all rows in group 0 will come first, then
    all rows in group 1, etc.

stored = []
writer.writerow(row[header] for header in (0,2))

for i, row in enumerate(reader):
    g = find_group(row)
    if g >= 0:
        stored.append((g, i, row))

for g, i, row in stored:
    writer.writerow(tuple(row[k] for k in (0,2))) # output col 1 & 3

#for row in reader:
 #   if any(does_match(col) for col in row):
  #      writer.writerow(row[:2]) # write only 2 first columns

# Closing Input and Output files.


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


writer.writerow([header[0], header[2]])


writer.writerow(header[i] for i in (0,2))
writer.writerow(tuple(header[k] for k in (0,2)))


for g, i, row in stored:
    writer.writerow([row[0], row[2]])