
时间:2014-02-17 14:29:58

标签: vba excel-vba excel


  1. 选择要打开文件的文件夹
  2. 然后计算每个文件中的行数(每个文件只包含1个表)。
  3. 将所有包含多行的文件移至另一个文件夹
  4. 我是VBA中的新手,所以我发现如何计算活动工作表中的行数,但我仍然无法自动管理文件打开和移动到另一个文件夹:

    Sub RowCount()
        Dim iAreaCount As Integer
        Dim i As Integer
        iAreaCount = Selection.Areas.Count
        If iAreaCount <= 1 Then
            MsgBox "The selection contains " & Selection.Rows.Count & " rows."
            For i = 1 To iAreaCount
                MsgBox "Area " & i & " of the selection contains " & _
                Selection.Areas(i).Rows.Count & " rows."
            Next i
        End If
    End Sub


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这实际上很简单。 真的 很简单。 :)

首先,选择要查看Excel文件的文件夹的代码。使用Google并搜索excel vba select folder dialogFirst result生成此代码:

Function GetFolder(strPath As String) As String
Dim fldr As FileDialog
Dim sItem As String
Set fldr = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
With fldr
    .Title = "Select a Folder"
    .AllowMultiSelect = False
    .InitialFileName = strPath
    If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
    sItem = .SelectedItems(1)
End With
GetFolder = sItem
Set fldr = Nothing
End Function

我们将在以后使用它。接下来,我们需要一个循环来计算每个文件/表中有多少行。但是,如果没有打开这些文件,我们就无法统计它们。所以,让我们寻找一个在循环中打开工作簿的代码。谷歌搜索excel vba open excel files in folderwe get the second result。第一个结果是Excel 2007及更高版本中已弃用的方法。我将假设你正在跑2007年及以上。这是代码,应用Siddharth Rout详细说明的适当修正。

Sub OpenFiles()
Dim MyFolder As String
Dim MyFile As String
MyFolder = "Blah blah blah"
MyFile = Dir(MyFolder & "\*.xlsx")
Do While MyFile <> ""
Workbooks.Open Filename:=MyFolder & "\" & MyFile
MyFile = Dir
End Sub

现在,一些半高级的最佳实践。而不是打开每个工作簿/工作表/文件并计算每个打开文件中的行(这非常违反直觉),让我们修改上面的代码来计算每个文件中的行,然后将它们移动到另一个文件夹中。他们有多个(1) 使用 行。我们还将更改上面的代码以及第一个获取我们想要应用第二个代码的文件夹的函数。

Sub OpenFiles()
Dim MyFolder As String
Dim MyFile As String
MyFolder = GetFolder("C:\users\yourname\Desktop" 'Modify as needed.
MyFile = Dir(MyFolder & "\*.xlsx") 'Modify as needed.
Do While MyFile <> ""
Workbooks.Open Filename:=MyFolder & "\" & MyFile
MyFile = Dir
End Sub

看看那里发生了什么?我们调用GetFolder函数并将其分配给MyFolder。然后我们连接MyFolder和通配符字符串,然后将其传递给Dir,这样我们就可以遍历文件。剩下的两件事是什么?好吧,计算用过的行 AND 移动文件。对于使用过的行,我会破解一个简单的函数来检查工作簿的唯一工作表,看看该行是否为2或更高。

Function CountUsedRows(Wbk As Workbook) As Long
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Set WS = Wbk.Sheets(1)
    CountUsedRows = WS.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'Modify as necessary.
End Function

现在这很简单。接下来,让我们编写一个简单的代码来移动文件。出于个人目的,我会将代码写入 copy 。它会由你来修改它以便移动,因为这是一个相当敏感的操作,如果它搞砸了......好吧。嗯。但这里的一些东西告诉我,有一个更好的选择。复制可能导致所有错误的行为从拒绝许可到错误复制。由于我们已将文件打开,为什么不将 保存 而不是新文件夹?


Sub OpenFiles()
    Dim MyFolder As String
    Dim MyFile As String
    Dim TargetWB As Workbook
    MyFolder = GetFolder("C:\Users\yourname\Desktop") 'Modify as needed.
    MyFile = Dir(MyFolder & "\*.xlsx") 'Modify as needed.
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Do While MyFile <> ""
        Set TargetWB = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=MyFolder & "\" & MyFile)
        With TargetWB
            If CountUsedRows(TargetWB) > 1 Then
                .SaveAs "C:\Users\yourname\Desktop\Blah\CopyOf" & MyFile 'Modify as needed.
            End If
        End With
    MyFile = Dir
    Shell "explorer.exe C:\Users\yourname\Desktop\Blah", vbMaximizedFocus 'Open the folder.
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Function GetFolder(strPath As String) As String
    Dim fldr As FileDialog
    Dim sItem As String
    Set fldr = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
    With fldr
        .Title = "Select a Folder"
        .AllowMultiSelect = False
        .InitialFileName = strPath
        If .Show <> -1 Then GoTo NextCode
        sItem = .SelectedItems(1)
    End With
    GetFolder = sItem
    Set fldr = Nothing
End Function

Function CountUsedRows(Wbk As Workbook) As Long
    Dim WS As Worksheet
    Set WS = Wbk.Sheets(1)
    CountUsedRows = WS.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 'Modify as necessary.
End Function

尝试并经过测试。 请告诉我们这是否适合您。

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Public Function FileRowCount(FilePath As String, Optional RowDelimiter As String = vbCr) As Long
' Returns the row count of a text file, including the header row
' Returns - 1 on error
' Unicode-compliant, works on UTF-8, UTF-16, ASCII, with or without a Byte order Marker. ' Reads a typical 30Mb file over the network in 200-300ms. Hint: always copy to a local folder.
' If you're scanning files for use with a SQL driver, use basSQL.TableRowCount: it's 20x slower, ' but it returns a proper test of the file's usability as a SQL 'table'
' Nigel Heffernan Excellerando.Blogspot.com 2015
' Unit test: ' s=Timer : for i = 0 to 99 : n=FileRowCount("C:\Temp\MyFile.csv") : Next i : Print Format(n,"#,##0") & " rows in " & FORMAT((Timer-s)/i,"0.000") & " sec"
' Network performance on a good day: reads ~ 150 MB/second, plus an overhead of 70 ms for each file ' Local-drive performance: ~ 4.5 GB/second, plus an overhead of 4 ms for each file
On Error Resume Next
Dim hndFile As Long Dim lngRowCount As Long Dim lngOffset As Long Dim lngFileLen As Long
Const CHUNK_SIZE As Long = 8192
Dim strChunk As String * CHUNK_SIZE
If Len(Dir(FilePath, vbNormal)) < 1 Then     FileRowCount = -1     Exit Function End If
' trap the error of a folder path without a filename: If FileName(FilePath) = "" Then     FileRowCount = -1     Exit Function End If

    hndFile = FreeFile     Open FilePath For Binary Access Read Shared As #hndFile

    lngFileLen = LOF(hndFile)

    lngOffset = 1     Do Until EOF(hndFile)         Get #hndFile, , strChunk         FileRowCount = FileRowCount + UBound(Split(strChunk, RowDelimiter))     Loop

    Close #hndFile     Erase arrBytes
End Function

Public Function FileName(Path As String) As String ' Strip the folder and path from a file's path string, leaving only the file name
' This does not check for the existence or accessibility of the file: ' all we're doing here is string-handling
' Nigel Heffernan Excellerando.Blogspot.com 2011
Dim strPath As String Dim arrPath() As String
Const BACKSLASH As String * 1 = "\"
strPath = Trim(Path)
If strPath = "" Then Exit Function If Right$(strPath, 1) = BACKSLASH Then Exit Function
arrPath = Split(strPath, BACKSLASH)
If UBound(arrPath) = 0 Then ' does not contain "\"     FileName = Path Else     FileName = arrPath(UBound(arrPath)) End If
Erase arrPath
End Function


警告:可怕的黑客 严格来说,我应该声明Dim arrBytes(CHUNK_SIZE) As Byte并使用此字节数组而不是strChunk来从为二进制读取打开的文件中接收Get


  1. 最后Get,它将设置文件结尾为TRUE,将从中提取更少的数据文件比完整的“块”。接下来发生的事情是文件的最后几个字节被写入数组而不清除前一个'Get'中的数据。所以你必须做额外的管道工作,计算与LOF(#hwndFile)关闭的字节以检测'Last Get'并分支到清除缓冲区的语句,或者分配一个较小的字节数组并使用它代替;
  2. < li>代码只能处理UTF-8 2字节编码字符集,或者如果你在行分隔符周围进行一些字节数组替换,则使用单字节编码的ASCII“拉丁文”。
VBA String类型是一个带有包装器的字节数组,允许您的代码(或者说编译器)在后台处理所有复杂性。


