
时间:2014-02-18 00:35:32

标签: excel vba excel-vba listbox userform

您好我有以下代码要搜索,搜索的项目会显示在列表框中。我还有一个更新按钮,可以更新您在文本框中输入的任何新信息。更新框工作正常但由于某种原因,当列表框中显示多个重复项目,我尝试单击第二个实例并尝试更新,它更新原始而不是第二个实例。因此,第一个实例应该更新第一个实例项,第二个应该更新第二个但是现在,第一个是更新第一个实例,第二个是更新第一个实例,第三个是更新第一个实例 - 总是更新第一个实例。我怎样才能解决这个问题?这是文件:https://www.dropbox.com/s/36e9fmbf17wpa0l/example.xlsm

Public Sub Search_Click()
Dim Name As String
Dim f As Range
Dim s As Integer
Dim FirstAddress As String
Dim str() As String
Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master")

Name = surname.Value

With ws
 Set f = .Range("A:A").Find(what:=Name, LookIn:=xlValues)
  If Not f Is Nothing Then
   With Me
    firstname.Value = f.Offset(0, 1).Value
    tod.Value = f.Offset(0, 2).Value
    program.Value = f.Offset(0, 3).Value
    email.Value = f.Offset(0, 4).Text

    SetCheckBoxes f.Offset(0, 5) '<<< replaces code below

    officenumber.Value = f.Offset(0, 6).Text
    cellnumber.Value = f.Offset(0, 7).Text
    r = f.Row
   End With
        FirstAddress = f.Address
    s = s + 1
    Set f = Range("A:A").findnext(f)
            Loop While Not f Is Nothing And f.Address <> FirstAddress
    If s > 1 Then
       Select Case MsgBox("There are " & s & " instances of " & Name, vbOKCancel Or vbExclamation Or vbDefaultButton1, "Multiple entries")

       Case vbOK
       Case vbCancel

       End Select

    End If

Else: MsgBox Name & "Not Listed"

End If

End With

End Sub

Sub findnext()
Dim Name As String
Dim f As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim s As Integer
Dim findnext As Range

Name = surname.Value
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master")
With ws
 Set f = .Cells(r, 1)
 Set findnext = f

With ListBox1
Debug.Print findnext.Address
Set findnext = Range("A:A").findnext(findnext)

.AddItem findnext.Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 1) = findnext.Offset(0, 1).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 2) = findnext.Offset(0, 2).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 3) = findnext.Offset(0, 3).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 4) = findnext.Offset(0, 4).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 5) = findnext.Offset(0, 5).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 6) = findnext.Offset(0, 6).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 7) = findnext.Offset(0, 7).Value
.List(.ListCount - 1, 8) = findnext.Offset(0, 8).Value
Loop While findnext.Address <> f.Address
 End With
End With

End Sub

Public Sub update_Click()
MsgBox "Directorate has been updated!"
Dim Name As String
Dim f As Range
Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master")
With ws
 Set f = .Cells(r, 1)

    f.Value = surname.Value
    f.Offset(0, 1).Value = firstname.Value
    f.Offset(0, 2).Value = tod.Value
    f.Offset(0, 3).Value = program.Value
    f.Offset(0, 4).Value = email.Value
    f.Offset(0, 5).Value = GetCheckBoxes
    f.Offset(0, 6).Value = officenumber.Value
    f.Offset(0, 7).Value = cellnumber.Value

End With
End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master")
With ws
  Set f = .Cells(r, 1)




Public Sub update_Click()

  MsgBox "Directorate has been updated!"

  Dim RowNext As Long

  With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master")

    ' There is no checking of the values entered by the user.
    ' I have assumed that the surname is present on the last used row.
    ' If this assumption is untrue, the new data will overwrite the row
    ' below the last row with a surname.
    RowNext = .Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1

    .Cells(RowNext, "A").Value = surname.Value
    .Cells(RowNext, "B").Value = firstname.Value
    .Cells(RowNext, "C").Value = tod.Value
    .Cells(RowNext, "D").Value = program.Value
    .Cells(RowNext, "E").Value = email.Value
    .Cells(RowNext, "F").Value = GetCheckBoxes
    .Cells(RowNext, "G").Value = officenumber.Value
    .Cells(RowNext, "H").Value = cellnumber.Value

  End With

End Sub


答案 1 :(得分:1)



首先我改变了你的表格。我已经使表单更深一些,并将列表框向下移动。在列表框上方,我插入了一个名为lblMessage的标签。此标签横跨表单的整个宽度,深度为三行。你的大部分文字都是Tahoma 8.这个标签是Tahoma 10并且是蓝色的。我用它来告诉用户他们应该做什么。


Option Explicit



Const ColMasterFamilyName As String = "A"
Const ColMasterGivenName As String = "B"
Const ColMasterTitle As String = "C"
Const ColMasterProgArea As String = "D"
Const ColMasterEMail As String = "E"
Const ColMasterStakeHolder As String = "F"
Const ColMasterOfficePhone As String = "G"
Const ColMasterCellPhone As String = "H"


这些常量使用我的系统命名。 “Col”说这些是专栏。 “Master”说明了他们适用的工作表。 “FamilyName”表示哪一列。在您的代码中,您使用“姓氏”和“名字”。我在“姓”和“名字”不是“文化敏感”的地区工作了很多年。我不是要求你喜欢我的系统,但你必须有一个系统。我可以看一下几年前写的代码,知道变量是什么。


Public r As Long 


Dim RowEnteredName() As Long

我为每个选择重新定义此数组。如果只有一行与输入的名称匹配,则其标注为ReDim RowEnteredName(1 To 1)RowEnteredName(1)保存行号。如果计数行与输入的名称匹配,则其标注为ReDim RowEnteredName(0 To Count)。未使用RowEnteredName(0),因为它对应于标题行,而RowEnteredName(1 To Count)包含每次重复名称的行号。





Option Explicit

Const ColMasterFamilyName As String = "A"
Const ColMasterGivenName As String = "B"
Const ColMasterTitle As String = "C"
Const ColMasterProgArea As String = "D"
Const ColMasterEMail As String = "E"
Const ColMasterStakeHolder As String = "F"
Const ColMasterOfficePhone As String = "G"
Const ColMasterCellPhone As String = "H"

Dim RowEnteredName() As Long
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
'pop listbox when more than one instances are prompted
'cliking the person's name will change the textboxes
'transfer the values to updateclick

  Dim RowMasterCrnt As Long

  If ListBox1.ListIndex = 0 Then
    'Debug.Assert False
    lblMessage.Caption = "You cannot select the heading row.  Please select a person."
    Exit Sub
  End If

  With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master")

    RowMasterCrnt = RowEnteredName(ListBox1.ListIndex)

    ReDim RowEnteredName(1 To 1)
    RowEnteredName(1) = RowMasterCrnt

    surname.Value = .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterFamilyName).Value
    firstname.Value = .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterGivenName).Value
    tod.Value = .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterTitle).Value
    program.Value = .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterProgArea).Value
    email.Value = .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterEMail).Value
    Call SetCheckBoxes(.Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterStakeHolder).Value)
    officenumber.Value = .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterOfficePhone).Value
    cellnumber.Value = .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterCellPhone).Value
    lblMessage.Caption = "Please change details as required then click [Update].  " & _
                         "If you have selected the wrong person, " & _
                         "please click [Select] to reselect."
    update.Visible = True

  End With

  ListBox1.Visible = False  ' Cannot use again because RowEnteredName changed

End Sub
Private Sub Search_Click()

  ' User should have entered a Family name before clicking Search.
  If surname.Value = "" Then
    Debug.Assert False  ' Not tested
    lblMessage.Caption = "Please enter a Family name or Surname"
    Exit Sub
  End If

  Dim Name As String
  Dim CellNameFirst As Range        ' First cell, if any, holding family name
  Dim Count As Long
  Dim FirstAddress As String

  lblMessage.Caption = ""
  Name = surname.Value

  With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master")

    ' Look for entered family name in appropriate column
    Set CellNameFirst = .Columns(ColMasterFamilyName).Find( _
                            what:=Name, after:=.Range(ColMasterFamilyName & "1"), _
                            lookat:=xlWhole, LookIn:=xlValues, _
                            SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
    If Not CellNameFirst Is Nothing Then

      ' There is at least one person with the entered family name.

      ' Fill the listbox and make it visible if there is more than one person
      ' with the entered family name
      'Debug.Assert False  ' Not tested
      Call FillListBox(CellNameFirst)

      If ListBox1.Visible Then
        ' There is more than one person with the entered name
        ' Ensure update not available until selection made from list box
        'Debug.Assert False  ' Not tested
        update.Visible = False
        lblMessage.Caption = "Please click the required person within the listbox"
        Exit Sub
        ' Only one person with entered name
        ' Prepare the entry controls for updating by the user

        'Debug.Assert False  ' Not tested
        ReDim RowEnteredName(1 To 1)
        RowEnteredName(1) = CellNameFirst.Row   ' Record row for selected family name

        firstname.Value = .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), ColMasterGivenName).Value
        tod.Value = .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), ColMasterTitle).Value
        program.Value = .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), ColMasterProgArea).Value
        email.Value = .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), ColMasterEMail).Value
        Call SetCheckBoxes(.Cells(RowEnteredName(1), ColMasterStakeHolder).Value)
        officenumber.Value = .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), ColMasterOfficePhone).Value
        cellnumber.Value = .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), ColMasterCellPhone).Value
        lblMessage.Caption = "Please change details as required then click Update"
        update.Visible = True
      End If
      Debug.Assert False  ' Not tested
      lblMessage.Caption = "No person found with that name.  Please try another."
      update.Visible = False
    End If

  End With

End Sub
Public Sub update_Click()

  With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master")

    .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), "A").Value = surname.Value
    .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), "B").Value = firstname.Value
    .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), "C").Value = tod.Value
    .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), "D").Value = program.Value
    .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), "E").Value = email.Value
    .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), "F").Value = GetCheckBoxes
    .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), "G").Value = officenumber.Value
    .Cells(RowEnteredName(1), "H").Value = cellnumber.Value

  End With

  ' Clear controls ready for next select and update
  surname.Value = ""
  firstname.Value = ""
  tod.Value = ""
  program.Value = ""
  email.Value = ""
  Call SetCheckBoxes("")
  officenumber.Value = ""
  cellnumber.Value = ""

  lblMessage.Caption = "Please enter the family name or surname of the " & _
                       "person whose details are to be updated then " & _
                       "click [Search]."

  update.Visible = False

End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

  ' Set controls visible or invisible on initial entry to form.

  ' Update is not available until Search has been clicked and current
  ' details of a single person has been displayed.
  update.Visible = False

  ' The listbox is only used if Search finds the entered name matches
  ' two or more people
  ListBox1.Visible = False

  ' Search is the first button to be clicked and is always available
  ' as a means of cancelling the previous selection.
  Search.Visible = True

  ' Not yet implemented
  CommandButton1.Visible = False
  CommandButton2.Visible = False
  CommandButton3.Visible = False
  CommandButton7.Visible = False

  lblMessage.Caption = "Please enter the family name or surname of the " & _
                       "person whose details are to be updated then " & _
                       "click [Search]."

End Sub
Function ColCodeToNum(ColStg As String) As Integer

  ' Convert 1 or 2 character column identifiers to number.
  ' A -> 1; Z -> 26: AA -> 27; and so on

  Dim lcColStg                  As String

  lcColStg = LCase(ColStg)
  ColCodeToNum = IIf(Len(ColStg) > 1, (Asc(Left(ColStg, 1)) - 64) * 26, 0) + _
                 Asc(Right(ColStg, 1)) - 64

End Function
Sub FillListBox(CellNameFirst As Range)

  ' CellNamefirst is the first, possibly only, cell for the
  ' family name entered by the user.
  ' Clear the listbox.  If there is more than one person with the
  ' entered family name, make the listbox visible and fill it with
  ' every person with the same family name

  Dim CellName As Range
  Dim Count As Long
  Dim ListBoxData() As String
  Dim RowMasterCrnt As Long
  Dim LbEntryCrnt As Long

  Set CellName = CellNameFirst

  ' Count number of rows with same family name as CellNameFirst
  Count = 1
  With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master")
    Do While True
      Set CellName = .Columns(ColMasterFamilyName).findnext(CellName)
      If CellName.Row = CellNameFirst.Row Then
        'Debug.Assert False
        Exit Do
      End If
      'Debug.Assert False
      Count = Count + 1
  End With

  If Count = 1 Then
    ' Only one person has the entered family name
    'Debug.Assert False
    Me.ListBox1.Visible = False
    Exit Sub
  End If

  'Debug.Assert False
  Set CellName = CellNameFirst

  ReDim ListBoxData(1 To 8, 0 To Count)     ' Row 0 used for column headings
  ReDim RowEnteredName(0 To Count)
  LbEntryCrnt = 0

  With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Master")

      ' Create column headings
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterFamilyName), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                                         .Cells(2, ColMasterFamilyName).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterGivenName), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                                          .Cells(2, ColMasterGivenName).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterTitle), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                                              .Cells(2, ColMasterTitle).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterProgArea), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                                           .Cells(2, ColMasterProgArea).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterEMail), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                                              .Cells(2, ColMasterEMail).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterStakeHolder), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                                        .Cells(2, ColMasterStakeHolder).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterOfficePhone), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                                        .Cells(2, ColMasterOfficePhone).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterCellPhone), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                                          .Cells(2, ColMasterCellPhone).Value
      LbEntryCrnt = LbEntryCrnt + 1

    Do While True

      ' For each row with the same family name, add details to array
      RowMasterCrnt = CellName.Row
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterFamilyName), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                             .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterFamilyName).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterGivenName), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                              .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterGivenName).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterTitle), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                                  .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterTitle).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterProgArea), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                               .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterProgArea).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterEMail), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                                  .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterEMail).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterStakeHolder), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                            .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterStakeHolder).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterOfficePhone), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                            .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterOfficePhone).Value
      ListBoxData(ColCodeToNum(ColMasterCellPhone), LbEntryCrnt) = _
                              .Cells(RowMasterCrnt, ColMasterCellPhone).Value
      RowEnteredName(LbEntryCrnt) = RowMasterCrnt
      LbEntryCrnt = LbEntryCrnt + 1
      Set CellName = .Columns(ColMasterFamilyName).findnext(CellName)
      If CellName.Row = CellNameFirst.Row Then
        Exit Do
      End If

  End With

  Me.ListBox1.Column = ListBoxData  ' Write array to listbox
  ListBox1.Visible = True

End Sub
'Get the checked checkboxes as a space-separated string
Function GetCheckBoxes() As String

  Dim arrStakeHolderAll() As Variant
  Dim i As Long
  Dim rv As String

  'Debug.Assert False
  arrStakeHolderAll = WhatCheckboxes()
  rv = ""

  For i = LBound(arrStakeHolderAll) To UBound(arrStakeHolderAll)
    'Debug.Assert False
    If Me.Controls(arrStakeHolderAll(i)).Value = True Then
      'Debug.Assert False
      rv = rv & IIf(Len(rv) > 0, " ", "") & arrStakeHolderAll(i)
    End If
  Next i

  GetCheckBoxes = rv

End Function
Sub SetCheckBoxes(strList As String)

  ' Populate checkboxes from space-separated values in strList.
  ' Pass "" to just clear checkboxes

  Dim arrStakeHolderAll() As Variant
  Dim arrStakeHolderCrnt() As String
  Dim i As Long
  Dim tmp As String

  'Debug.Assert False
  PACT.Value = False
  PrinceRupert.Value = False
  WPM.Value = False
  Montreal.Value = False
  TET.Value = False
  TC.Value = False
  US.Value = False
  Other.Value = False

  arrStakeHolderAll = WhatCheckboxes()

 If Len(strList) > 0 Then
    'Debug.Assert False
    arrStakeHolderCrnt = Split(strList, " ")
    For i = LBound(arrStakeHolderCrnt) To UBound(arrStakeHolderCrnt)
      'Debug.Assert False
      tmp = Trim(arrStakeHolderCrnt(i))
      If Not IsError(Application.Match(tmp, arrStakeHolderAll, 0)) Then
        'Debug.Assert False
        Me.Controls(tmp).Value = True
      End If
    Next i
  End If

End Sub

'returns the name of all Stakeholder checkboxes
Function WhatCheckboxes() As Variant()
  'Debug.Assert False
  WhatCheckboxes = Array("PACT", "PrinceRupert", "WPM", _
                         "Montreal", "TET", "TC", "US", "Other")
End Function