
时间:2014-02-20 23:00:06

标签: objective-c nsdate nsdatecomponents

在Julian Day计算器上编写一些单元测试时,我发现NSDate错误地初始化了1847年12月2日之前的日期。他们似乎有75秒加入。我找不到任何指向该日期的东西(这是在公历截止日期之后)。这是一个错误还是我没有遇到历史性的日历调整?

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    @autoreleasepool {

        NSCalendar *cal = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
        NSDateComponents *dateComps = [NSDateComponents new];
        dateComps.year = 1847;
        dateComps.month = 12;
        dateComps.day    = 1;
        NSDate *d1 = [cal dateFromComponents:dateComps];
        NSLog(@"d1 = %@", d1);

        dateComps = [NSDateComponents new];
        dateComps.year = 1847;
        dateComps.month = 12;
        dateComps.day    = 2;
        NSDate *d2 = [cal dateFromComponents:dateComps];
        NSLog(@"d2 = %@", d2);
    return 0;


d1 = 1847-12-01 00:01:15 +0000

d2 = 1847-12-02 00:00:00 +0000

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:93)



答案 1 :(得分:22)

在回复the post by Richard Krajunus时,以下是大多数计算机用来跟踪这些变化的zoneinfo database的其他信息:

# From Paul Eggert (1993-11-18):
# Howse writes that Britain was the first country to use standard time.
# The railways cared most about the inconsistencies of local mean time,
# and it was they who forced a uniform time on the country.
# The original idea was credited to Dr. William Hyde Wollaston (1766-1828)
# and was popularized by Abraham Follett Osler (1808-1903).
# The first railway to adopt London time was the Great Western Railway
# in November 1840; other railways followed suit, and by 1847 most
# (though not all) railways used London time.  On 1847-09-22 the
# Railway Clearing House, an industry standards body, recommended that GMT be
# adopted at all stations as soon as the General Post Office permitted it.
# The transition occurred on 12-01 for the L&NW, the Caledonian,
# and presumably other railways; the January 1848 Bradshaw's lists many
# railways as using GMT.  By 1855 the vast majority of public
# clocks in Britain were set to GMT (though some, like the great clock
# on Tom Tower at Christ Church, Oxford, were fitted with two minute hands,
# one for local time and one for GMT).  The last major holdout was the legal
# system, which stubbornly stuck to local time for many years, leading
# to oddities like polls opening at 08:13 and closing at 16:13.
# The legal system finally switched to GMT when the Statutes (Definition
# of Time) Act took effect; it received the Royal Assent on 1880-08-02.
# In the tables below, we condense this complicated story into a single
# transition date for London, namely 1847-12-01.  We don't know as much
# about Dublin, so we use 1880-08-02, the legal transition time.

抱歉,我无法使用该帖子中的评论回复; StackOverflow认为我还不值得。

答案 2 :(得分:1)


过去,日历曾多次...... 已修复



答案 3 :(得分:0)


NSCalendar *cal = [NSCalendar currentCalendar];
NSDateComponents *dateComps = [NSDateComponents new];
dateComps.timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"UTC"];
dateComps.year = 1847;
dateComps.month = 12;
dateComps.day    = 1;
NSDate *d1 = [cal dateFromComponents:dateComps];
NSLog(@"d1 = %@", d1);

dateComps = [NSDateComponents new];
dateComps.timeZone = [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithAbbreviation:@"UTC"];
dateComps.year = 1847;
dateComps.month = 12;
dateComps.day    = 2;
NSDate *d2 = [cal dateFromComponents:dateComps];
NSLog(@"d2 = %@", d2);

[19875:60b] d1 = 1847-12-01 00:00:00 +0000
[19875:60b] d2 = 1847-12-02 00:00:00 +0000