
时间:2010-02-03 13:38:25

标签: c# .net delegates multicastdelegate


public delegate void MyMethodHandler(object sender);
MyMethodHandler handler = new MyMethodHandler(Method1);
handler += Method2;

上面的委托MyMethodHandler将调用这两个方法。 现在多播代表的位置在哪里。我已经读过它们可以调用多种方法,但我担心我对代理的基本理解是不正确的。

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:72)

This article解释得非常好:

delegate void Del(string s);

class TestClass
    static void Hello(string s)
        System.Console.WriteLine("  Hello, {0}!", s);

    static void Goodbye(string s)
        System.Console.WriteLine("  Goodbye, {0}!", s);

    static void Main()
        Del a, b, c, d;

        // Create the delegate object a that references 
        // the method Hello:
        a = Hello;

        // Create the delegate object b that references 
        // the method Goodbye:
        b = Goodbye;

        // The two delegates, a and b, are composed to form c: 
        c = a + b;

        // Remove a from the composed delegate, leaving d, 
        // which calls only the method Goodbye:
        d = c - a;

        System.Console.WriteLine("Invoking delegate a:");
        System.Console.WriteLine("Invoking delegate b:");
        System.Console.WriteLine("Invoking delegate c:");
        System.Console.WriteLine("Invoking delegate d:");
/* Output:
Invoking delegate a:
  Hello, A!
Invoking delegate b:
  Goodbye, B!
Invoking delegate c:
  Hello, C!
  Goodbye, C!
Invoking delegate d:
  Goodbye, D!

答案 1 :(得分:47)



答案 2 :(得分:11)

“所有委托实例都具有多播功能。” - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/orm-9780596527570-03-04.aspx

“在C#中,所有代理类型都支持多播” - http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/orm-9780596516109-03-09.aspx

答案 3 :(得分:5)

澄清一点:所有委托都是类MulticastDelegate的实例,无论它们是否有一个或多个目标方法。原则上,具有单个或多个目标的委托之间没有区别,尽管运行时针对具有单个目标的常见情况稍微优化。 (但是不能使用具有0个目标的代表,它是一个或多个。)

当您实例化new MyMethodHandler(Method1)之类的委托时,您可以使用单个目标(Method1方法)创建委托。



答案 4 :(得分:4)




答案 5 :(得分:-3)



0参数和void返回类型委托 -

方法1 -

using System;

delegate void SampleDelegate ();    //A delegate with 0 argument and void     return type is declared

class MainClass
    public static void Main ()
        SampleDelegate Del1 = new SampleDelegate (Message1);         //Del1 declared which points to function Message1
        SampleDelegate Del2 = new SampleDelegate (Message2);        //Del2 declared which points to function Message2
        SampleDelegate Del3 = new SampleDelegate (Message3);        //Del3 declared which points to function Message3
        SampleDelegate Del4 = Del1 + Del2 + Del3;                   //Del4 declared which points to function Message4

        //Del4 is then initialized as sum of Del1 + Del2 + Del3

        Del4 ();        //Del4 is invoked;

        //Del4 in turn invokes Del1, Del2 and Del3 in the same order they were initialized to Del4
        //Del1, Del2, Del3 in turn invokes their respective functions to which they point to
        //The three functions Message1, Message2 and Message3 gets executed one after another


        //This is message 1
        //This is message 2
        //This is message 3

        Del4 - Del1;    //Removes Del1 from Del4

        //New Output:
        //This is message 2
        //This is message 3

        Del4 + Del1;    //Again adds Del1 to Del4

        //New Output:
        //This is message 1
        //This is message 2
        //This is message 3

    public static void Message1 ()      //First sample function matching delegate signature
        Console.WriteLine ("This is message 1");

    public static void Message2 ()      //Second sample function
         Console.WriteLine ("This is message 2");

    public static void Message3 ()      //Third sample function
        Console.WriteLine ("This is message 3");

方法2 -

using System;

delegate void SampleDelegate ();

class MainClass
    public static void Main ()
        SampleDelegate del = new SampleDelegate (Message1);         //Declares del and initializes it to point to method Message1
        del += Message2;                                        //Now method Message2 also gets added to del. Del is now pointing to two methods, Message1 and Message2. So it is now a MultiCast Delegate
        del += Message3;                                        //Method Message3 now also gets added to del

        del ();                                                 //Del invokes Message1, Message2 and Message3 in the same order as they were added

        This is Message1
        This is Message2
        This is Message3

        del -= Message1;                                        //Method     Message1 is now removed from Del. It no longer points to Message1
                                                                //Del invokes the two remaining Methods Message1 and Message2 in the same order
        del ();
        New Output:
        This is Message2
        This is Message3

        del += Message4;                                        //Method Message4 gets added to Del. The three Methods that Del oints to are in the order 1 -> Message2, 2 -> Message3, 3 -> Message4
                                                                //Del invokes the three methods in the same order in which they are present.
        del ();
        New Output:
        This is Message2
        This is Message3
        This is Message4


    public static void Message1 ()
        Console.WriteLine ("This is Message1");

    public static void Message2 ()
        Console.WriteLine ("This is Message2");

    public static void Message3 ()
        Console.WriteLine ("This is Message3");

    public static void Message4 ()
        Console.WriteLine ("This is Message4");



方法1 -

using System;

delegate int SampleDelagate ();

class MainClass
    public static void Main ()
        SampleDelagate del1 = new SampleDelagate (Method1);
        SampleDelagate del2 = new SampleDelagate (Method2);
        SampleDelagate del3 = new SampleDelagate (Method3);
        SampleDelagate del4 = del1 + del2 + del3;

        int ValueReturned = del4 ();

        //Del4 invokes Del1, Del2, Del3 in the same order. Here the return type is int. So the return of last delegate del3 is returned. Del3 points to Method3. So returned value is 3.

        Console.WriteLine (ValueReturned);

        //Output: 3

    public static int Method1 ()
        return 1;

    public static int Method2 ()
        return 2;

    public static int Method3 ()
        return 3;

方法2 -

与Type 1相同的过程

因此,当存在MultiCast Delegate的返回类型时,返回值是最后一个委托的返回值。


int,int,ref int arguments和void return type delegate -

using System;

delegate void SampleDelegate (ref int SampleReferenceParameter);

class MainClass
    public static void Main ()
        SampleDelegate del1, del2, del3, del4;
        del1 = new SampleDelegate (SampleMethodOne);
        del2 = new SampleDelegate (SampleMethodTwo);
        del3 = new SampleDelegate (SampleMethodTwo);
        del4 = del1 + del2 + del3 - del3;

        int SampleReferenceParameterValue = 0;
        del4 (ref SampleReferenceParameterValue);

        Console.WriteLine (SampleReferenceParameterValue); 

    public static void SampleMethodOne (ref int SampleReferenceParameter)
        SampleReferenceParameter = 1;

    public static void SampleMethodTwo (ref int SampleReferenceParameter)
        SampleReferenceParameter = 2;

    public static void SampleMethodThree (ref int SampleReferenceParameter)
        SampleReferenceParameter = 3;

Here del4 is first set as sum of del1, del2 and del3. Then del3 is subtracted from del4. So del4 now has del1, del2.

When del4 is invoked, first del1 and then del2 is invoked.

del1 sets reference parameter to 1. del2 sets reference parameter to 2.

But since del2 is called last final value of reference parameter is 2