FPS相机实现错误(OpenGL / GLUT / C ++)

时间:2014-02-21 08:12:58

标签: c++ opengl camera rotation glut



void Camera::Control(int x, int y)
    switch (mode) {
        case AVATAR:
            if (x < prevX) direction.Rotate(1. * (prevX - x), up.Inverted());
            if (x > prevX) direction.Rotate(1. * (x - prevX), up);
            if (y < prevY) direction.Rotate(1. * (prevY - y), direction % up);
            if (y > prevY) direction.Rotate(1. * (y - prevY), up % direction);
            //up = (direction % up) % direction; //UP in vitual space or for the camera?
            prevX = x;
            prevY = y;
            //Debug vector values:
            //printf("\nwinX: %d\twinY: %d\n", x, y);
            //printf("radX: %0.3f\tradY: %0.3f\n", x, y);
            //printf("dirX: %0.3f\ndirY: %0.3f\ndirZ: %0.3f\n", direction.X, direction.Y, direction.Z);
            //printf("posX: %0.3f\nposY: %0.3f\nposZ: %0.3f\n", position.X, position.Y, position.Z);
        case ORBIT: /* ... */ break;
        default: break;

void Camera::Control(int x, int y) { switch (mode) { case AVATAR: if (x < prevX) direction.Rotate(1. * (prevX - x), up.Inverted()); if (x > prevX) direction.Rotate(1. * (x - prevX), up); if (y < prevY) direction.Rotate(1. * (prevY - y), direction % up); if (y > prevY) direction.Rotate(1. * (y - prevY), up % direction); direction.Normalize(); //up = (direction % up) % direction; //UP in vitual space or for the camera? prevX = x; prevY = y; //Debug vector values: //printf("\nwinX: %d\twinY: %d\n", x, y); //printf("radX: %0.3f\tradY: %0.3f\n", x, y); //printf("dirX: %0.3f\ndirY: %0.3f\ndirZ: %0.3f\n", direction.X, direction.Y, direction.Z); //printf("posX: %0.3f\nposY: %0.3f\nposZ: %0.3f\n", position.X, position.Y, position.Z); break; case ORBIT: /* ... */ break; default: break; } }

void Camera::Control(int key)
    switch (key) {
        case 'w': position += direction.Normal(); break;
        case 's': position -= direction.Normal(); break;
        case 'a': position += (up % direction).Normal(); break;
        case 'd': position += (direction % up).Normal(); break;
        default: break;

相机如何刷新其视图: void Camera::Control(int key) { switch (key) { case 'w': position += direction.Normal(); break; case 's': position -= direction.Normal(); break; case 'a': position += (up % direction).Normal(); break; case 'd': position += (direction % up).Normal(); break; default: break; } }


void Camera::Draw()
    gluLookAt(position.X, position.Y, position.Z, position.X + direction.X, position.Y + direction.Y, position.Z + direction.Z, up.X, up.Y, up.Z);

void Camera::Draw() { gluLookAt(position.X, position.Y, position.Z, position.X + direction.X, position.Y + direction.Y, position.Z + direction.Z, up.X, up.Y, up.Z); }

当我测试旋转功能并且整个概念仅在X轴上旋转时,它工作正常。我可以看看向量(Y轴)。仅围绕(方向%向上)和(向上%方向)旋转也有效。 (

void Vector::Rotate(float angle, float x, float y, float z)
    float rad = angle * PI / 180.;
    float s = sin(rad), c = cos(rad);
    float matrix[9] = {
        x*x*(1-c)+c,    y*x*(1-c)-s*z,  z*x*(1-c)+s*y,
        x*y*(1-c)+s*z,  y*y*(1-c)+c,    z*y*(1-c)+s*x,
        x*z*(1-c)-s*y,  y*z*(1-c)+s*x,  z*z*(1-c)+c
    *this = Vector(X * matrix[0] + Y * matrix[3] + Z * matrix[6], X * matrix[1] + Y * matrix[4] + Z * matrix[7], X * matrix[2] + Y * matrix[5] + Z * matrix[8]);

void Vector::Rotate(float angle, Vector& axis)
    Rotate(angle, axis.X, axis.Y, axis.Z);

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