使用vba在Access Query中传递参数值

时间:2014-02-23 10:00:06

标签: access-vba parameter-passing ms-access-2010 query-parameters

我们的要求 -

我们的供应商很少,我们希望在月内生成每个供应商的月度采购报告并导出到Excel。我认为解决方案是创建一个参数查询,我可以传递供应商ID,月和年的值。供应商列表不断变化,并存储在单独的表中。 所以,基本上,我应该能够从该表中顺序读取供应商ID,并作为参数传递给我的查询,以便为该供应商生成报告。

我为我的要求找到的最接近的解决方案(性质相似) -

Exporting Recordset to Spreadsheet


为什么我认为可以有更好的解决方案 -

在建议的解决方案中,我们创建了多个查询并删除了这些查询。从概念上讲,我觉得应该有一种方法来创建参数查询并使用do while循环将参数的值(上例中的DeptName)顺序传递给查询并将结果导出到excel。


2月24日更新 -

以下是我写的代码 -

Private Sub Monthly_Supplier_Sales_Report_Click()
Dim strDirectoryPath As String
Dim DateFolderName As String
DateFolderName = Format$((DateSerial(year(Date), month(Date), 1) - 1), "YYYY MM")
strDirectoryPath = "C:\dropbox\Accounting\Sales Reports\" & DateFolderName
If Dir(strDirectoryPath, vbDirectory) = "" Then MkDir strDirectoryPath

Dim Filename As String
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim strSQL2 As String
Dim DesignerCode As String
Dim month1 As String
Dim year1 As Integer
Dim Query1 As DAO.QueryDef
Dim query2 As DAO.QueryDef
Dim rsDesigner As DAO.Recordset

Set rsDesigner = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Designer Details Master")

Do While Not rsDesigner.EOF
DesignerCode = rsDesigner![Designer Code]
month1 = "Jan" 'right now hardcoded, will call this programatically
year1 = 2014   'right now hardcoded, will call this programatically

strSQL1 = "SELECT * FROM [Sales Report Generation Data] WHERE [designer code] = '" & DesignerCode & "' AND [Shipping Month]= '" & month1 & "' AND [Shipping Year]=" & year1

strSQL2 = "SELECT * FROM [Sales Report Generation - Monthwise Inventory Snapshot] WHERE [designer code] = '" & DesignerCode & "' AND [Snapshot Month]= '" & month1 & "' AND [Snapshot Year]= " & year1

Set Query1 = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(Name:="TempSalesQuery", SQLText:=strSQL1)
Set query2 = CurrentDb.CreateQueryDef(Name:="TempInventoryQuery", SQLText:=strSQL2)

Filename = strDirectoryPath & "\" & DesignerCode & Format$(Now(), " yyyy mm") & ".xls"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "TempSalesQuery", Filename, False, "Sales Report"
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "TempInventoryQuery", Filename, False, "Inventory"

CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Delete "TempSalesQuery"
CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Delete "TempInventoryQuery"


End Sub

相反,我想申请的逻辑是 -

Do While Not 
assign Value to Parameter 1 = rsDesigner![Designer Code]
assign Value to Parameter 2 = Month1
assign Value to Parameter 3 = Year1
Run the two Parameter queries, for which about three parameters are the input value and export to excel in respective sheets.

只是我还没弄清楚 - 如何实现这一点。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

这是一个解决方案。请注意,我创建了两个查询将使用的函数。 只需创建两个查询并保存它们(请参阅下面的示例SQL),添加代码以选择日期,一切都应该没问题。

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Dim fvShipMonth     As String
Dim fvShipYear      As Integer
Dim fvDesignerCode  As String

Public Function fShipMonth() As String
    fShipMonth = fvShipMonth
End Function

Public Function fShipYear() As Integer
    fShipYear = fvShipYear
End Function

Public Function fDesignerCode() As String
    fDesignerCode = fvDesignerCode
End Function

Private Sub Monthly_Supplier_Sales_Report_Click()
Dim Filename    As String
Dim strSQL1     As String
Dim strSQL2     As String
Dim DesignerCode As String
Dim month1      As String
Dim year1       As Integer
Dim rsDesigner  As DAO.Recordset

'SELECT * FROM [Sales Report Generation Data] " & _
'WHERE [designer code] = '" & fDesignerCode() & "' AND [Shipping Month]= '" & fShipMonth() & "' AND [Shipping Year]=" & fShipYear()

    fvShipMonth = "Jan"
    fvShipYear = 2014
    Set rsDesigner = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Designer Details Master")
    Do While Not rsDesigner.EOF
        fvDesignerCode = rsDesigner![Designer Code]
        Filename = strDirectoryPath & "\" & DesignerCode & Format$(Now(), " yyyy mm") & ".xls"
        DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "<your Query 1>", Filename, False, "Sales Report"
        DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, "<your Query 2>", Filename, False, "Inventory"
    Set rsDesigner = Nothing
End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:-1)

  1. 打开您的数据库
  2. 创建新模块
  3. 粘贴以下代码
  4. 将光标放在Function TEST_MY_CODE()
  5. 按F5
  6. 将响应中的即时窗口中的结果粘贴。

    Option Compare Database
    Option Explicit
    Dim fvShipMonth     As String
    Dim fvShipYear      As Integer
    Dim fvDesignerCode  As String
    Public Function fShipMonth() As String
        fShipMonth = fvShipMonth
    End Function
    Public Function fShipYear() As Integer
        fShipYear = fvShipYear
    End Function
    Public Function fDesignerCode() As String
        fDesignerCode = fvDesignerCode
    End Function
    Function TEST_MY_CODE()
        My_Click_EVENT      ' Test the code I provided
    End Function
    Private Sub My_Click_EVENT()
    Dim month1      As String
    Dim year1       As Integer
    fvShipMonth = "Jan"
    fvShipYear = 2014
    Debug.Print "**** START TEST ****"
    Debug.Print "fvShipMonth = " & fvShipMonth
    Debug.Print "fvShipYear = " & fvShipYear
    Debug.Print "fShipMonth() = " & fShipMonth()
    Debug.Print "fShipYear() = " & fShipYear()
    Debug.Print "**** END TEST ****"
    End Sub