
时间:2014-02-28 20:38:38

标签: meteor



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

https://atmospherejs.com/perak/fuzzy-search使用Levenshtein Distance算法。摘自自述文件的一个例子:

// If we have a collection named "Drinks" which contains "beer", "juice" and "milk"

var searchString = "bear"; // user typed "bear" instead of "beer"

// search "Drinks" collection for string "bear"
var someCursor = Drinks.find({ drink_name: searchString });

// "bear" is not found, so we want to find most similar word to give user suggestion (Did you mean...)
if(someCursor.count() == 0)
    // expose entire collection
    var tempCursor = Drinks.find({ }, { drink_name: true });

    // find most similar string
    var bestWord = mostSimilarString(tempCursor, "drink_name", searchString, -1, false);

    // in this example, bestWord is "beer", show user a suggestion: "Did you mean beer?"
    // ...

还有其他替代方案,例如https://atmospherejs.com/matteodem/easy-search,它使用Elastic Searchhttps://github.com/Crenshinibon/spomet,它也非常强大,但最初可能看起来更难使用。