将RX Observable传递给actor(scala)是否安全?

时间:2014-03-01 16:29:48

标签: scala akka rx-java

我一直在为RX Java使用scala绑定已经有一段时间了,我正在考虑将它与Akka Actors结合使用。 我想知道在Akka Observable s之间传递RX Actor是否安全/可能。例如,打印最多20个偶数的平方的程序(每一秒):

/* producer creates an observable and sends it to the worker */
object Producer extends Actor {
  val toTwenty : Observable[Int] = Observable.interval(1 second).take(20)

  def receive = {
    case o : Observable[Int] =>
      o.subscribe( onNext => println )

  worker ! toTwenty

/* worker which returns squares of even numbers */
object Worker extends Actor {
  def receive = {
    case o : Observable[Int] => 
       sender ! o filter { _ % 2 == 0 } map { _^2 }


  • Akka和RX会自动同步对Observable的访问吗?
  • Observable无法通过分布式系统发送 - 它是对本地内存中对象的引用。但是,它会在本地工作吗?
  • 假设在这个简单的示例中,工作将安排在subscribe的{​​{1}}电话中。我可以拆分工作,以便分别在每个演员身上完成吗?




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:10)

你的方法不是一个好主意。 Akka背后的主要思想是将消息发送到actor的邮箱,并且actor按顺序处理它们(在一个Thread上)。这样,2个Threads就不可能访问actor的状态并且不会出现并发问题。

在您的情况下,您在Observable上使用subscribe。您的onNext回调可能会在另一个线程上执行。因此,2个线程突然可以访问你的演员的状态。所以你必须非常小心你在回调中做了什么。这是您上次观察其他实现的原因。这些实现似乎抓住onNext中的值并将此值作为消息发送。 您不得在此类回调中更改actor的内部状态。而是向同一个演员发送消息。这样可以再次保证在一个线程上进行顺序处理。

答案 1 :(得分:4)

我花了一些时间进行实验,发现你可以在Akka中使用Observable s。事实上,由于Observable可以被认为是Future的多变量扩展,因此您可以遵循与Actors和Futures相结合的相同指南。事实上,官方文件和教科书(例如 Akka Concurrency ,Wyatt 2013)都支持/鼓励使用Future Akka,尽管有很多警告。


  • Observable s,与Future s一样,是不可变的,因此理论上它们在传递信息时应该是安全的。
  • Observable允许您指定执行上下文,非常类似于Future。这是使用Observable.observeOn(scheduler)完成的。您可以通过将Akka调度程序(例如system.dispatchercontext.dispatcher)传递给rx.lang.scala.ExecutorScheduler构造函数,从Akka的exec上下文创建调度程序。这应该确保它们是同步的。
  • 与上述内容相关,rx-scala在工作中有一个增强(https://github.com/Netflix/RxJava/issues/815#issuecomment-38793433),这将允许隐式指定一个observable的调度程序。
  • 期货以ask模式很好地融入Akka。类似的模式可以用于Observables(参见本文的底部)。这也解决了向远程可观察者发送消息的问题。


  • 他们和未来有着同样的问题。例如,请参阅页面底部:http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.3.2/general/jmm.html。还有关于2013年Wyatt期货的章节。
  • 与@ mavilein的回答一样,这意味着Observable.subscribe()不应使用Actor的封闭范围来访问它的内部状态。例如,您不应在订阅中调用sender。而是将它存储到val中,然后访问此val,如下例所示。
  • Akka使用的调度程序的分辨率与Rx不同。它的默认分辨率为100毫秒(Wyatt 2013)。如果有人对这可能导致的问题有经验,请在下面评论!



import akka.pattern.RX
implicit val timeout = akka.util.Timeout(10 seconds)
case object Req

val system = ActorSystem("test")
val source = system.actorOf(Props[Source],"thesource")

class Source() extends Actor {
  def receive : Receive = {
     case Req =>
       val s = sender()
       Observable.interval(1 second).take(5).materialize.subscribe{s ! _}

val obs = source ?? Req
obs.observeOn(rx.lang.scala.schedulers.ExecutorScheduler(system.dispatcher)).subscribe((l : Any) => println ("onnext : " + l.toString),
              (error : Throwable) => { error.printStackTrace ; system.shutdown() },
              () => { println("completed, shutting system down"); system.shutdown() })


onnext : 0
onnext : 1
onnext : 2
onnext : 3
onnext : 4
completed, shutting system down


package akka.pattern

 * File : RxSupport.scala
 * This package is a modified version of 'AskSupport' to provide methods to 
 * support RX Observables.

import rx.lang.scala.{Observable,Subject,Notification}
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
import akka.util.Timeout
import akka.actor._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import akka.util.Unsafe
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import akka.dispatch.sysmsg._

class RxTimeoutException(message: String, cause: Throwable) extends TimeoutException(message) {
  def this(message: String) = this(message, null: Throwable)
  override def getCause(): Throwable = cause

trait RxSupport {
  implicit def toRx(actorRef : ActorRef) : RxActorRef = new RxActorRef(actorRef)
  def toObservable(actorRef : ActorRef, message : Any)(implicit timeout : Timeout) : Observable[Any] = actorRef ?? message
  implicit def toRx(actorSelection : ActorSelection) : RxActorSelection = new RxActorSelection(actorSelection)
  def toObservable(actorSelection : ActorSelection, message : Any)(implicit timeout : Timeout): Observable[Any] = actorSelection ?? message

final class RxActorRef(val actorRef : ActorRef) extends AnyVal {
  def toObservable(message : Any)(implicit timeout : Timeout) : Observable[Any] = actorRef match {
    case ref : InternalActorRef if ref.isTerminated =>
      actorRef ! message
      Observable.error(new RxTimeoutException(s"Recepient[$actorRef] has alrady been terminated."))
    case ref : InternalActorRef =>
      if (timeout.duration.length <= 0)
        Observable.error(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Timeout length must not be negative, message not sent to [$actorRef]"))
      else {
        val a = RxSubjectActorRef(ref.provider, timeout, targetName = actorRef.toString)
        actorRef.tell(message, a)
  def ??(message :Any)(implicit timeout : Timeout) : Observable[Any] = toObservable(message)(timeout)

final class RxActorSelection(val actorSel : ActorSelection) extends AnyVal {
  def toObservable(message : Any)(implicit timeout : Timeout) : Observable[Any] = actorSel.anchor match {
    case ref : InternalActorRef =>
      if (timeout.duration.length <= 0)
        Observable.error(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Timeout length must not be negative, message not sent to [$actorSel]"))
      else {
        val a = RxSubjectActorRef(ref.provider, timeout, targetName = actorSel.toString)
        actorSel.tell(message, a)
    case _ => Observable.error(new IllegalArgumentException(s"Unsupported recipient ActorRef type, question not sent to [$actorSel]"))
  def ??(message :Any)(implicit timeout : Timeout) : Observable[Any] = toObservable(message)(timeout)

private[akka] final class RxSubjectActorRef private (val provider : ActorRefProvider, val result: Subject[Any]) extends MinimalActorRef {
  import RxSubjectActorRef._
  import AbstractRxActorRef.stateOffset
  import AbstractRxActorRef.watchedByOffset

   * As an optimization for the common (local) case we only register this RxSubjectActorRef
   * with the provider when the `path` member is actually queried, which happens during
   * serialization (but also during a simple call to `toString`, `equals` or `hashCode`!).
   * Defined states:
   * null                  => started, path not yet created
   * Registering           => currently creating temp path and registering it
   * path: ActorPath       => path is available and was registered
   * StoppedWithPath(path) => stopped, path available
   * Stopped               => stopped, path not yet created
  private[this] var _stateDoNotCallMeDirectly: AnyRef = _

  private[this] var _watchedByDoNotCallMeDirectly: Set[ActorRef] = ActorCell.emptyActorRefSet

  private[this] def watchedBy: Set[ActorRef] = Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, watchedByOffset).asInstanceOf[Set[ActorRef]]

  private[this] def updateWatchedBy(oldWatchedBy: Set[ActorRef], newWatchedBy: Set[ActorRef]): Boolean =
    Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapObject(this, watchedByOffset, oldWatchedBy, newWatchedBy)

  @tailrec // Returns false if the subject is already completed
  private[this] final def addWatcher(watcher: ActorRef): Boolean = watchedBy match {
    case null => false
    case other => updateWatchedBy(other, other + watcher) || addWatcher(watcher)

  private[this] final def remWatcher(watcher: ActorRef): Unit = watchedBy match {
    case null => ()
    case other => if (!updateWatchedBy(other, other - watcher)) remWatcher(watcher)

  private[this] final def clearWatchers(): Set[ActorRef] = watchedBy match {
    case null => ActorCell.emptyActorRefSet
    case other => if (!updateWatchedBy(other, null)) clearWatchers() else other

  private[this] def state: AnyRef = Unsafe.instance.getObjectVolatile(this, stateOffset)

  private[this] def updateState(oldState: AnyRef, newState: AnyRef): Boolean =
    Unsafe.instance.compareAndSwapObject(this, stateOffset, oldState, newState)

  private[this] def setState(newState: AnyRef): Unit = Unsafe.instance.putObjectVolatile(this, stateOffset, newState)

  override def getParent: InternalActorRef = provider.tempContainer

  def internalCallingThreadExecutionContext: ExecutionContext =

   * Contract of this method:
   * Must always return the same ActorPath, which must have
   * been registered if we haven't been stopped yet.
  def path: ActorPath = state match {
    case null =>
      if (updateState(null, Registering)) {
        var p: ActorPath = null
        try {
          p = provider.tempPath()
          provider.registerTempActor(this, p)
        } finally { setState(p) }
      } else path
    case p: ActorPath       => p
    case StoppedWithPath(p) => p
    case Stopped =>
      // even if we are already stopped we still need to produce a proper path
      updateState(Stopped, StoppedWithPath(provider.tempPath()))
    case Registering => path // spin until registration is completed

  override def !(message: Any)(implicit sender: ActorRef = Actor.noSender): Unit = state match {
    case Stopped | _: StoppedWithPath => provider.deadLetters ! message
    case _ =>
      if (message == null) throw new InvalidMessageException("Message is null")
        message match {
          case n : Notification[Any] => n.accept(result)
          case other                 => result.onNext(other)

  override def sendSystemMessage(message: SystemMessage): Unit = message match {
    case _: Terminate                      => stop()
    case DeathWatchNotification(a, ec, at) => this.!(Terminated(a)(existenceConfirmed = ec, addressTerminated = at))
    case Watch(watchee, watcher) =>
      if (watchee == this && watcher != this) {
        if (!addWatcher(watcher))
          watcher.sendSystemMessage(DeathWatchNotification(watchee, existenceConfirmed = true, addressTerminated = false))
      } else System.err.println("BUG: illegal Watch(%s,%s) for %s".format(watchee, watcher, this))
    case Unwatch(watchee, watcher) =>
      if (watchee == this && watcher != this) remWatcher(watcher)
      else System.err.println("BUG: illegal Unwatch(%s,%s) for %s".format(watchee, watcher, this))
    case _ =>

  @deprecated("Use context.watch(actor) and receive Terminated(actor)", "2.2") override def isTerminated: Boolean = state match {
    case Stopped | _: StoppedWithPath => true
    case _                            => false

  override def stop(): Unit = {
    def ensureCompleted(): Unit = {
      result.onError(new ActorKilledException("Stopped"))
      val watchers = clearWatchers()
      if (!watchers.isEmpty) {
        watchers foreach { watcher =>
            .sendSystemMessage(DeathWatchNotification(watcher, existenceConfirmed = true, addressTerminated = false))
    state match {
      case null => // if path was never queried nobody can possibly be watching us, so we don't have to publish termination either
        if (updateState(null, Stopped)) ensureCompleted() else stop()
      case p: ActorPath =>
        if (updateState(p, StoppedWithPath(p))) { try ensureCompleted() finally provider.unregisterTempActor(p) } else stop()
      case Stopped | _: StoppedWithPath => // already stopped
      case Registering                  => stop() // spin until registration is completed before stopping

private[akka] object RxSubjectActorRef {
  private case object Registering
  private case object Stopped
  private final case class StoppedWithPath(path : ActorPath)

  def apply(provider: ActorRefProvider, timeout: Timeout, targetName: String): RxSubjectActorRef = {
    val result = Subject[Any]()
    new RxSubjectActorRef(provider, result)
    /*timeout logic moved to RxActorRef/Sel*/
 * This doesn't work, need to create as a Java class for some reason ...
final object AbstractRxActorRef {
    final val stateOffset = Unsafe.instance.objectFieldOffset(RxSubjectActorRef.getClass.getDeclaredField("_stateDoNotCallMeDirectly"))
    final val watchedByOffset = Unsafe.instance.objectFieldOffset(RxSubjectActorRef.getClass.getDeclaredField("_watchedByDoNotCallMeDirectly"))

package object RX extends RxSupport



object TypedAskSupport {
  import scala.concurrent.Future
  import akka.actor.{ActorRef,ActorSelection}
  import scala.reflect.ClassTag

  implicit class TypedAskableActorRef(actor : ActorRef) {
    val converted : akka.pattern.AskableActorRef = actor
    def ?[R](topic : Subscribe[R])(implicit timeout : akka.util.Timeout) : Future[Observable[R]] =
    def ??[R](topic : Subscribe[R])(implicit timeout : akka.util.Timeout, execCtx : scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) : Observable[Observable[R]] =
      Observable.from (this.?[R](topic)(timeout))
    def ?[R](topic : Request[R])(implicit timeout : akka.util.Timeout) : Future[R] =
   def ??[R](topic : Request[R])(implicit timeout : akka.util.Timeout, execCtx : scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) : Observable[R] =
      Observable.from { this.?[R](topic)(timeout) }

  implicit class TypedAskableActorSelection(actor : ActorSelection) {
    val converted : akka.pattern.AskableActorSelection = actor
    def ?[R](topic : Subscribe[R])(implicit timeout : akka.util.Timeout) : Future[Observable[R]] =
    def ??[R](topic : Subscribe[R])(implicit timeout : akka.util.Timeout, execCtx : scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext) : Observable[Observable[R]] =
      Observable.from (this.?[R](topic)(timeout))
    def ?[R](topic : Request[R])(implicit timeout : akka.util.Timeout) : Future[R] =

答案 2 :(得分:3)


目前有一个候选版本适用于Akka Streams (middle of page),我认为在某种程度上尝试向rx-java&#39; s Observable提供类似的原语。

还有Reactive Streams的倡议,它通过方法toPublishertoSubscriber看起来也提供不同的这种原语之间的互操作性; Akka流实现了这个API,并且java-rx也有一个extension来提供这个接口。可以在this blog post上找到两者之间转换的示例,摘录如下:

// create an observable from a simple list (this is in rxjava style)
val first = Observable.from(text.split("\\s").toList.asJava);
// convert the rxJava observable to a publisher
val publisher = RxReactiveStreams.toPublisher(first);
// based on the publisher create an akka source
val source = PublisherSource(publisher);
